And us Aussies
And us kiwi's.
I hope there will be a DF comparison in the meantime lol. They always stir the pot.
And us Aussies
Does anyone know the amount of attunement needed to cast a spell? My bandit needs some miracles.
I have a European xbox 360 but my account is on US. Anyone knows if the games on demand version is region free?
Hmm I'll wait and hopefully someone knows.I assume it's region free since even most Namco Bandai DLCs on the PSN is region free. But you better wait though.
Oh yes!
I feel sorry for the people trying Souls out for the first time.
Amazing! What's that from?!
Cabin in the woods, great movie!Amazing! What's that from?!
I feel sorry for the people trying Souls out for the first time.
A lot of people are saying the FPS is slightly better on 360, but not V-Synced like PS3. I get the impression it's like Dragon's Dogma in that regard, where you have to choose between marginally better performance or no tearing. But the beta was fine even if not quite as nice as the first game but never Blight town bad, and that's probably because the game innately has a variable FPS whereas Dark Souls operated only in set multiples: 30, 15, and maybe 10 and 5. Anything that can be multiplied directly into 30 basically.You are talking about the 1st Dark Souls? I know about that infamous area, since a lot of people are making a huge ruckus over it on the Internet, hahaha.
I was actually asking about this game, Dark Souls 2. So if any PS3 players can share their experiences here, which I guess will still be very limited since it just gets out, I would be grateful.
There goes my STR build.
Seriously I am dumbfounded. Every single ULTRA greatsword has quality scaling except for 1 or 2.
I don't want to use a fucking hammer FROM!
75,915 deaths worldwide.
Cabin in the Woods I believe.
Cabin in the woods, great movie!
From that gif, I can see at least two things wrong with that title.
A lot of people are saying the FPS is slightly better on 360, but not V-Synced like PS3. I get the impression it's like Dragon's Dogma in that regard, where you have to choose between marginally better performance or no tearing. But the beta was fine even if not quite as nice as the first game but never Blight town bad, and that's probably because the game innately has a variable FPS whereas Dark Souls operated only in set multiples: 30, 15, and maybe 10 and 5. Anything that can be multiplied directly into 30 basically.
From that gif, I can see at least two things wrong with that title.
Shit, bad idea posting it in the first place. Mi culpa.That is actually a very huge spoiler for folks that have not yet seen the movie, hahaha.
Did not know this, I like this too.I'm so glad the 2h stances hold the weapon downward again.
I lol'dOh, you sweet summer child...
That is actually a very huge spoiler for folks that have not yet seen the movie, hahaha.
Funny thing is, I wouldn't have known that until you said. Thanks, Obama. ;P
Hahaha, well it's out in the open so what the heck.
Watch it anyways dude. It's a very fun movie.
You are talking about the 1st Dark Souls? I know about that infamous area, since a lot of people are making a huge ruckus over it on the Internet, hahaha.
I was actually asking about this game, Dark Souls 2. So if any PS3 players can share their experiences here, which I guess will still be very limited since it just gets out, I would be grateful.
But the beta was fine even if not quite as nice as the first game but never Blight town bad,
Anyone else watching manvsgame on twitch? This moment was amazing.
Well just ran into my first big cock blockThe Pursuer. He is so aggressive.
Is there anywhere to farm Human Effigies? Ibought all of them from the lady in the first level already. If there is another NPC that sells them, I'd love that info as well.
So let me tell you what's sort of bullshit about this game's numerous death penalties.
None of them are bad on their own, but picture this: you're stuck on a boss. You have nowhere else to go right now, and because you've died so many times enemies aren't spawning anymore. You don't have
Any effigies to use to become human, and your health bar is stuck at 50%.
Grinding for levels is pretty much out of the question. Effigies cost 5k souls, but again, grinding is made much more arduous thanks to the de spawning enemies. Fighting the boss is made all the tougher thanks to your lowered health.
Unless you really luck out and ace the boss, you're almost completely SOL. It always felt like there was something else to do in DeS and DkS - I think roadblocks happen much more frequently than in previous games.