You can restore humanity whenever you want without a bonfire as long as you have a human effigy. You can restore humanity RIGHT before a boss door now so you dont have to worry about dying and losing your humanity on the way to the boss
You can find a ring that reduces the loss from 50% to 25%. You can get it at the beginning of the game if you know where it is.
From what I'm hearing, the game seems more open than Dark Souls 1 from the beginning?
When I played the first game I had a general idea of how I should proceed due to looking at guides. Think I'm definitely gonna try to figure much of it out without a guide.
Definitely more open. Nothing like going through one of these games for the first time not knowing what's coming!
I was stuck for a WHILE thinking there was no where else to go, beating my head against a boss
(The Lost Sinner)
. Turns out I missed a path near the beginning
from Majula. There's stairs that go down to ankle high water; you can raise the door by examining a ring hanging from the wall, which took me forever to find.
There was another example a bit later on where I accidentally found a whole set of branching paths by accident...
I feel like I haven't been going in completely the "intended" order, which is fine, and actually what I prefer; I'm really happy the game still lets you do this.
Question about str and str weapons. If a weapon requires 20 str, but i only have 19, does 2h it make it ok, or do i still need 20 to equip it? It still has the 'X' on it even if i 2 h it below the str requirement.
Strange, I was using the great club for a long time before I had the STR for it. The X went away for me while two handing and I used it fine, just like DS1. But the message doesn't say you can use it effectively two handed like DS does. Perhaps you don't have the dexterity for the weapon you want to equip?
I think that as much as I want Dark Souls 2, I'm going to hold off until May. If I get it now it'll just tempted me to play it all day and with work and school I can't afford that. I also have Bravely Default that I'm going through right now.
It does seem like it's kind of hard to really stock up on consumables this time around. I haven't even found a blacksmith that sells unlimited arrows. I've been using the crossbow pretty much just with bolts I found in the world using it only to pull enemies and kill weaker ones. Not sure the best way to buy them.
You can probably find a spot further away from the bonfire that you haven't exhausted. It does take a while for enemies to dissapear, so you can still farm somewhat, but it keeps you in check.
From what I understand this revives the boss as well (if used next to the boss bonfire) and puts all enemies in the next NG+ cycle. In 45 hours I only have two of these items.
Strange, I was using the great club for a long time before I had the STR for it. The X went away for me while two handing and I used it fine, just like DS1. But the message doesn't say you can use it effectively two handed like DS does. Perhaps you don't have the dexterity for the weapon you want to equip?
You might be right, maybe i was looking for the message. I had the dex for sure. Also, not having the str doesn't seem to affect the swing animations, is that correct? It only gives it negative stats?
You might be right, maybe i was looking for the message. I had the dex for sure. Also, not having the str doesn't seem to affect the swing animations, is that correct? It only gives it negative stats?
Yeah, you can actually swing around a sword you can't wield and test out its move set now. I think it brings your base damage to 0. But before I had the STR to one hand, I accidentally swung the club one handed a few times and it wasn't nearly the death sentence that making that mistake would be in Dark Souls.
Someone in the review thread said that apparently that item does bring enemies back but in their NG difficulty forms which wouldn't be worth it for farming I think, as I would probably get destroyed even more with normal gear.
It does seem like it's kind of hard to really stock up on consumables this time around. I haven't even found a blacksmith that sells unlimited arrows. I've been using the crossbow pretty much just with bolts I found in the world using it only to pull enemies and kill weaker ones. Not sure the best way to buy them.
You can probably find a spot further away from the bonfire that you haven't exhausted. It does take a while for enemies to dissapear, so you can still farm somewhat, but it keeps you in check.
From what I understand this revives the boss as well (if used next to the boss bonfire) and puts all enemies in the next NG+ cycle. In 45 hours I only have two of these items.
From what I understand this revives the boss as well (if used next to the boss bonfire) and puts all enemies in the next NG+ cycle. In 45 hours I only have two of these items.
"The Pyromancer was Dark Souls easiest starting class, but theres no equivalent here; we didnt even find a Flame until around halfway through. Sorcerys been nerfed, too, with a hefty stamina cost for every spell cast."
Seems odd since watching the video where all the guys were saying they would choose magic.
If it's just a stamina cost instead of limited number of uses between bonfires, then that would be the opposite for me. Sorcery that requires just stamina management is totally viable.
When you first make it to majula, there is a sewer-looking cave behind the building with the cat NPC in it. Go in there, pull a ring-lever on a wall to open the gat and proceed to heide. Killing some of the stone giants with shields will reveal switches that come out of the ground. The one you want to kill is ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL the way at the top left next to the GIANT drawbridge. Once you kill him he reveals a switch that will lower the drawbridge. The giants are super slow, so you can run past all of them and just kill him. If you dont kill him fast enough the other ones will catch up, but you can easily run away from them. Once the drawbridge lowers, it's at the top. There is a boss behind that fog gate, so beware.
When you first make it to majula, there is a sewer-looking cave behind the building with the cat NPC in it. Go in there, pull a ring-lever on a wall to open the gat and proceed to heide. Killing some of the stone giants with shields will reveal switches that come out of the ground. The one you want to kill is ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL the way at the top left next to the GIANT drawbridge. Once you kill him he reveals a switch that will lower the drawbridge. The giants are super slow, so you can run past all of them and just kill him. If you dont kill him fast enough the other ones will catch up, but you can easily run away from them. Once the drawbridge lowers, it's at the top. There is a boss behind that fog gate, so beware.
we will know on april 25. i do agree: dark souls was phenomenal in 3D. cannot wait. once you go 3D you cannot go back, everything seems so flat and lifeless afterwards.
two real ways, one to forest of giants, the other to heide's tower. The pit is inaccessible until you buy the cat ring or have enough health to survive the fall, which means we can't really count that as a viable path starting out, and the secondary path down the staircase next to cat house requires you to beat Heide's tower first to get the miracle girl to move the contraption.
What. Strength is AMAZING in this game. Tons of poise damage, 100% (!) str increase when two handing, better move sets than the first game. Been using the Great Club. It's really good. That 2H R2-> R2 is amazing for bosses.
I thought they said magic was supposed to be better this time. :\
I guess the real problem I had with it in the first Dark Souls is it felt so nerfed compared to pyromancy, even with way more uses on a lot of spells. I guess if the power (and variety) is improved, the number of uses won't matter too much.
I was watching the giantbomb quicklook and the knight starts with wayyyy more HP than I did (I started Deprived). I guess both of those classes seem good for STR or quality builds though.
two real ways, one to forest of giants, the other to heide's tower. The pit is inaccessible until you buy the cat ring or have enough health to survive the fall, which means we can't really count that as a viable path starting out, and the secondary path down the staircase next to cat house requires you to beat Heide's tower first to get the miracle girl to move the contraption.
Yeah, seems there are two, and both of those paths seem to meet up at the ............ (more spoilers ahead)........................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................. .......................................dssfdsffs seapoifif sdfsajk;ua fsa prison area fsd fsadfsadf ds sffasdfasd so it's more like a circle jdsfka;jisad;lakfj; skkkdfileljkadfhui
I thought they said magic was supposed to be better this time. :\
I guess the real problem I had with it in the first Dark Souls is it felt so nerfed compared to pyromancy, even with way more uses on a lot of spells. I guess if the power (and variety) is improved, the number of uses won't matter too much.
I could be wrong, but I believe pyromancy is pretty much rolled into sorcery already anyway. No more scaling just based on how much you've upgraded the glove I believe. I think it scales with INT and FTH now.
Already asked this before, but might as well try again. Will EU have a day 1 digital download on 360? Nobody seems to know and I can't find anything online about it
I could be wrong, but I believe pyromancy is pretty much rolled into sorcery already anyway. No more scaling just based on how much you've upgraded the glove I believe. I think it scales with INT and FTH now.
No, I think you're right about that. Plus there's a third branch of magic now, not counting faith, though I'm unclear on whether or not it requires its own unique item to cast.
Kind of tempted to start a second character as sorcerer just to mess around with it, but I'm not sure how much of that is idle speculation to pass the time while I'm stuck at work when I'd rather be playing.
talk to Mild-Mannered Pate after you return from the lock door in Forest of Fallen Giants, and talk 3 o 4 times like Solaire in DS1 and he given to you, then you can summon Pate when you fight the boss The Last Giant
I thought they said magic was supposed to be better this time. :\
I guess the real problem I had with it in the first Dark Souls is it felt so nerfed compared to pyromancy, even with way more uses on a lot of spells. I guess if the power (and variety) is improved, the number of uses won't matter too much.
Already asked this before, but might as well try again. Will EU have a day 1 digital download on 360? Nobody seems to know and I can't find anything online about it
talk to Mild-Mannered Pate after you return from the lock door in Forest of Fallen Giants, and talk 3 o 4 times like Solaire in DS1 and he given to you, then you can summon Pate when you fight the boss The Last Giant