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Dark Souls II |OT| The Dark Souls of Dark Souls

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I've died like six times already I just fucking started. It's beautiful.


That said, I have to ask what might be a really stupid question: how the fuck do I set my lifegems so I can use them on the fly like estus? Or can't I do that?



Even as a hollow I can't ever use the white sign soapstone in my belt slot, it's always grayed out.

Ah. In that case you are not connected to PSN. If you boot into online mode, but disconnect you don't get booted to the title screen anymore.


So quick question,
after playing for 3 hours i finally hit the 50% health bar death limit. Im still exploring the forest and I read somewhere that the binding ring could be found un the beginning of the gane so, how close I am? Can someone give some general direction to ir?


I left a message on the ground that's gotten nearly 50 +'s so far and counting. What do I get for this? Am I gaining anything?

Each +Rating recovers some of your health.

It also reminds you that you have a heart of gold. Don't let anyone take it away from you!


I am Homie
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I've died like six times already I just fucking started. It's beautiful.


That said, I have to ask what might be a really stupid question: how the fuck do I set my lifegems so I can use them on the fly like estus? Or can't I do that?


equipment > belt slot


So quick question,
after playing for 3 hours i finally hit the 50% health bar death limit. Im still exploring the forest and I read somewhere that the binding ring could be found un the beginning of the gane so, how close I am? Can someone give some general direction to ir?

Head back to Majul and
head towards a dark entrance near the boars that can ravage you. Progress far enough in the new area it leads you to, and you'll have your desired ring. :)


it seems like if you have any connection issue or if PSN nerds out momentarily, you need to relog your character before you can ever soapstone again.

I'm wondering if it's because I'm in the CoC covenant....

Would make sense, they don't want you using help to deal with anything if you're part of that club.

I'm still hoping someone can tell me how you get those stupid Awestones because right now I feel like I'm accomplishing nothing by being part of this Covenant. I mean it's fun but enemies have so much health and hit so hard I would probably be halfway through the game already right now if I wasn't playing this way.

I would atleast like to get something for my troubles! Does anyone even have the guide yet?


Killed off
the last giant and pursuer
tonight, then spent a while exploring the rest of the area. Pretty nice level design; I like it more now that I've seen most (?) of it.

I've got four estus charges, so I'm almost back to DS1 tutorial levels of healing. :p


I disagree with these wholeheartedly. I just popped in DS1 not ten minutes ago and it flat out destroys Dark Souls 2 in almost every category

I can also confirm this. I compared both side to side and the difference is staggering.

If you have the opportunity, check it out. It only shows that DS2 is inferior.



  • That said, I have to ask what might be a really stupid question: how the fuck do I set my lifegems so I can use them on the fly like estus? Or can't I do that?



    then, in game, you should press the D-PAD DOWN, to Select the item.
So trophy question:

I've defeated four bosses in the game, but have only received a trophy for defeating the
Last Giant
. Is this normal?
You know, I've been running around as a knight of blue for about an hour now, and I have yet to be summoned to protect a single babu.

Does anyone know if I have to be in human form in order for this to work, or are people just not invading?
(And before you ask I am wearing the ring)


So... remember that thing about not feeling the difficulty?

Fuck that, the game is already beginning to spank me hard. I was waiting for this to happen.
Boss Spoiler in
Heide's Tower of Flame area: OH JESUS CHRIST IT'S ORNSTEIN. This game. This goddamn game.

I really hate how frail the weapons are, having to carry multiple copies sucks.


Persecution Complex
You gotta be human to see the signs! You using an effigy to restore your humanity?

Even when I was human at the start of the game I did not see any summon signs. I saw a ton of phantoms, and messages left but no summon signs which so far has been disappointing.

My first experience with Dark Souls was last March when I first played the game and I had no problem with jolly cooperation.

I also don't like the Demon Souls "everytime you die you have health taken away from you" aspect. Was not a fan of that in DeSouls.

That being said I have a question for Dark Souls II GAF: in the early areas of the game where can I find the item (forgot the name had a few beers) that turns me back into human form? Any specific areas early in the game to farm Humanity?

I remember just spending hours killing rats in Dark Souls 1 just trying to farm humanity so I could stay in human form and play co-op.


where is the woman from the trailer?
i'm in Majula,She is supposed to be here right?

In case you still need the help:
At the bonfire, look to the right of the worldwide death counter and towards the ocean. She is overlooking the ocean at a cliff slightly below you initially.

I've heard her position varies initially, but she's there somewhere.
Boss Spoiler in
Heide's Tower of Flame area: OH JESUS CHRIST IT'S ORNSTEIN. This game. This goddamn game.

I really hate how frail the weapons are, having to carry multiple copies sucks.
Oh geez best moment for me in Dark Souls 2 so far. And for whatever reason, he was super easy, only got hit by him twice.
how do you guys get to heids tower of flame ?

i'm running through sinner's keep...

Go to the right of the house with the cat, there'll be a cave. Ignore the contraption and go down further until you reach some water. You'll find a switch in the area (to the left I believe), the entrance to Heide's Tower of Flame will be after the switch.


The summon rules are weird. Killed a boss as a phantom, just souls, still undead. Put down the little sign and got summoned, this time I died on the boss, now I'm human.


Even when I was human at the start of the game I did not see any summon signs. I saw a ton of phantoms, and messages left but no summon signs which so far has been disappointing.

My first experience with Dark Souls was last March when I first played the game and I had no problem with jolly cooperation.

That's a shame to hear. I've managed to stay in human form for extensive periods of time, and I've seen a plethora of signs around bonfires and fog doors before a boss.

Not sure why you aren't catching in on the jolly fun. /: Maybe a server issue?


Doesn't seem to be the case for shards. Really need to upgrade my greatsword. :(

This is really something people need to realize: shards are a limited resource per NG now. If you waste them on weapons you abandon, you won't be able to level up others. If you, for example, don't manage your large titanite shards, all the titanite chunks in the world won't help since you can't bridge that +4-+5 gap. It's bit of the same way with souls as well due to extinction mechanics so don't waste mass amounts of souls by stupid deaths.


Do you think the newly implemented mechanics are actually fair for the newbies?

I'm particularly liking the fact that health drops after every death, but that's only because I have memorized all the enemy patterns from the previous game and each retry encourages me to retrace the path for retrieval.

I can only wonder how overwhelmed anyone new to the series would feel by such a brutal welcoming.

My suggestion to people new to the saga would be to begin with Dark Souls 1. The sequel basically is an expansion to the old formula.


I went straight to The Lost Bastille after defeating The Pursuer, the boss there was pretty much impossible for my level.

the boss is all the way to the bottom right ? after the skele archers, down a lift, and cross a waterway with big demons?

Do you think the newly implemented mechanics are actually fair for the newbies?

I'm particularly liking the fact that health drops after every death, but that's only because I have memorized all the enemy patterns from the previous game and each retry encourages me to retrace the path for retrieval.
I can only wonder how overwhelmed anyone new to the series would feel by such a brutal welcoming.

My suggestion to people new to the saga would be to begin with Dark Souls 1. The sequel basically is an expansion to the old formula.

harder. No directions whatsoever on what to do.

But i'm sure in the coming weeks there will be a comprehensive guide on which path to take for an optimal walkthrough.


Even when I was human at the start of the game I did not see any summon signs. I saw a ton of phantoms, and messages left but no summon signs which so far has been disappointing.

My first experience with Dark Souls was last March when I first played the game and I had no problem with jolly cooperation.

I also don't like the Demon Souls "everytime you die you have health taken away from you" aspect. Was not a fan of that in DeSouls.

That being said I have a question for Dark Souls II GAF: in the early areas of the game where can I find the item (forgot the name had a few beers) that turns me back into human form? Any specific areas early in the game to farm Humanity?

I remember just spending hours killing rats in Dark Souls 1 just trying to farm humanity so I could stay in human form and play co-op.

so far I didn't find anyone who drops them as loot. you can find them scattered around everywhere, though. there's one in the hut with those crazy old ladies, when you go up the stairs.


Ended up relogging and it worked, thanks. How can you invade in this game?

Same way as Dark Souls. Either use Cracked Red Eye Orbs, which are lootable in some places and [Source of Drop spoiler]
drop from the little piggies in Majul
or join the appropriate covenant to get your gank on.


Unconfirmed Member
I wrote a long spoiler free write up of my impressions so far (~45 hours of play). If there's a problem linking to my own site I'll remove it or just post the whole thing here.


Thank you for this! As someone riding the hype train full-speed into Friday, this write-up was the perfect stim shot in the arm. Also very reassuring considering some of the "issues" surrounding the game both at this time and during the run up to launch.

I've been curious about what the reviews are saying, but reviewers these days have a nasty tendency to recount every detail of their experience like they're chatting with friends. It not only feels awkward and unprofessional, but it creates a minefield of spoilers for players who love to go in as blind as possible to new environments, characters and other details.

So yeah, thanks again and respect for starting with Deprived :)
I cannot wait until Friday. Gonna rock a Swordsman focusing on DEX and ADP. Take it slow, talk to all NPCs (a lot), read every item description carefully and generally soak up the world.


Liking it so far.
Game is much larger than DS1.
Few things I dislike right now are the lack of good STR weapon, and how important the VIT stats is for heavy armor/weapon player than DS1.
My stats are so spread out between Vig/End/Vit/Str =/.
I decided to pick this up against my better judgement, not a bad game, but still following the same downward trajectory that Dark Souls started.
I picked sorcerer because I've played as everything but a primary magic user in a souls game. Magic still seems pretty damn good, 30 soul arrows to start is crazy. First thing I did was drop the petrified gift for the bird and got the great demon hammer (of course for the starting class with 4 strength), then I went down to Dragonrider and got rolled, then starting wandering the other way... And that's basically what I've been doing for like 5 hours.

One thing I always hated on Dark Souls about was that it's "open world" was very linear and and actually more restrictive than Demon's Souls level selector, they answered me now and the map seems really open so far. One big problem I'm finding though, I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just walking around aimlessly, I don't know where I am or what I'm supposed to be looking for. Every time I think I've stumbled across where I'm supposed to go, it ends up being another shortcut back to the bonfire or another locked door. I got bored so I walked back to Dragonrider and dropped my soulstone next to it and help three different guys fight him, and now I'm here. Maybe it's because it's almost 3:30 AM and I'm tired as hell and missing something painfully obvious, I'll try again tomorrow.

Also, the lighting, or perhaps more appropriately the lack there of, is sinfully bad, there's no excuse for it. I'm not even a graphics horse, but damn.


Love getting summoned, then watching the host die in some really stupid way. I was fighting the first enemy solo, finished it off... just in time to see the host miss a jump over a ledge and fall to his death.

Second bad one, went into a boss with him. First hit the boss knocks him into the water.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Hmm downed 4 bosses(only died to
last golem lol
) and got 5 estus +1 in ~10hrs not bad. Am I supposed to continue on after
no man's worf
? Also how much
int do I need to talk to the sorc merchant. Will he stay where he is till I get better age stats?
I can't get into what I assume is
huntsman's copse
as there's
some npc petrified
. I know the
miracle lady
opens a path too but im outta souls atm.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Forest of Giants is such a bummer opening level. So ugly and filled with really bland enemies. Compared to Undead Burg and Boletaria 1, it has been the weakest intro level of a Souls game yet. Really hope all the positive comments about other areas turns out to be true.

At least the torch effect in some of those grey, dull corridors has impressed me far more than I was led to believe. Really dull without, but the splashing shadows and jittery flame is very impressive.
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