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Dark Souls II |OT| The Dark Souls of Dark Souls

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Well, it took me about 5 hours of playing in the first area to beat that dragon rider and move on. I'm move rusty than I thought but maybe this mean I can keep playing.

Already not thrilled about how npc's are layed out. I seriously missed the green mage for a few hours and was trying to move on without my flask and upgrades. It seems good, but it's not grabbing me like DS1 did right at the start.

Also I stayed on total blackout about the game but it feels like there may be a bit more story? There was a cutscene after it started which I thought was nuts.

Try killing the giant knights over and over again. I practiced my evasion on them and I already got much better again. It really helps to learn doding in this game.


So what the heck do I do with the
huge ant
sitting in the back of the
area, spewing out
some sort of mist

I can't seem to interact with it.


Whilst I'm waiting till Friday, can I ask those playing now what the environments are like in terms of detail, clues and lore? Are they as rich as DS1 with little details and such?
There are a lot of different environments. While some are absolutely greatly designed, others suffer a bit from poor level design (what irritates me the most are small ledges or walls you can't climb but totally should be able to, a little bit too much of holes and water that you instantly die if you fall into). The level design does not seem as inspired and cohesive as it is in Dark Souls. One big exception is (early game spoiler)
, which far exceeds anything from the previous games. But that's just my opinion of course! And it might change again.
The environments do have a lot of detail and clues put into them, though. How that translates into the lore I don't really know. Guess we'll have to wait for ENB's lore videos to tell us about that.


Where can I find the
soul vessel?

Found it.. Time to correct some mistakes.

Any help would be appreciated.

My character:


Lv. 46

Vgr 14
End 8
Vit 13
Atn 10 (going to fix this for sure since my INT is so low)
Str 14
Dex 12
Adp 18
Int 5
Fth 5

before I re-spec, is my build ok?
My only regret is dumping points into ATN.


First major disappointment is the boss fight in
No-Mans Wharf
. The zone itself is top tier, great atmosphere, design and enemies. Then the boss, killed first try and didn't even take damage. Such a shame.


I answered that on the previous page.

I think the advantage compared to dual-handing is that dual-wielding allows for more versatile attacks because you can decide if you want to use the fast (L1) or the powerful attack (L2).
I'll have to watch the video I guess, because I have no idea what power stance is. And doesn't dual handing have weak/strong attacks too?

EDIT: I think I get it. I would need to test it out at least for dual-wielding vs dual-handing though.
Is movement/roll speed not affected by equip burden anymore? I put some armor on that put me in the 60% range and I don't see any difference from removing it and going under 10%. Maybe I shouldn't have dumped all of those points in VIT. :/


I answered that on the previous page.

I think the advantage compared to dual-handing is that dual-wielding allows for more versatile attacks because you can decide if you want to use the fast (L1) or the powerful attack (L2).

Can you parry or block while in power stance?


My EU copy just shipped!



Is the area where the
bird takes you from the nest
easier than the area with
all the giant knights

Thats where i am now and the area itself up to the boss is pretty short, but I died at the boss itself. getting to it was easy.
They dont seem that hard tbh
and im only level 34

im gonna go to the other destination with the giants instead and try them again later.


Another question: how do I
burn down the Windmills in the poison area
? Do I need
fire arrows
or something?

And will that
get rid of the poison on the ground
in that area as well?
There are a lot of different environments. While some are absolutely greatly designed, others suffer a bit from poor level design (what irritates me the most are small ledges or walls you can't climb but totally should be able to, a little bit too much of holes and water that you instantly die if you fall into). The level design does not seem as inspired and cohesive as it is in Dark Souls. One big exception is (early game spoiler)
, which far exceeds anything from the previous games. But that's just my opinion of course! And it might change again.
The environments do have a lot of detail and clues put into them, though. How that translates into the lore I don't really know. Guess we'll have to wait for ENB's lore videos to tell us about that.
Thanks. I see ENB has already put ep1 of his playthrough. Must resist! I will be trying to piece as much of the lore together myself though, it's nerdishly one of the things I'm most excited about, really taking my time and exploring everything in my first playthrough.


Power stance grants an incredibly big damage boost to your L2 attack. In this vid you can see that usually the damage bonus of L2 compared to L1 is ~50%. With power stance, the damage bonus of L2 compared to L1 is ~200%. I don't know if the ~50% figure applies to dual-handing as well, but if it does, then dual-wieldings key advantage is its versatility because you can do very fast and very powerful attacks with the same weapon.


Really disappointed that they didn't change nothing from Dark Souls...the same ugly graphics,awful animations,insane difficulty,respawning ennemies and terrible menue's and UI...I had some fun with Dark Souls but never finished it,this is why I just rented this to see if they improved some things but no so I wont waste my time with it...

Kudos to you guys enjoying this,besides all the negatives I said above,I can see the whole appeal but its not for me.


Woops, whacked a treasure chest until it broke apart and found rubbish. Is this because I broke it or was it rubbish inside?

Curious what was in it; it was the chest
in the first locked room above the bonfire in the castle in the Forest of Giants.

Also later area spoiler:
in the Lost Bastille after taking a left from the tower that one masked NPC is is a locked door and a cracked wall. How do I destroy it (which seems to be the suggestion by some messages on the ground}


impressions and spoilers for early game (played 5 hours)

I hope its just the early game but theres definitely some things in this that feel like a step back from the previous ones. Mainly that it feels a lot more linear in terms of where you are able to go (the levels still have that go around then unlock shortcut design, but theres only one area to explore).

I made it to the first boss and thoroughly explored everywhere on the way, got the mansion key, blacksmith key, pharoah's key, the coffin betwixt, seemingly all the loot i can get to. At this point I appear to only have two choices - beat the first boss or go to an area that is clearly way too hard (tower place), and quickly leads to a boss fight if I run through it.

In DS 1 when I got stuck on a boss there were always other areas I could explore, I never felt like I had literally only one path to make progress.

Combining that with the limited items and non-respanwing enemies, and losing life everytime you die makes it feel like you could conceivably run out of the finite number of souls available, not be able to buy more items, and not be able to return to human form and so have a tiny life bar.

Basically putting a finite cap on the amount of resources available means you could eventually be completely screwed.

In practice I'm not anywhere near having cleared out all the souls available to me, but I do seem to be down to my last effigy. Knowing that my lifebar is going to continue to shrink until I make forward progress and find more effigies (presumably there is only a finite number of them) puts a limit on the number of times you can reasonably retry something before the diminishing life bar makes it unpossible.

For me that limit makes me not want to play it, since I don't want to be doing anything unless I am doing my 'best', otherwise I'm wasting resources. Like I don't want to try the boss fight one more time because this is my last effigy, and if I don't beat them its going to make it harder next time, and I could feasibly get stuck unable to beat them because I only have a sliver of life.

I really hope there is a source of unlimited effigies later in the game, but then with the limited number of souls even if there is a vendor selling them they will still be limited.


Really disappointed that they didn't change nothing from Dark Souls...the same ugly graphics,awful animations,insane difficulty,respawning ennemies and terrible menue's and UI...I had some fun with Dark Souls but never finished it,this is why I just rented this to see if they improved some things but no so I wont waste my time with it...

Kudos to you guys enjoying this,besides all the negatives I said above,I can see the whole appeal but its not for me.

The game has never been about graphics. Say what you will, but some of these environments blow other games out the water.

Janky animations are a series staple.. Love or hate them.

Insane difficulty is part of the games appeal.. It's not for everyone.

Enemies no longer infinity re-spawn. It's much harder to grind your way through this one.

The menu/UI is better. But I agree there's room for improvement.

It's really not for everyone. Even accomplished players are having a tough go with DS2. Over a million deaths day one (last I checked).


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
How can I do something in the
covenant? I got in, but now I need to invade people, right? How can I do that?

I've been stuck at the second boss
the pursuer
for way too long :(

You know you can
use the huge arrow machines in the back right? They take off 90% of his health.
it feels a lot more linear in terms of where you are able to go (the levels still have that go around then unlock shortcut design, but theres only one area to explore).
I can think of three places you can choose to explore and actually make progress in at your point in the game. I've played about 10 hours and the game opens up at an exponential rate after the first significant boss. It seems more similar to Demon's Souls where you're encouraged to skip around different areas and work through them in tandem.


second boss spoiler
Every time I try to use the bolt things he destroys them before I get a chance to fire xD doesn't it kinda feel cheap tho if it really does do that much damage?


I answered that on the previous page.

I think the advantage compared to dual-handing is that dual-wielding allows for more versatile attacks because you can decide if you want to use the fast (L1) or the powerful attack (L2).
Nice, I'm definitely going to experiment with that later on.


Also later area spoiler:
in the Lost Bastille after taking a left from the tower that one masked NPC is is a locked door and a cracked wall. How do I destroy it (which seems to be the suggestion by some messages on the ground}

Either get the
scythe dude to kick the barrel down the stairs
, or try to
push it down yourself

Or you could just get the
Bastille key
in the
Belfry Tower, (accessible by using a lockstone after beating the boss)


Yeah, I saw the two guys below me and figured I'd be fine if I fell.

Then I found out there were 3 of them. And it was really narrow. Fuck.

Yeah, I also succumbed to that jump. Then I tried it again, failed, and tried to get my souls back but I still died. It definitely is a trap, ha ha. I'll have to come back when I get some more arrows.


EU servers aren't up yet I take it :/

It's only 2 days early.

Also I got really excited when I saw an actual, proper manual with the game


I can think of three places you can choose to explore and actually make progress in at your point in the game. I've played about 10 hours and the game opens up at an exponential rate after the first significant boss. It seems more similar to Demon's Souls where you're encouraged to skip around different areas and work through them in tandem.

I really can't think where, can someone give me a hint?

I'm at the last giant boss, as far as I can tell I have cleared out the forest of giants area before that (including area with boulder rolling on you). I went to that tower area you get to via the aqueduct and ran past the big dudes, eventually got to a boss and got one hit. I can't think where else I could explore, I've cleared out betwixt and the only other place was blocked by a statue infront of a lever.
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