Maybe weight controls the animation type you get, and adaptability controls the actual speed or invincibility frames?
There are some optional enemies inthat have lightning damage weapons as a guaranteed drop, which I believe inherently scales with faith. There's also a covenant inGiant's Forest and Bastillethat lets you buy an item that will make weapons have lightning damage.Heide's Tower
Maybe I'm wrong, but the tooltip in the weapon stat screen implies that all lightning damage scales with faith. Hope that helps.
Me either, but when I was playing through Forest of Giants I'd get a "your message was rated" message every minute or so (I left a lot of messages). It'd be annoying if it weren't so cool. Hope I helped some people out of a jam.Holy crap, just checked on one of early game messages I left and it had a rating of 117, highest I've seen I think! Don't think I got a single rating in the original!
oh boy...what?
I assume it's the same as is DS1, which was flicking the stick forward + light attack. The timing is pretty tight so you might want to do it a few times to practice it.
Dude, this giant is killing me in one hit and his reach is ridiculous. What the hell?
I'm really starting to doubt this swordsman build.
Some of the blood stains just absolutely kill me with laughter. Anyone else?
oh, gross. never did it in ds1 for that reason
My copy of DS2 finally came in today and my fiance just sent me a picture of it with our dog Sif. So pumped to get home today.
there is a ring that makes weapon, armor and ring degradation way way slower. Otherwise, I don't think so.
Died non stop to those 3 sentinels, burned through 3 effigies and stuck with 50% health. Killed the trash mobs so many times they stopped spawning then I said fuck it and summoned some helpers. The estus flask is precious in this game, seems healing overall is way lower.
After killing them I just put my sign outside their door and got chain summoned for 3hours. Walked away with a huge number of souls. Having a dedicated server this time around is so much better. Had zero failed summons.
Gotta wait til UK launch on Friday but a question to ask:
How is the lack of respawning enemies working for people? Its my biggest fear in the game.
He's bad at most games though.I can't even watch the Giant Bomb quick look of this game. Brad is so frustratingly bad. He's so bad it makes me wonder how he actually beats other games to review.
What an annoying mechanic. What's the purpose?
HA HAHoly crap you canequipment. Nice addition.sell
Date with an ex? Hmm always thought those were just for sex.At work and all I can think about is running home to play Dark Souls. Even cut a date shirt yesterday with a semi ex to play last night lol.
Really not liking this death penalty system.
When you're summoned now, do you lose your souls if you die? I liked that you didn't in DkS1. Also, do you have to be human?
I'm not sure where to go anymore. I just beat "No Mans Warf". Now where to? I'm pretty sure everyplace in my bonfire has been conquered.
If you get summoned and fail any items used stay used. If you succeed any items used get reset when you return to your world. In both cases you keep your souls and if you win you get bonus souls. Its the easiest way to farm souls for levels. Yes you need to be in human form. Also I'm playing from the UK and lag is fine.
After beating No Man's Wharf the game should take you to The Lost Bastille
This game is brutal. Probably died close to 10 times now and I haven't even seen the first boss. The game really seems to force you to fight groups of enemies now, quite challenging. But it does feel like I'm learning.
It did, and it brought me back around to the place I was at before with theNow where?blacksmith
Yep and the average grunt is only a couple of swings away from killing you. Makes things really tricky when you get more than 2 of them.
Finally unpetrified the statue near Majula.
Wait, what the fuck. Wait is that a......? NOOOOooooOOOOOO
Just found the Double Sided spear...yep Im going with a dex build
Proceed through the level until you reach Sinner's Rise
Awesome! Do you turn to Human using Humanity?
Our little girl <3, really tho, why are you not home yet I do not wanna open this till you are here.My copy of DS2 finally came in today and my fiance just sent me a picture of it with our dog Sif. So pumped to get home today.
If you get summoned and fail any items used stay used. If you succeed any items used get reset when you return to your world. In both cases you keep your souls and if you win you get bonus souls. Its the easiest way to farm souls for levels. Yes you need to be in human form. Also I'm playing from the UK and lag is fine.
What happens when someone rates your messages, do you get anything? Or being summoned?
Our little girl <3, really tho, why are you not home yet I do not wanna open this till you are here.