This game is brutal. Probably died close to 10 times now and I haven't even seen the first boss. The game really seems to force you to fight groups of enemies now, quite challenging. But it does feel like I'm learning.
Kinda off topic, but funny:
My favorite band SEVENDUST must be Dark Souls fans. They have a new album coming out called "Time Travelers & Bonfires" lol.
Just found the Double Sided spear...yep Im going with a dex build
Our little girl <3, really tho, why are you not home yet I do not wanna open this till you are here.
Available: April 25th, 2014
This game will unlock in approximately 1 month, 2 weeks, 1 day and 11 hours
No spoilers on details but Noobest on Twitch just discovered a blacksmith for making boss soul weapons. HYPE CONFIRMED
Where is this statue?
had to break down and summon some help, or risk losing the 10k+ souls I had when I originally died to it. Glad that's over.
Just found the Double Sided spear...yep Im going with a dex build
Wait, where is this blacksmith?
I am 14 hours in now and am loving it.
I am very impressed with the way they've upped the intensity of resource management. I think if this game came out first, instead of demons or dark, it would have a reputation like Shadow Tower's, where people are afraid to play it because of how scary it is that your weapons break so fast.
Handing out one flask at a time is brilliant. I a up to four flasks now and I treasure each one and make constant calculated risks where I only heal if I think I can be one-shotted. It's making me play way more carefully than I did in DkS.
The weapon degrade system may be my favorite thing. I think it's the absolute best across the souls, king's field and shadow tower games. I have a fire long sword +4 as my main weapon and always at least a dagger in reserve. In larger areas I have a second heavier weapon just to be sure I can make it to the next bonfire. This additional pressure/friction had come into play several times for me and it's added another layer of tension and release, it's completely genius.
Also when my only good weapon broke early on and I had to switch back to the dagger until I found the goddamn key for the blacksmith, well, let's just say that people's worries that this game wouldn't continue the Souls ethos about actions not having consequences turned out to be absolutely wrong.
had to break down and summon some help, or risk losing the 10k+ souls I had when I originally died to it. Glad that's over.
I still don't "get" what is fun about weapons breaking. So instead of rolling with one weapon am I supposed to have a minimum of two that I always use? It seems like you need to carry a couple weapons now in case one breaks or gets weak.
I might give it a try, but what class do you recommend? I don't want to go bandit and run into the same exact problems as now. And what stats should I invest in. Because it looks like there are clear "right" and "wrong" ways to spec out your character.
Some help here would be great:
I revived the guy who is supposed to make weapons out of boss souls but he's saying I lack intelligence. (I started as a bandit so 1 Int, haven't leveled it up)
Anyone know the Int requirement?
Also, can someone explain the hollowing out process to me? I'm not getting any more human after beating bosses, either myself or while summoned. But now, despite being hollowed the hell out, I'm still at 90% health and it doesn't decrease. Could it be because I have a bunch of tokens of fidelity from helping people?
Does anyone know if the stats on the official Namco Dark Souls II site is legit? It seems kind of wrong, at least when comparing the 360 to ps3 stats.
For example only 3 people cleared the game on ps3, while over 1500 did on 360? Doesn't seem right
As long as they don't break completely, they repair at bonfires.When do weapons repair?
I had my beginning axe get toasted fairly quickly into the game.... my other weapons have yet to break.
Does anyone know if the stats on the official Namco Dark Souls II site is legit? It seems kind of wrong, at least when comparing the 360 to ps3 stats.
For example only 3 people cleared the game on ps3, while over 1500 did on 360? Doesn't seem right
You can use homeward bone during bosses now.
whenever I hollow I go get summoned for a boss and I turn human again, so you can definitely use that method. You might need to do it multiple times if you're really low HP, I haven't tested it much.
I have tons of those tokens too but I haven't been super-hollow since the beginning of the game when I was jumping off everything trying to find secrets. Are you wearing theby any chance?binding ring
You do know repair powder still exists right?
Pretty sure you can do that in DkS
How far until you get a bigger soapstone? Mine so small and puny....
My favorite band too!
a white one? I got mine fromPate. I just went into that area he said was trapped, and talked to him afterwards.
Also since I have a knack for posting right at the end of a page, if anyone can confirm whether or not the turtle knights drop their weapon I'd appreciate it.
When do weapons repair?
I had my beginning axe get toasted fairly quickly into the game.... my other weapons have yet to break.
What a complete crock of shit. Rember this?
You know, the one you can buy in infinite numbers from Oswald at 5k a piece? Guess what, it's the same mechanic. Except instead of buying several copies, you just pay to have it repaired. Or is it super-casual now that it's 3K instead of 5K? Come on.