The Ring of Giants must scale with gear. I had on the standard knight set and it was 50.0, but I become slower. So I put on some leather leggings to lighten me up and it is now at 38.0
Rings have weight now!
The Ring of Giants must scale with gear. I had on the standard knight set and it was 50.0, but I become slower. So I put on some leather leggings to lighten me up and it is now at 38.0
Fuck respawn limits.
In the first area, there's a jump I'm trying to make for an item. Normally, this would be a personal challenge; I can't quite get it right, but I'm so close I can taste it. Unfortunately, I'm afraid to despawn the whole area before this jump, so I'm actually going to give up for now. Just casting a cloud over everything I do.
Also, does anyone know how to compare new equipment to my currently equipped stuff? I can't seem to figure out how to tell how much dmg scaling adds on weapons since it only shows base until you equip it. I also want to buy armor but can't compare it to what I have without backing out and memorizing my individual pieces' stats.
Good knowing I could have skipped the. In future playthroughs, I suspect I might do this a time or two.Rat battle
Yep, it's very obvious. I'm surprised (well, not really) that DF said it does not go above 30fps at all.The framerate on PS3 clearly goes above 30 and stays there in certain areas. I just arrived at The Lost Bastille and here is a perfect example of this.
I thought the respawn was based on how many times you killed an individual enemy
Flexile Sentry down. Not so bad.
The framerate on PS3 clearly goes above 30 and stays there in certain areas. I just arrived at The Lost Bastille and here is a perfect example of this.
It is.
Ale drinking merchant in the wharf has disappeared,anyone knows where hè has gone to?
5 counting the hole and training area.Go back towards the training area but not into the cave, you're likely missing one.
How the fuck are people playing this?
The framerate is garbage.
He's only a one-time thing unfortunately. I just found him on my playthrough, but I'm gonna wait until much later to talk to him so I can sell a lot of extra gear.
Yeah it is on an individual basis. I still don't want to leave an entire half of an area barren. Just breaks my heart.I thought the respawn was based on how many times you killed an individual enemy, because in one area with the various stone giant soldiers, I killed one of them many more times than the others, and it was the first to stop spawning.
Also, about comparing equipped items versus items intended for purchase, not sure how to do that. It boggles my mind that it isn't like Dark Souls 1 where you can just see a red or blue value comparing how an item stacks up to your equipped items.
He's only a one-time thing unfortunately. I just found him on my playthrough, but I'm gonna wait until much later to talk to him so I can sell a lot of extra gear.
The framerate on PS3 clearly goes above 30 and stays there in certain areas. I just arrived at The Lost Bastille and here is a perfect example of this.
What do these letter grades on items like B and C mean?
What do these letter grades on items like B and C mean?
What do these letter grades on items like B and C mean?
From what I know I think it's how much a attack bonus you get from a specific stat.
You know if it has a B with dex and E with str you will do more damage with a dex build
What do these letter grades on items like B and C mean?
Meaning the weapon will do more damage if I have a higher dexterity Stat?
Wow that sucks big time, since i didn't buyGiants ring.
Hè won't despawn if you don't talk to him?
Where is he? I thought I'd been everywhere in there lol
I really don't know if I should go for a STR build or a DEX build.
In the 2 previous games I went with Dex. I like fast weapons like Katanas and Lances. But I've allways wanted to try out a character with one of those badass big swords (Zweihander or otherwise).
I just feel the roll is a bit weird in this game. Like there is some delay between the attack animation and roll animation. So I don't know if going for mobility is going to be as good in DS2 as it was in DS1.
Any advice from people further in the game. Is there more variety of STR focused weapons or DEX?
The bonus damage you get from your stats on top of the base damage of a weapon. For example, if a weapon has an A scaling in STR and D in DEX, that means it gets a big boost from your strength stat, a small boost from your dexterity stat, and no boost at all from your intelligence and faith stats. It's a good idea to use weapons that scale well with the stats you're focussing on (though it's not necessarily guaranteed to give the best damage, for example sometimes a weapon with bad scaling but high base damage can do more damage overall).
3 afaik
The way the game handles torches is a bit funky.Meaning the weapon will do more damage if I have a higher dexterity Stat?
Also what's up with torches? I keep finding them but when I look in my inventory and equipment I can't find them or equip them.
Fuck this certain boss. Wtf do I do when I run out of effegies? Since killing others' bosses doesn't restore your humanity for some stupid reason![]()
I beat that one solo. Just have to patient. The next boss is the one being a painLost Bastille:
So has anyone managed to beat the Sentinels without summoning? It seems like it would be impossible.
Once you have to fight two of them at once there are so little opportunities to attack. I think I'm going to check out the Tower of Flame before giving it another shot.
Do a few rounds of jolly cooperation. After a few kills you should go back to human (thats the word on the street).
2. I am a Knight and I was wondering how I dual wield. I have two of the same sword and I press triangle but nothing happens... It worked on my swordsman for the hour that I played with him.
Has anyone had a cracked blue eye orb actually work? Always says unable to find a world to invade.
Cuz no one's sinning. Yet.