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Dark Souls II |OT| The Dark Souls of Dark Souls

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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Having trouble with that boss and it's super annoying that there's no shortcut to open. :/

Took me a few tries. I found that the
spiked club side was easier than the sword side, but the fight is too hectic to really make it do what you want all the time so you just have to know all the attacks. Be patient and keep that shield up when appropriate although you can dodge all the attacks too. I made it a point to not dual-hand a weapon for more damage because being greedy like that was too risky. I didn't check if you could summon an NPC before the fight, but imo that would be kind of a waste of an effigy.
Ah, I don't know about the PAL version. I did see a unboxing for the standalone black armor edition and it did have the cover.

Hmm looks like the PAL version is just different, I found an unboxing of the CE one on YouTube and his didn't have a slip cover either.

PAL tin cover thing isn't even 'raised' or whatever you call the bumpy parts of it. Bit disappointing that we get a lesser one.

I'll just pick another one up cheap much later on to go on my shelf I guess.


In the Wharf? I assume you rang the bell near the top of the area, if not do that first. You can't miss it, but it is way up there. Afterwards, descend from there but not the same way you came. You have to jump down a couple platforms hugging the mountain and eventually find your way to a different plank boardwalk. It leads directly to the ship.

I did not go that way, nope. That Old Dragonslayer area doesn't have a lot to it, but look around regardless. Have you been to the
Wharf? It's another offshoot from the Tower area

Yeah, I just beat Flexile Sentry before coming back to take out the Old Dragonslayer. Odd that there is a bonfire at a dead end here.


Feel like a total noob, but I just can't take down the first boss. I die in one hit no matter what, and it's really hard to see his arms coming since the camera is so low. I still can't figure out how to reverse hollowing, so sitting at 50% health isn't helping either.


Feel like a total noob, but I just can't take down the first boss. I die in one hit no matter what, and it's really hard to see his arms coming since the camera is so low. I still can't figure out how to reverse hollowing, so sitting at 50% health isn't helping either.
I just beat him, and he could one shot me.
get on one side of the room, and when he comes towards you, sprint under his legs. Turn around, slash at his legs twice, then roll away to the other side of the room. Lather, rinse, repeat. As long as you as behind him he can't hit you with his arms, and as long as you roll away after slashing, he can't step on you. DO NOT LOCK ON WHEN RUNNING UNDER HIM


I've never had to summon for bosses in the Souls series (I always beat bosses alone), but the
Ruin Sentinels are
really testing my patience.

It seems like
when one hits me and I block and try to go for it, the other one already prepared its attack and deals killer damage to me.
Every single time. I also wasn't able to heal a single time because of this ridiculous pattern.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Feel like a total noob, but I just can't take down the first boss. I die in one hit no matter what, and it's really hard to see his arms coming since the camera is so low. I still can't figure out how to reverse hollowing, so sitting at 50% health isn't helping either.

You have to use an effigy. They're like humanities from the first game. Careful not to use them too liberally, they're fairly uncommon, but for a boss you should probably use one. It was definitely tougher than some of the bosses that came after it. Dodge dodge dodge.

Why won't it let me apply aromatic ooze to my sword?

Fucking From still hasn't figured out how to explain basic important shit.

Have to have the weapon and item equipped and press 'square/x on 360'.

Yeah, I just beat Flexile Sentry before coming back to take out the Old Dragonslayer. Odd that there is a bonfire at a dead end here.

I figure it has something to do with that NPC on the balcony. Might be part of a covenant or something that players would consistently go back to. Have you done the bastille yet? You will have to beat that boss eventually. After the Forest, Tower, and Wharf, I did the Bastille. Just beat the (first?) boss there. Toughest so far! But there's a trick to make it trivially easy...
Made it past the giant and I'm on the next boss now! And...he's equally annoying.

Sometimes I think this game is more obsessed with being hard than it is about being fun. Dying in one hit is shitty no matter how it plays out. At least let me take a couple hits, how else am I going to figure out their patterns? I did put a good number of points into my adaptability, but these bosses still stagger me in one blow so I might as well be dead.

I think I'm getting the hang of dual wielding though. Still need a shield for bosses (at least a stagger isn't an instant kill) but I'm tearing though the low level guys.
So I guess
Old Sun Ring
is gonna be THE ring for pvp now. Been doing some duels, and numerous people I've faced had it on. Every time I did big damage, I just get blown up for all my health and die lol.

Edit: Oh and goodbye to the amazing sprint attack on the Great Scythe. I will miss you.

The Lamp

You have to use an effigy. They're like humanities from the first game. Careful not to use them too liberally, they're fairly uncommon, but for a boss you should probably use one. It was definitely tougher than some of the bosses that came after it. Dodge dodge dodge.

Have to have the weapon and item equipped and press 'square/x on 360'.

I figure it has something to do with that NPC on the balcony. Might be part of a covenant or something that players would consistently go back to. Have you done the bastille yet? You will have to beat that boss eventually. After the Forest, Tower, and Wharf, I did the Bastille. Just beat the (first?) boss there. Toughest so far! But there's a trick to make it trivially easy...

I did that. It's still greyed out and won't let me do it.
Mild area name spoilers and boss name spoiler but mostly I think I might have run into a bug
I am in the area past the Gryn's Respite bonfire in the Doors of Pharros area and I can not attack any of the mobs and none of the mobs aggro onto me. Anyone have this issue.
This feels like a bug.

Never mind. I figured it out. MUHAHAHAHAHA!!


Feel like a total noob, but I just can't take down the first boss. I die in one hit no matter what, and it's really hard to see his arms coming since the camera is so low. I still can't figure out how to reverse hollowing, so sitting at 50% health isn't helping either.

Stay behind it and whack on its legs. Always leave enough stamina to roll away if he raises his foot. Roll through the legs if it turns to you so you don't get smacked.

Just be patient~

Silly question but how do i drop something without using it. i want to drop an item in a specific spot but i'm not sure whether to leave or discard it.

I've never had to summon for bosses in the Souls series (I always beat bosses alone), but the
Ruin Sentinels are
really testing my patience.

It seems like
when one hits me and I block and try to go for it, the other one already prepared its attack and deals killer damage to me.
Every single time. I also wasn't able to heal a single time because of this ridiculous pattern.

I haven't solo'd them yet but I'm psyching myself up to do so shortly.
Basically the first minute or so of the fight is a DPS race to kill the first sentinel before the second one arrives on your platform. I figure if you can get that second one to about 3/4 health before the third one arrives and forces you to the ground level that's the best you can hope for. Having a ranged option here probably works wonders. I just picked up Lightning Spear and intend to use it liberally once I'm on the ground. I'll tell you how it goes.
Feel like a total noob, but I just can't take down the first boss. I die in one hit no matter what, and it's really hard to see his arms coming since the camera is so low. I still can't figure out how to reverse hollowing, so sitting at 50% health isn't helping either.
Definitely use an effigy to get your health back to normal. Even if you die your health will be a little bit better for the next few runs.

As for strategy (first boss strategy spoilers just in case),
not locking on to him helped me a ton (if you're having camera issues). Patience is key too. If you want to play it conservatively, stay behind his legs and get a good one or two hits in, then run to the other side of the arena and wait for him to start walking towards you. When he does, run straight through his legs, roll, and you should be safe to get another one or two hits in. Rinse and repeat.
This spoiler is related to stony obstacles blocking a few areas.

How do I unpetrify the man in front of a bonfire in Lost Bastille and a woman standing in front of a lever in that one forest area that you can get by running out of the Majula gate that you arrived through?
I am done that and joined that covenant but how do you spar?

The statues in the bonfire room.

So dur the red eye orb only works as a human, so I invaded my first person. He got help and I died and I lost all my souls! WTF! There is no recovery point either, what shit. No wonder no one is invading anyone.


I haven't solo'd them yet but I'm psyching myself up to do so shortly.
Basically the first minute or so of the fight is a DPS race to kill the first sentinel before the second one arrives on your platform. I figure if you can get that second one to about 3/4 health before the third one arrives and forces you to the ground level that's the best you can hope for. Having a ranged option here probably works wonders. I just picked up Lightning Spear and intend to use it liberally once I'm on the ground. I'll tell you how it goes.

Yeah, that's what I've been doing, but it seems like
as soon as I kill the first one, the next two come at the same time, so I have to take both of them at once.

Also the path to this boss is annoying as hell.
Progress Spoilers

Holy shit, it's fucking Ornstein. OH FUCK IT'S HIM.

That was my reaction as soon as I entered the boss gate. Actually, it was a double surprise because some asshole wrote a message before the fog gate that a bonfire was ahead, so I was like "oh fuck yes, I won't have to deal with all these big enemies again. So I entered with 1 flask and half health only to find that boss running at me. I was shocked. xD


Can't stop glancing at the thread all day at work, but I should probably stop. Hard to resist the temptation to click on spoiler tags and I'm really enjoying playing the game as blind as possible. Will probably be back sometime during the weekend when I really get time to sink my teeth into the main game and there's less that qualifies as a spoiler.

But who am I kidding, I'll start feeling the itch at work tomorrow and be back in here glancing at it again. Can't stop.


Just had my most satisfying victory of the game so far against
belfrey gargoyles
. It's a really challenging fight and I'm pretty sure they have high defence against either slash or lightening damage because my heide sword was taking off far less than I've come to expect which made it harder. It's so fucking tense when
you're fighting 3 at once, struggling to get hits in.
Feeling despondent after many failures I told myself this is the last time then I will go human and summon help, and went on to win in a long, gruelling battle. Don't get this feeling in other games.

Anyway I used the souls I got from that to level up enough to use the
but I'm still mulling over whether to use it. I feel like I've already wasted too many shards and I don't know if I want to commit to using this crazy weapon for the rest of the game.
Yeah, that's what I've been doing, but it seems like
as soon as I kill the first one, the next two come at the same time, so I have to take both of them at once.

Also the path to this boss is annoying as hell.

lol, I died so many times on that boss before giving up and trying a new dungeon that the enemies are extinct. Totally hassle-free now...
They didn't really change backstabbing though.. They made other things way better , but in a 1v1 backstabbing is more or less unchanged, isn't it? You must mean the dedicated servers = less lagstabs

I guess. All I know is that I fought like 10 people and there was not one backstab in all those matches. That would never happen in DS1.
do strength and dex inherently increase the damage you do in this game, or is it dependent on whether or not the equipped weapon scales with that stat?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
That jump in Huntsman's corpse across the broken bridge is awful. Dark Souls shouldn't try to be a platformer :D

True, but at least the jumping controls seem more reliable in this one. Have noticed more items placed across gaps though.

do strength and dex inherently increase the damage you do in this game, or is it dependent on whether or not the equipped weapon scales with that stat?

No even if you have like a small dagger that is not dependent on strength in any way, increasing strength can only increase your damage. It will be negligible, though, probably like 1 extra point. You can see damage increase in your right-hand-weapon slot every time you level up if you don't believe me. It's the stat icon with the roman numerals (you will likely be looking for I rather than II or III)


Man, No Man's Wharf seems to combine the most annoying elements of Valley of Defilement, Tomb of Giants, and Blight Town all in one.

Got super far and died a ways in. Now I don't even want to go through this place because of how tedious it was.

Is there anywhere else I can go assuming that
all I have done is beat Dragonrider
? Because progressing so far, painstakingly luring out enemies only to die because one pirate berserked and have everyone respawn really drained my will to keep playing tonight.


Anyone else feel like their afraid of leveling to much? It just seems like soul levels cost so cheap now. I just don't want the game to become easy mode.


Just beat that
wannabe. I was supposed to make it break that tree with the item on top wasn't I? What's in it?
Man, No Man's Wharf seems to combine the most annoying elements of Valley of Defilement, Tomb of Giants, and Blight Town all in one.

Got super far and died a ways in. Now I don't even want to go through this place because of how tedious it was.

Is there anywhere else I can go assuming that
all I have done is beat Dragonrider
? Because progressing so far, painstakingly luring out enemies only to die because one pirate berserked and have everyone respawn really drained my will to keep playing tonight.

If it makes your run any easier
you can dash past the little flame-fearing monsters if you have your torch out and they won't try to stop you
. But yeah, that area was something else.
Made it past the giant and I'm on the next boss now! And...he's equally annoying.

Sometimes I think this game is more obsessed with being hard than it is about being fun. Dying in one hit is shitty no matter how it plays out. At least let me take a couple hits, how else am I going to figure out their patterns? I did put a good number of points into my adaptability, but these bosses still stagger me in one blow so I might as well be dead.

I think I'm getting the hang of dual wielding though. Still need a shield for bosses (at least a stagger isn't an instant kill) but I'm tearing though the low level guys.

¡HAZZAH! I beat him.

Turns out I'm better at dual wielding than I thought. Decided to just try it and got a great rolling rhythm down.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Man, No Man's Wharf seems to combine the most annoying elements of Valley of Defilement, Tomb of Giants, and Blight Town all in one.

Got super far and died a ways in. Now I don't even want to go through this place because of how tedious it was.

Is there anywhere else I can go assuming that
all I have done is beat Dragonrider
? Because progressing so far, painstakingly luring out enemies only to die because one pirate berserked and have everyone respawn really drained my will to keep playing tonight.

Dragonrider is the only boss you have beaten? That's pretty impressive for your first boss, didn't go there until later. Enjoyed the Wharf myself, it was a cool area, but YMMV. Anyways, you will want to go back to Majula and then instead of going back to Things Betwixt go down a hill that you can see from the bonfire near the lady. It can be easy to miss. That will take you to the Forest of Giants which is a MUCH MUCH more sane starting place with a couple of easier bosses. Afterwards you can return to the Wharf.
Lost Bastille:
So has anyone managed to beat the Sentinels without summoning? It seems like it would be impossible.

Once you have to fight two of them at once there are so little opportunities to attack. I think I'm going to check out the Tower of Flame before giving it another shot.

The key for me was
Staying up top and waiting for #2 to jump up, could usually #2 down to 1/2 then jump off the ledge to the floor as #3 is jumping up. #2 followed and I could kill it before #3 noticed.


Anyone else feel like their afraid of leveling to much? It just seems like soul levels cost so cheap now. I just don't want the game to become easy mode.

If anything be a bit frugal with leveling. I try to maintain a lower level for co op purposes and upgrade all my gear if I have an abundance of souls.


So, after 3 unsuccessful tries of beating the Last Giant with 2 allies, I ended up defeating him on my own, xD.

What's the fastest way to regain humanity?
Why is it that sometimes I regain it when I fulfill a duty?
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