i mean, im online but i get no summon signs
Are you in human form?
i mean, im online but i get no summon signs
I feel like I might have made a bad choice going for Strength, all I keep hearing is that there aren't many good STR weapons
Are there no good awesome giant two-handed swords or cool polearms or anything?
I'm actually interested in Maces that people keep talking about, but is it specifically like a single generic weapon called "mace" or are people referring to a class of weapons and there are a bunch of cool maces?
Are you in human form?
I had some minor success with alluring skulls.
That's weird. I have 16 on me at the moment. I did buy the traveling merchant hat from the merchant in the forest though, which raises item discovery rate.
Join the league of Macebros. Pretty sure the normal mace scales to B or A, right?
didnt think it mattered but yea
Bloodstains never tell you what you want to know, silly. Theyre for entertainment!
I have learned about a bunch of ambushes and also used them to figure out if a bridge was going to suddenly collapse if I went any further:nope, people just ran right off it, haha.
You have to A) be in human form and B) be in the correct level range. If you're way overleveled for that area of the game (compared to most other players) you probably won't see many summon signs.
Otherwise it's a problem with your connection or their servers.
Just killed the (boss), should I be going to (area)Pursueror (area)Lost Bastille? Getting to the (boss)Heidi's Tower of Flamehas been a major pain. What'd you guys do?Three Sentinels in Lost Bastille
Bow users, is a bow-only run actually viable now?
I bashed my head against that boss for an hour or so before realising that the other area is somewhere I could go to. It is a much easier area.Just killed the (boss), should I be going to (area)Pursueror (area)Lost Bastille? Getting to the (boss)Heidi's Tower of Flamehas been a major pain. What'd you guys do?Three Sentinels in Lost Bastille
What? There are weapons that most definitely scale with strength. Maces are a great choice, and yes, there are giant swords as well. You find the Ultra Greatsword pretty early in. It's huge and has an awesome moveset. There are halberds as well.
Bow users, is a bow-only run actually viable now?
Just killed the (boss), should I be going to (area)Pursueror (area)Lost Bastille? Getting to the (boss)Heidi's Tower of Flamehas been a major pain. What'd you guys do?Three Sentinels in Lost Bastille
Bow users, is a bow-only run actually viable now?
Will not play until PC version hits but I just want to know : do most spears scale on DEX or STR ?
Wooden ones are infinite, pretty sure iron and heavy are finite. Possibly enemy drops, though.I hiiiighly doubt it.
Unless by viable in the sense that a SL1 challenge run is viable.
Are arrows a finite resource? Definitely want to know for my next playthrough.
Bow users, is a bow-only run actually viable now?
Is there a place to buy fire bombs towards the beginning of the game?
so is my ps3 on the fritz or do things like item images in the menus take a second to load now?
These sound glitches fuck with my flow. A giant is swinging his sword wildly in tight quarters? Its cool DS... Just de-sync the sound effects for a few seconds.
Cool found her, thanks!The hag merchant you find in forest of the giants who moves to majula sells them I believe.
I rented the game on PS3 and it should be here tomorrow. That means I have overnight to start (again) Dark Souls and finish it.
Possible for a non-hardcore Souls player?
Can anybody tell me if there are any Str scaling longswords or greatswords? Not interested in ultra greatswords.
Something about the hit detection seems a bit less precise than in the first game. There are times when I get hit by stuff that I shouldn't have been hit by, particularly when it comes to bosses.
The lack of narrative is the other big problem in the game; The lack of context. After what, 15-20 hours, and like 12 bosses, nothing ever happens. I have no idea who these bosses are or why I'm killing them, and when I kill them no one at town says anything new or comments on my progress.
Eventually I killed a boss and lit a "primal fire", who the hell knows what that is, but after doing that the emerald chick said "you killed an old one" then went back to the same dialogue she's had the whole game. I still have no idea what that did or why.
I'd say this game is more cryptic and obtuse in its narrative than the first game, because after this many bosses I still have no idea what I'm accomplishing in the context of the game and no one ever reacts to what I do. In the first game, it was a bit mysterious, yeah, but near the beginning someone told me to ring two bells. Okay, cool, a specific call to action. I ring a bell? He comments on it if I talk to him again. I ring both? Stuff changes. It's actual forward motion.
I'm having a good time in DS2, but I'm also feeling so lost that the agme doesn't even really seem to have a story, it seems to be a boss mashing simulation.
Can someone clear something up with me about how elemental scaling works in this game? I heard that enhanced weapons still keep some of their old scaling, albeit in a reduced form. So if I wanted to enhance my mace with lightning it would still behoove me to increase str, right?
In what way do you mean? ADP does increase your agility which makes rolling with more armor better and drinking estus can be up to half a second faster once you reach the soft cap.I dunno guys, not really feeling it right now. The new ADP stat makes the character feels really clunky now compared to DS1.
I recently found out that there are noSeriously disappointed..full red or blue eye orbs. You have to farm mobs to invade now. What the fuck is from thinking? this is a step so far backwards.