The perfect Dark
Lost connection to severs. Now in offline mode...Whats going on
Go human and summon a white phantom -- this is a strategy for any boss you are stuck on. Also, those turrets do 50% damage to his health (but can kill players also).
Just tried to start playing and it says I can't connect to the servers. Don't feel like playing offline just yet so I'm gonna wait a little bit I guess.
So what are the steps to unlock Boss weapon crafting?
I don't think you have to jump. I'm pretty sure you're missing an illusionary wallHow do you get the treasure or whatever it is in the same room as theIt's on a ledge that almost looks close enough to jump to, but I can't seem to make it (even with no armor on).Sentinels boss fight?
Yeah. You just have to jump at the very edge of the ledge. It's doable.
So what are the steps to unlock Boss weapon crafting?
Speaking if that, has anyone used a token of fidelity? Are they only good for summon fights?That feeling when you and another phantom helper get a boss down to a sliver of health and the host dies =(
There is an NPC on Bastille which you have to use a branch of yore to unpetrify him.
That feeling when you and another phantom helper get a boss down to a sliver of health and the host dies =(
Rolling and backstepping still work well for defense once you get the ADP stat up to a respectable number.
There's an area in my game that's completely fucked. From the first bonfire ofto the bonfire near the bossDoors of Pharrosevery single enemy is frozen. They can't be locked onto or attacked but I can move them around by running into them. The enemies on the path that leads toRoyal Rat Somethingare completely fine though. Looks like no killingBrightstone Coverats for Pharros Lockstones. Resetting my game doesn't fix it either.
That happened to me earlier today withThat feeling when you and another phantom helper get a boss down to a sliver of health and the host dies =(
Are you inthe rat covenant? it's not a glitch it makes them passive like the forrest covenant in DaS 1
You jump and get it, it's nearly pixel perfect though. You might also have to unequip heavy equipment, not sure if that affects distance.Jus beat:
Those 3bosses. Quite a fight. The first one is easy but once you take him dow and the other 2 come at the same time it gets harder. It's not that it's a very hard fight but I wasn't doing much damage and they could drop like half my health in one hit... so I was tense the whole time.
Does anyone know how you get that item that is in the same area as the bosses (once you can see when you enter but I don't seem to be able to jump and get it)
Jus beat:
Those 3bosses. Quite a fight. The first one is easy but once you take him dow and the other 2 come at the same time it gets harder. It's not that it's a very hard fight but I wasn't doing much damage and they could drop like half my health in one hit... so I was tense the whole time.
Does anyone know how you get that item that is in the same area as the bosses (once you can see when you enter but I don't seem to be able to jump and get it)
That's the area with the Sentinels right? And where would one go to acquire said branch?
Yea I am, now I feel stupid. Thanks though.
Correct. I got my first for killingthen you can get one on Shaded Woods (I recommend unpetrifying the lady first since her road leads that way and you can easily obtain another branch there on that area byThe Lost Sinner which is near the Sentinels.killing the scorpion lady and return and talk to her husband on Shaded Woods and that easily makes the 2 most important ones.
What are the benefits of theI was too pissed off after both boss fights to join.Rat Covenant?
What are the benefits of theI was too pissed off after both boss fights to join.Rat Covenant?
So while your avatar is on a journey to break the curse you'll be on a journey to mend the heart?Broke up with my GF of 5 years tonight, this game is coming at an excellent time. The only person more miserable than me will be my avatar dying over and over and over. Haha. Can't wait for the morning post, I'll get a few hours in before work.
Yeah I don't know where any of these places are so I guess I'll just keep going.![]()
Nobody knew last time I asked, maybe somebody knows now!
In the Shaded WoodsAfter you free the Harpy woman from behind the door, she says she'll see you at her home. Where is that?
Ugh I drop an item in the tutorial area for snuggly, save and quit then try to go in and now I cant connect to the server.
I really hope they fix this issue on the 360 soon. 3/4 of the time I've played has been offline. I love this game but its really putting a damper on the game for me. Haven't gotten done any summoning or invasions since I started a few days ago.
Early game discussion:
I killed the Last Giant, hooray! I feel bad for officially causing the extinction though, but that's Dark Souls for ya.
But now I have like, 10,000 souls to spend. I started as a Knight, so I'm wondering if there's any suggestions on how to spend it stat-wise or gear wise. Don't want to fuck myself over too much, especially since there's somewhat of a soul cap.
FYI you don't need to save and quit anymore. You can pick your prize right up.
After you defeat the Sentinels you are pretty much close to The Lost Sinner. You can obtain a Branch there and between the Majula and Thing Betwixt there should be a road for the unpetrified lady. There you can get another branch and unpetrify the character for the boss weapons. It doesnt take much time really.
I'm pretty sure you get 10 smooth stones for each level.
Yeah I don't know where any of these places are so I guess I'll just keep going.![]()
What are those for? I have a few, and they say someone wants them, but I don't think I've encountered this person. Is it the crow?