Anyone?In a terse, brief and sly way, please answer this question.
What up with the big guy(s) in the beginning staring into space?
Fuck with them, or get stronger and fuck with them later?
Anyone?In a terse, brief and sly way, please answer this question.
What up with the big guy(s) in the beginning staring into space?
Fuck with them, or get stronger and fuck with them later?
-No more sliding down ladders, noooo!
What are those for? I have a few, and they say someone wants them, but I don't think I've encountered this person. Is it the crow?
360 servers have gone down every night. Have yet to play this game.
Started playing for a few hours. Very good so far! Comments:
-After last minute deliberations, I made a Bandit. Dex build for me this time around.
-Raised my adaptability up to 10 ASAP. Makes a difference. Put a few points in End/Dex too.
-I found a shortsword in the Forest and it's very quick and powerful. I've been killing enemies really fast. Just bought a Falchion and upgraded it to +1. It's even more powerful and just as (or about) as fast.
-I had two close calls but managed to survive somehow.
-Got the Ring of BindingGotta love suicide runs in these games. Though you have to kill a strong enemy really fast when getting the ring.
-Enemies playing dead is cheap! But my past Souls experience is really helping. There was an item early in the Forest, and I picked it up, and I was like "let me guess, an enemy's behind me now?" Yup. Seems there are more surprise enemies now.
-No more sliding down ladders, noooo!
-Really like the gestures haha. I don't think anyone's mentioned them. I like them better than Dark Souls 1's.
-Fire effects are like early PS2 levels in the Forest :x
-Definitely liking the fast travel. Loading times are too long though.
-Framerate on PS3 seems solid in my experience. At least, there have been no noticeable dips.
Early game discussion:
Started playing for a few hours. Very good so far! Comments:
-After last minute deliberations, I made a Bandit. Dex build for me this time around.
-Raised my adaptability up to 10 ASAP. Makes a difference. Put a few points in End/Dex too.
-I found a shortsword in the Forest and it's very quick and powerful. I've been killing enemies really fast. Just bought a Falchion and upgraded it to +1. It's even more powerful and just as (or about) as fast.
-I had two close calls but managed to survive somehow.
-Got the Ring of BindingGotta love suicide runs in these games. Though you have to kill a strong enemy really fast when getting the ring.
-Enemies playing dead is cheap! But my past Souls experience is really helping. There was an item early in the Forest, and I picked it up, and I was like "let me guess, an enemy's behind me now?" Yup. Seems there are more surprise enemies now.
-No more sliding down ladders, noooo!
-Really like the gestures haha. I don't think anyone's mentioned them. I like them better than Dark Souls 1's.
-Fire effects are like early PS2 levels in the Forest :x
-Definitely liking the fast travel. Loading times are too long though.
-Framerate on PS3 seems solid in my experience. At least, there have been no noticeable dips.
You can actually still slide down by holding Circle (or B on the 360) while holding down. You can also go up faster by holding it while going up.Started playing for a few hours. Very good so far! Comments:
-No more sliding down ladders, noooo!
-Really like the gestures haha. I don't think anyone's mentioned them. I like them better than Dark Souls 1's.
Finally beat theboss. The NPC you can summon for that fight managed to divert attention long enough for me to do what I needed to do, but it was still a very close fight. I've been using the dark orb hex a bit, and it's pretty interesting. The damage it does is respectable, but it travels pretty slowly. I wonder if any of the other hexes that are usable with a staff are worth messing around with. I'll have to go check them out when I get some more souls.sentinels
You can still slide down ladders. Hold down circle and go down on the analog stick.
Got summoned as a grey phantom earlier. Anyone explain how this works? I Thought it would be a co-op thing so I started killing enemies but then the host started fighting me so it's a pvp thing I guess.
So while your avatar is on a journey to break the curse you'll be on a journey to mend the heart?
Sucks though dude. Best of luck.
If you're ever in need of some jolly cooperation on the 360 send me a message.
Where do I go after defeatingthe last giant or whatever, the first boss I think
Hate to ask again so soon...but anyone know where to get Cleric armor (if youre another class--I love the look). Google is no halp.
Gotta be a perfect jump at the corner...but the item isnt worth it...Trust me :O
Anyone on PS3 getting a lot of co-op or PvP lag in the last hour or so?
you could use the 10k souls you got from the giant to level up and upgrade your gear.
then head on to heide's tower of flame to fight thedragonrider
if you start at the bonfire at majula, you go past the blacksmith and you'll see a cave with stairs. go down there, & follow the path to heide's
if you go to the place where you fought the last giant, backtrack to that first door on the left with the skeleton in front of it, open it, and inside you'll find a bastard sword.
Finally found another large titanite shard. With that, got my sword up to +6, and then up to +9 with all the titanite chunks I had. Not a huge bump up in damage, but enough to save me a swing or so per enemy.
have you been to the mansion in majula? there's a titanite slab in the basement of it.
I think so. Not sure what you get in return. I think if you consume them yourself, they give you HP.
Just gotta say, the (well in Majula spoilers)is the worst fucking thing ever.rat boss fight
Just gotta say, the (well in Majula spoilers)is the worst fucking thing ever.rat boss fight
Glad it helped dude.Hah! Love that, put a smile on my face. I'm playing on PS3 though!
I find that most of the time I go to summon another player, it tells me that the summon failed. I try most times I see a symbol but I believe I've only actually managed to summon 3 people into my game total after 20 hours. Has anybody else had this problem?
Yep I'm trying to find aring first.poison
No, I get a different message entirely if someone already summoned them. The message says that someone already summoned them.thats just your internt, or people summoned them already
I find that most of the time I go to summon another player, it tells me that the summon failed. I try most times I see a symbol but I believe I've only actually managed to summon 3 people into my game total after 20 hours. Has anybody else had this problem?