If you could invent your own class, what would it be?
Spearman. Starts with a spear and a wooden shield. High dex/adaptability.
Cannibal. High str, high endurance. Starts with consumable human meat in inventory.
If you could invent your own class, what would it be?
Starts with high dex. Bow and 300 arrows.
Definitely. By all accounts DSII keeps the challenge the series is known for while making it the most accessible entry yet. Sounds great for beginners. That said I still suggest you try the first one, or at least read up on the lore.Question for the experts...
Should I dive right into DS II without ever playing a second of DS? Everything I have read on this board makes me think I would really enjoy the game/difficulty.
Amazon is out of stock for the PS3 pre-order of the non-collector's edition? That is sad![]()
I'm contemplating how to play this game. The last two I've played and heavily relied on guides. I don't think I'll do that this time. I'll just go through the game and make a so-so character. I need to read up on stats, because fuck resistance. Other than that, I think I'm ready to be cautious of all NPC's I meet, not knowing if they'll pull another assassination binge.
I'm so incredibly excited!
A fair point. One would hope that they learned from their mistakes and defensive stats are more useful this time around. Based on what we know about the stats they should be. And we certainly don't know enough about how the stats work to be able to truly optimize builds at this point.
Ideally, there would be more of a tradeoff between offensiveness and defensiveness, as opposed to DS1 where basically all late game PVP builds had 30+ Vitality and Endurance and no resistance (i.e. not nearly enough variance in survivability).
Answering my own question: Pilgrim
Starts with high faith, attunement, adaptibility. Starts with 3 miracles (Heal, Seek Guidance, Homeward) and a unique talisman. Starts with no weapon and only cloth-tier armor.
Definitely. By all accounts DSII keeps the challenge the series is known for while making it the most accessible entry yet. Sounds great for beginners. That said I still suggest you try the first one, or at least read up on the lore.
Matt Lees - Should you worry about Dark Souls 2 reviews?
Good video, I think. Lots of interesting points brought up.
If you could invent your own class, what would it be?
Thief. Higher than normal Item Find, low STR, very high DEX, low INT and FAI.
This sounds great and should have a covenant linked to it. Eat your fallen victims as a way of obtaining their humanity.Cannibal. High str, high endurance. Starts with consumable human meat in inventory.
http://www.twitch.tv/srslytellmehowtoplay a Dark Souls 2 stream....
so the "explorer" class seems to be one of the more balanced ones starting out stat wise huh.....
hmm...making me choose now between that and dual wield class...how good would dual wield be without the class I wonder?
Anyone else watching this? I'm not sure about these enemies so far.
Low END and STR, decent DEX, and starts with lots of grass
Answering my own question: Pilgrim
Starts with high faith, attunement, adaptibility. Starts with 3 miracles (Heal, Seek Guidance, Homeward) and a unique talisman. Starts with no weapon and only cloth-tier armor.
What do you mean?
Anyone else watching this? I'm not sure about these enemies so far.
What do you mean?
This sounds like a conversation for the spoiler thread. =)
Matt Lees - Should you worry about Dark Souls 2 reviews?
Good video, I think. Lots of interesting points brought up.
I am about 60-70% through Dark Souls 1, first play through. I have come to the opinion that the game would be all but impossible to complete, without the aid from external resources, online guides, forums, etc. There are too many examples to list, in which there is simply no way to progress, without such aids. However, in broad strokes -- there are critical aspects of gameplay mechanics, stats / weapon scaling, path progression, applicability and usefulness of items/armor/weapons, boss enemy combat strategies, etc., ...which, in all practicality, cannot be discovered organically within the game-world. There are so many permutations and possibilities, that (IMHO) even the most expert gamer would require several hundreds (perhaps thousands) of hours of trial-by-error testing, to weigh the relative merits and advantages/disadvantages of so many statistics, attributes and properties that are often intimately interconnected and interrelated.
I seriously question if there is any GAFer that can honestly state they have completed Dark Souls without ever appealing to an external resource for answers, guidance and/or assistance. Also, bear in mind that this criteria basically eliminates all PvP online play. So, my question reduces to the following:
Could any single individual successfully complete Dark Souls (before the Earth is rendered inhabitable by the Sun evolution on the Main Sequence) given the following constraints:
-- PvE gameplay, offline-mode exclusively
-- No access or appeal, whatsoever, to external help in any form (written, oral, online, Divine inspiration, etc.). "External" defined as anything that is not part of the game's standard documentation which ships with the game, or intrinsic to the game's programming, e.g. hints, prompts and help guide.
P.S.: This is not a criticism, per se. Dark Souls happens to be one of the very best games I have ever played.
When are the reviews coming out?
Jesus, i haven't been this excited for a game in a while.
i watched one stream and turned off in laughter after the guy got attacked by a dog and screamed "SHITDOG!"
I guess I'll go Explorer? Seems the most balanced save for Depraved.
When you say complete DS, do you mean kill the last boss? I did just that on my first play through. As far as getting the Platinum? There is no way in hell I would be able to do that with a guide or a wiki.
I plan on doing the same for DS2. I will go in fresh and noobtastic and wont use a guide until NG+.
http://www.twitch.tv/srslytellmehowtoplay a Dark Souls 2 stream....
Hi Hellmonkey,
Can you honestly say that you played through and completely finished DS1, with zero external help (at any time...zero means zero), OFFLINE.
I mean, I will believe you if you say so...but I really want you to think through the entirety of your first play through, and confirm that you never received any co-op player help (online mode), nor utilized any form of external help, however limited.
he has a skyrim like helmet on....
what a casul
liking the stream alot