No, no, in the contrary I hope that I can provide good arguments... so let's see:
- Level design is boring, uninspired and lack meaningful shortcuts and thus interconnectedness. Especially mid-game levels like Shaded Woods, Iron Keep, Brightstone Cove Tseldora, Doors of Pharos, the windmill area are all very tedious to play through
- Combat is much, much worse, especially because it's too slow and unresponsive and stamina is depleted much too fast
- The roll and evading system is fucked up beyond repair. There's very little invinsibility frames, even with added ADP
- A lot of Bosses are forgettable
- The story is forgettable or not original enough
That's off the top of my head. DkS 2 is still great compared to other games out there, but clearly lacks a lot of the "soul" of its brethren imo