NoDoeslower my chances of being summoned?hollowing
I hope they go batshit insane with the dlc because these games are getting so predictable and are losing a lot of their challenge and charm if you've played some entries before.
Also, when do you cloud save to get the three different endings? I know I'm locked out of one of them, but I want the three gold trophies for the first three at least. Do you decide after the last boss fight or before? Also, when you choose an ending will that begin NG+?
As soon as you see one you gotta rush it and kill it immediately. Give them no time to use their spell. If you're not in the lower level of the dungeon, I'll just let you know that there's an area that's even worse.
Also always head back to the shrine if you have enough souls to level yourself up. Always.
Meh. I just can't see the fun in this. If they were cooping and improvised this ambush on the fly that's cool but just repeatedly doing that to every invader they lure.... How is this fun? Just being a dick for its own sake.
Gankers are not questers, they refer to players who stick around at a specific place on purpose to ambush invaders (or even gank red signs).The price you pay for trying to hamper someone's progress, I'd say.
Holy shit that is amazing... I have to try that next playthrough!
Brightbugs, yo. Best item in the series.I'm glad Dark Souls 3 got rid of those pointless shitty consumables from 2. Outside the Life Gems, Human Effigy and Herbs all the other consumables served no purpose as they take a long ass time to use and having no use while invading.
...There is?There's another place you can respec.
There isn't a poison swamp in Dark Souls 2.Cycles are a theme of the games. In reality though, From recycles way too much shit. A shitty, bland poison swamp area in 5 straight games? Really?
Yes, but...Is Fextralife known for spouting utter bullshit?
In this case Fextralife is correct. For me,In their Yhorm page they said "WARNING: havingin this fight makes it substantially easier".Siegward
Well I had him in the fight, and he died within 15 seconds, having done no damage to the boss.
Ah, I still have time then, thanks.more required bosses after the3.dancer
Yeah I figured that out, I got to the lower level of the dungeon and there'sThe real fight begins now, it seems.a really hard to kill giant in a tight space and enemy mobs everywhere.
Anybody having issues with a few covenants? For the life of me I cannot seem to be summoned whilst in theor theDarkmoon Bladesand therefore I cannot get a certain miracle in order to get me closer to the all important platinum. I have consistently worn one of these rings and played through the entire game, only to be summoned a grand total of one time!Blue Sentinals
I am also having trouble farming the required item offline. I boosted luck statistic, wore the Symbol of Avarice, put on the Gold Serpent Ring and farmed thebonfire for a solid three hours last night and around the same today.Anor Londo
Any ideas, guys?
Aw, I like his blind LP so far. He's doing similar things as me. His reaction to the Siegward gestures were the best.
Lost like 30,000+ Souls tonight in IDrithyllthanks to my HP turning to 0.0005 and then an enemy tapping me on the shoulder and killing me. I was pissed. This game just got a lot harder all of a sudden. There's no shortcuts anywhere in this area and FUCK theungeontoo, who did a flying kick of death, as I was running away.Mimic
Ok. Online activity seems to be going down :/
Online covenants are currently fucked. You are not alone.
Covenant drops are low so that's normal.
Jesus christ, was having an OK time with the game in terms of difficulty untilthe part of Anor Londo, if it wasn't invasions it was a black knight or the area boss. Died so many times and got so pissed, but then I remembered DS1 and that was pretty much the same. Eventually overcame the area which feels fulfilling. Completely ignored that shit downstairs with those two rat/wolf things that kill you in no time.
Must be doing something wrong though, because it's either human opponents that parry-spam you or actually manage to kill you in 1-2 hits.
Meh. I just can't see the fun in this. If they were cooping and improvised this ambush on the fly that's cool but just repeatedly doing that to every invader they lure.... How is this fun? Just being a dick for its own sake.
Gankers are not questers, they refer to players who stick around at a specific place on purpose to ambush invaders (or even gank red signs).
Holy shit that is amazing... I have to try that next playthrough!
Brightbugs, yo. Best item in the series.
...There is?
There isn't a poison swamp in Dark Souls 2.But there is a poison-themed area I guess.
Valley of Defilement was Miyazaki's favourite level in Demon's Souls. Expect a poison swamp in every Soulsborne game. It's a tradition. Personally I think they're pretty neat. *shrugs*
Yes, but...
In this case Fextralife is correct. For me,Siegward carried the entire fight. xD I was attacking Yhorm and doing piss-poor damage then every now and then he'd huge a lose chunk. I had no idea what was going on. Then after the fact I found the Stormruler and went "ohhhhhh". xD Thanks, Onionbro.
Ok. Online activity seems to be going down :/
I though plenty of people wanted helpAbyss Watchers...
Yeah you know exactly who I'm taking about this friend can be so silly sometimes.
Remember when Mimics used to come as a surprise?
I think I've only found about 3 real chests in this one, and about 47 Mimics.
I was just thinking about that the other day. They went super mimic heavy in this one.
Level 35 and +4 weaponWhat is your level & what is your highest upgraded weapon #(equipped or otherwise)?
Even better;Use thosecharms you can buy from the Shrine Maiden that prevent estus use. You can throw them at minics and they sleep for a short while. Wail on it. Repeat. when it starts to move.
Hahahaha, no lies.Remember when Mimics used to come as a surprise?
I think I've only found about 3 real chests in this one, and about 47 Mimics.
You monsteronion bro quest....
i fucked it up really bad...😭still got the armor...though by freeing him.. then killing him....
Meh. I just can't see the fun in this. If they were cooping and improvised this ambush on the fly that's cool but just repeatedly doing that to every invader they lure.... How is this fun? Just being a dick for its own sake.
Gankers are not questers, they refer to players who stick around at a specific place on purpose to ambush invaders (or even gank red signs).
When a duel comes down to a matter of individual frames you just know it's a good one.
Hmm, shouldn't be. I was there a few days ago and I summoned for help at that level and weapon # just fine. Saw plenty of signs. Maybe try again later?Level 35 and +4 weapon
Too high?
just one thing....
FUCK jailors worst enemy ever...
Not sure why it matters how many Mimics there are. Standard operating procedure for opening any chest in the game should be to hit it twice, just in case the first hit glanced off of a wall or something. You don't even need to read Messages. Plus if you see a pool (or multiple pools) of blood, you know that the chances of a Mimic are 99%.
Not sure why it matters how many Mimics there are. Standard operating procedure for opening any chest in the game should be to hit it twice, just in case the first hit glanced off of a wall or something. You don't even need to read Messages. Plus if you see a pool (or multiple pools) of blood, you know that the chances of a Mimic are 99%.
There are diminishing marginal returns to increasing a stat after you hit the soft cap. I'm making up these numbers, but let's say when you increase Vitality from 1 to 20 you get 50 HP per level, but starting at 21 you only get 15 per level. 20 is a "soft" cap since you can still increase Vitality if you want to, but there's a drop off in the benefit you get so your souls are probably better spent on a stat you haven't reached the soft cap for since it will have a larger impact on your stats.What are soft cap levels?
That is one long health bar and one short as hell endurance bar >.>
Even better;just throw the charm, loot the chest while it's sleeping, then ignore the mimic completely after that.
I just look at the chain coming off it. If it's circled round on the floor it's safe, if it's straightened out it's a mimic. No need to hit anything.
You'll also notice the chest 'breathing' if you look closely.
Not sure why it matters how many Mimics there are. Standard operating procedure for opening any chest in the game should be to hit it twice, just in case the first hit glanced off of a wall or something. You don't even need to read Messages. Plus if you see a pool (or multiple pools) of blood, you know that the chances of a Mimic are 99%.
Does the game pick up in its latter half? I'm making my way through theand I'm really starting to feel fatigued. Everything feels too similar to the other Souls games and the boss designs habe been the worst in the series for me so far.catacombs
I won a 3v1 in every game except this one so far (haven't PvPed much), but it's still a bit annoying. Especially now that it's possible, even likely, to find a 5v1... -_-On the other hand, when you get 3 dark spirits vs 3-4 summons/host, that's where the PVP in this game shines. Not to mention the moments where you actually win a 3v1 are pretty damn awesome.
They did that in DS2 too. It doesn't help much. You typically backtrack to find the host and if he's waiting with phantoms, well... good luck. Fortunately so far that happened only once, but I dropped a red sign like only 4-5 times (in the Cathedral around the bonfire) before moving on, so I don't quite like those odds. xDFortunately for this, they changed how red signs work so that the person summoned by a red sign is spawned in a random place.
I get in a good three hits with my weapon so why would I need any more?
I pretty much dumped into Vigor when I got to 40 STR, and I'm wearing the life ring.
I won a 3v1 in every game except this one so far (haven't PvPed much), but it's still a bit annoying. Especially now that it's possible, even likely, to find a 5v1... -_-
I wish I had a 3v3, now that'd be fun, but it doesn't seem that common outside of, maybe, thecovenant?Aldrich Faithful
They did that in DS2 too. It doesn't help much. You typically backtrack to find the host and if he's waiting with phantoms, well... good luck. Fortunately so far that happened only once, but I dropped a red sign like only 4-5 times (in the Cathedral of course) before moving on, so I don't quite like those odds. xD