CliffyB's Cock Holster
Is that any different to any other Souls game?
The tipping-point is far more pronounced than in the other games because playing aggressively, as opposed to cautiously, is almost always the best approach.
Is that any different to any other Souls game?
Why is Blades of the Darkmoon bugged
This is so annoying, anyone have any luck getting summoned? I'm sl100
thank you! i'll try this out right now and report back.I did some tests on it a while back, go tobonfire, that is your best chance. Don't leave the bonfire room unless you go around the outside with the hollows. You should get some summons there at that level.Lothric Castle
I maxed the covenant getting summoned there in a couple of hours. Make sure cross-region matching is ON.
is another good area at late level, although I get the most at Lothric. It's debatable whether being in the area helps, but I've noticed that if I go to those areas I have good summon rates.Archdragon peak
thank you! i'll try this out right now and report back.
I don't understand invading???
I'm trying to rack up pale tongues for the ring right now, using the full red orb... every freakin time I invade someone's world they have two or three other guys with them and just dance around behind them.
To make matters worse I am seeing huge lage and HUGE phantom reach for people's UGS and shit...
What is the freaking point here?
This is so damn broken I want to scream!
Wow. The hit detection on D's grab attack is horrendous. I'm literally teleporting into the arm.ancer
I don't understand invading???
I'm trying to rack up pale tongues for the ring right now, using the full red orb... every freakin time I invade someone's world they have two or three other guys with them and just dance around behind them.
To make matters worse I am seeing huge lage and HUGE phantom reach for people's UGS and shit...
What is the freaking point here?
This is so damn broken I want to scream!
So, I gotta hit him a million times? Dude has a shit load of HP.yorm the giant
So, I gotta hit him a million times? Dude has a shit load of HP.yorm the giant
Looks like all the speedrunners use anris sword
If you want to rake up pale tongues, just put down a red summon sign outside of pontiff. That's where everyone duels, and you can get pale tongues by winning against the host. It's a fairer chance than random invasions
The lag and phantom reach is annoying for sure. Try invading in different areas,might be good because the other summons that appear will help distract the gank-bros.Anor Londo
Eventually you will get a solo player. Although, I'm not sure how far you are into the game.
I picked it up during a fight and forgot to check it out. What a joke lolHaven't made it there yet but I heard there's a weapon near his throne that you charge up and kill him in 4 hits.
A luck build with bleed is truly scary. It's insane how fast some of the bosses go down. They also use the the astora straight sword with raw infusion at the start. It has amazing damage for the beginning, but obviously falls off later when you get weapons with better scaling.Looks like all the speedrunners use anris sword w/ luck...weapon is a beast.
Yes.Jeebus,has to be in the top 3 bosses in terms of looks, atmosphere and difficulty in the entire series, right?Nameless King
Stay light and use the Carthus Milkring for rolling, I wouldn't bother with a shield.
Fuck it, actually need legit help.
I am getting fucking decimated bysecond form....literally no idea what to do.Devourer's
Fuck it, actually need legit help.
I am getting fucking decimated bysecond form....literally no idea what to do.Devourer's
Thanks for the tipsStay out of Boss rooms, make sure that the emblem is flashing. Also, I would say to not cross area bounds too much. The reason why: For example, when you get summoned, you will see that fog doors show up while being summoned. I have a feeling that the search gets reset when you cross different boundaries (areas that are governed by different bonfires).
Jeebus,has to be in the top 3 bosses in terms of looks, atmosphere and difficulty in the entire series, right?Nameless King
The fire isn't as scary as you think it is. Just rush in and go ham on his slug half while chugging estus. The absolute worst thing you can do is try to stay far away from him.
When he uses unlimited arrow works just keep running.
Him and Artorias of the Abyss are my top 2 right now.
Not sure on the third, but there was a dragon fight on one of the dark souls 2 DLC that I remember being great. Can't remember exactly which, though. The poison dragon, maybe?
There should be a key around here for that door in front.Kinda stuck here.
I'm in Lothric Castle.
I beat the dragonslayer armor. After that is a bonfire with these 2 staircases.
The left side is a locked door. The right side is an elevator that won't work.
Not sure where to go from here.
Kinda stuck here.
I'm in Lothric Castle.
I beat the dragonslayer armor. After that is a bonfire with these 2 staircases.
The left side is a locked door. The right side is an elevator that won't work.
Not sure where to go from here.
Make your way forward to theKinda stuck here.
I'm in Lothric Castle.
I beat the dragonslayer armor. After that is a bonfire with these 2 staircases.
The left side is a locked door. The right side is an elevator that won't work.
Not sure where to go from here.
Kinda stuck here.
Not sure on the third, but there was a dragon fight on one of the dark souls 2 DLC that I remember being great. Can't remember exactly which, though. The poison dragon, maybe?
I'm Soul Level 70 where is the hot PvP places? Need to farm these Mound Maker's items.
There should be another staircase/path, I think you just overlooked it. Directly opposite of the...oh wait. I think there's an item on the floor that unlocks the door. I forgot about that. Look around the room.
There should be a corpse with a key around that area.
There should be a key around here for that door in front.
There's not a damn thing on the floor here! What the eff. No items at all....