Mad phantoms can choose to help the host but you never know. They get credit for killing anyone
Sofor one of the best if not the best boss fights in a souls game. Definitely the best atmosphere and boss level though. Fight was awesome. Praise the Sun.Nameless King
Fuck nameless king. Fuck him. I have been stuck on this fuck for 2 days now. Rerolling away from my Thor build because of one fucking boss.
I don't use magic, do I need that blue bar?
I don't use magic, do I need that blue bar?
Mad phantoms can choose to help the host but you never know. They get credit for killing anyone
I'm so glad that I can snip this boss with spells.I'm currently stuck onThe Abyss Watchers the first one slaps my shit around then more of them come along and slap my shit around I've tried pulling back when the third appears cuz he helps you kind of but the main one is so freaking fast it's nuts!
PvP is strange yet awesome so far. I decided to try my first intentional PvP at the beginning of the Crucifixion Woods. The mad phantom I summoned didn't even try to fight me. It was like he didn't realize we were in PvP. He went around clearing everything and beckoning me to continue with him. He helped me clear out a couple of pretty strong mobs, had every opportunity to attack me from behind but never attempted it. I really didn't understand what his intention was.
In the middle of our PvP-co-op session I got invaded by two additional invaders within less than ten seconds of one another. I thought it was curtains for me and that I was going to get ganged up on. When the first new invader approached I bolted to get to more open ground away from the mobs in the area, and as I looked back to him it appeared that my PvP-co-op partner was beating him down. The new invader died, and I guess the PvP-co-op partner used the separation crystal to exit.
The other new invader came into sight, and we squared off for a good five minutes before both being down to about a quarter health. He got off a couple more hits and reduced my life bar to nothing, at which point I went all in knowing one of us were going to die after my last combo attempt. Somehow he got me down to 1 HP. Is this pure luck, or is there a mechanic that causes this to happen with some frequency? I am using the Blue Tearstone Ring and wonder if perhaps that is what saved me.
I still have no idea why that first guy laid down a PvP glyph to begin with though. I'm guessing it's pretty hard to confuse a PvP player and a cooperator with the different color highlighting.
I always use as much VIT as I actually need. You should have an idea what armor you're using now. I raise it to stay just below 70%, depending if you use the ring or not. More is a waist imho.My stats at the end of the game, farmed to round em up a little bit:
Should I maybe lower my VIT? Is armor even good? With the VIT I have, there are some armors that I can manage to equip a bow with too.
Wow, the PVP really sucks ass in this game. Why would you let someone invade another player who has 3 other players with him? Fucking stupid, sorry. No one who is looking to PVP wants to do it outnumbered 4 to 1
Arriving at theAfter 28 hours i still feel this is a superb entry in this series. I just got to, probably closing in on the end section (i guess?) and it feels a bit short, thats probably just me wanting too much though.Boreal Valley
Anyone know if the Brigand Twindaggers are viable as a main weapon? I LOVE the dodge ability (just like Bloodborne's) but I'm worried the FP usage of dodging like that all the time will make them useless. Guessing you can't dash-dodge if you don't have FP left? And I'm also worried about their low damage output...
Anyone know if the Brigand Twindaggers are viable as a main weapon? I LOVE the dodge ability (just like Bloodborne's) but I'm worried the FP usage of dodging like that all the time will make them useless. Guessing you can't dash-dodge if you don't have FP left? And I'm also worried about their low damage output...
I tried them up to +4 in an attempt to recapture that oh so sweet BoM feel from bloodborne. Never really tried on a boss but mucked around with mobs, and they ok. I went back to 2h the Uchi though, just better range, better damage, fights didn't get so scrappy etc
I do really dig that Art though. I haven't tried it myself but I'm sure I saw someone mention earlier in the thread you could use it without FP. May have misread though.
Yeah, I just summoned another mad phantom and he didn't attack initially, but as soon as another invader jumped in they teamed up on me. Guess I won't be waiting around for them to make a move anymore.
That's the beauty of the mad phantoms. They can choose to be your enemy or your friend. They don't need to kill you, just any phantom the comes to your game is fair game. So by getting rid of the invader he completed is objective!
Eh invading ain't for me (bluebro 4 life)and it gets ridiculous in some parts but it is a mechanic of the game.invaders looking to ruin other peoples time, gets their time ruined and complains about it.
the hypocrisy is so thick an Ultra Greatsword can't through it.
Asking again, cuz wanna know.Can anyone explain theto me and what I accomplished in the game? I have not played the previous 2 games so it figures I didn't learn anything, but would still be fun to know what I progressed towards and achieved.first flame ending
I'm the worst pvper ever, I have a success ratio of maybe 10 or 20%
I understand I have a pyro/dark sword hybrid build that is amazing for PVE, but bad for PVP.
but damn I want the madness convenant pyro reward
I am still having fun, especially since I have instant invasion on the untended graveyard
Did you buy the TSo I just got to Cand encounteredathedral of the DeepPatches. I killed the giant before getting tricked by him and the dialogue was really amazing.
Question about it though:I thought maybe more would come of him, but I got over to the other side via the rafters and he wasn't there? I made it to Rosaria but if he's supposed to be over here he's not. Where should he be? I looked around Firelink but didn't see him anywhere.
So I just got to Cand encounteredathedral of the DeepPatches. I killed the giant before getting tricked by him and the dialogue was really amazing.
Question about it though:I thought maybe more would come of him, but I got over to the other side via the rafters and he wasn't there? I made it to Rosaria but if he's supposed to be over here he's not. Where should he be? I looked around Firelink but didn't see him anywhere.
Did you buy the T? If you did that then he should be on the top left side of the Shrine on the door that leads to the tower.ower Key
Honestly, that's a bullshit response. You can put out symbols to be summoned to duel people (if you don't feel like invading) , and many times before they summon you, they'll summon 3 Sunbros to crush you. Your salt at being invaded is really clear, and I'm sorry you seem to be having a hard time.invaders looking to ruin other peoples time, gets their time ruined and complains about it.
the hypocrisy is so thick an Ultra Greatsword can't through it.
Eh invading ain't for me (bluebro 4 life)and it gets ridiculous in some parts but it is a mechanic of the game.
how do you go through illusionary walls ?
Hit it then it'll go do you go through illusionary walls ?
how do you go through illusionary walls ?
Try attacking
Hit it then it'll go away.
Either hit them or roll into them. There are a lot of troll messages lying about though, so don't think you're doing anything wrong if a message says there is one, and you can't open it.
Can I do anything withthe dragon dude that's just standing on a wall staring at me?
Alright finally got Carthus Flame Arc.
How does it stack with infusions? Does it work alongside crystal/fire etc? Or do I have to use sharp/raw? Does it even work with them?
What about dark that I get later that gives int/fth scaling? Will that by itself out damage Flame Arc anyway?
Ah, okay. Thanks.Make a note of that for later.theres an optional area accessible from there, that you can't get to till a bit later
Ok cool. Sharp with my 16 dex only changes the damage of my Uchi+4 from 187 to 194, so for the time being I think I'll go Raw which gives me 204.When I use Carthus Flame Arc on my +7 Sharp Uchigatana, I get around 100 fire damage on top of my physical.
When I use Carthus Flame Arc on my +7 Sharp Uchigatana, I get around 100 fire damage on top of my physical.
Ok cool. Sharp with my 16 dex only changes the damage of my Uchi+4 from 187 to 194, so for the time being I think I'll go Raw which gives me 204.
Once I level my stats a bit more I'll change it.
I thought infused weapons could not be buffed?
I tried applying some item buff to my Blessed Claymore and it would not work.
Fuck nameless king. Fuck him. I have been stuck on this fuck for 2 days now. Rerolling away from my Thor build because of one fucking boss.
Heh that's why I was asking. I thought it might be the magic ones that can't be buffed which seems true.I thought infused weapons could not be buffed?
I tried applying some item buff to my Blessed Claymore and it would not work.