Where am I supposed to put my sign down for the fifth lord of cinder?
I put my sign down outside its door, but was never summoned.
Is not needed there.
NK on the other hand....
Where am I supposed to put my sign down for the fifth lord of cinder?
I put my sign down outside its door, but was never summoned.
Where am I supposed to put my sign down for the fifth lord of cinder?
I put my sign down outside its door, but was never summoned.
I just take the shortcut elevator from The Dancer bonefire then go right to the 2nd shortcut elevator to the right of that.
Ah good call. I was just hoping to stay embered and avoid invasions while I go through ng+. I liked having that option.Just beat ng+. Now on to cov stuffs
Mound makers seem really fun thus far. All the chaos can make for some really interesting scenarios.
Just equip way of blue for an extra phantom.
Replaying the game with a new chara is kinda souring my enjoyment of the game a little. The linearity really become obvious.
No stuff like "Do I take Blightown shortcut?" or "In which order do I tackle Majula?", kinda of a bummer. It doesn't help that both High Wall and The Undead Settlement are among my least favorite areas.
Most of the bosses in the game are like that, unfortunately. Even on ng+ he's a cake walk. He supposedly has a bunch of interesting moves like summoning enemies that I've never seen because he dies so fast :/Issupposed to be that easy. Seriously, so long as you follow video games 101, it's over in a minute. That was ridiculous.Wolnir
Hey I have an issue.doesn't talk when he's sitting next to the fire in the kitchen where he is supposed to give me theSeigwardguesture.toast
I've beaten every boss in the game just tying up some loose ends. I also want that...slab
So ugh. Is it bugged. Should I just do the guesture on ng+? Also will he move on from here. I havnt actually interacted with him yet in this room there are no prompts!?!?
Issupposed to be that easy. Seriously, so long as you follow video games 101, it's over in a minute. That was ridiculous.Wolnir
If you've beaten every boss then him even being there is a glitch I would think. Pretty sure he's not supposed to show up if you've been to the dungeon already.
Most of the bosses in the game are like that, unfortunately. Even on ng+ he's a cake walk. He supposedly has a bunch of interesting moves like summoning enemies that I've never seen because he dies so fast :/
Pretty far.
Good question.
Depending how you explored stuff, and what bosses you've done before theas there are some branching paths...Dragonslayer Armor
I'd say 70-80% done.
So guys I just reached the P, how far I am?rofaned Capital
Oh yeah, how many titanite scales do you need to max a weapon that uses them?
That depends on how many Lords you've beaten so far.
2 so far, so I guess 2/3 done with the game?
Where do I get Titanite Scales from? I had three in my inventory for upgrading purposes but for he life of me I can't remember where I got them.
They are found as loot all around the world. Crystal Lizards (big and small) drop them too. Locations
Where do I get Titanite Scales from? I had three in my inventory for upgrading purposes but for he life of me I can't remember where I got them.
Started a new character after finishing the game. Can't get enough of this game. Fire Estoc is really cheese especially at the start of the game. I'm trying to do my second run with as much coop as possible but I mainly see Mound Maker symbols. They can kill me if I summon them right?
Well that was close...
Jailers can go to hell.
Then why would anyone summon them? Just for fun or if you have a few friends with you to gank them?Yeah their main goal is to kill the host or other phantoms. When summoned they are attacked by enemies though so they might help you to get few enemies out but they can't help on bossfights.
Whoever was complaining about level design and blah blah before the game came out are crazy.
Then why would anyone summon them? Just for fun or if you have a few friends with you to gank them?
It would be way more fun to invade on a new NG character if people weren't trading items down to themselves or whatever and then rolling dried finger gank squads through undead settlement.
Like, I'm sure you guys all legitimately got the fallen knight set and those various boss weapons before you cleared this area out.
They cant kill you with that attack though
Then why would anyone summon them? Just for fun or if you have a few friends with you to gank them?
Then why would anyone summon them? Just for fun or if you have a few friends with you to gank them?
Still don't understand the reason for this since you have to be around a bonfire when you get invaded. Why not fight the guy and if you die, no big deal. It's probably a good way to piss the invader off though. But I usually only get invaded when I'm far away from a bonfire lol!I put my sign up in areas where invading is popular because people will summon me out of desperation
So the Pointiff's Left Eye Ring seems pretty useless. Am I missing something?
No, it sucksSo the Pointiff's Left Eye Ring seems pretty useless. Am I missing something?