Anybody have some advice for playing co-op with someone new to the Soul's games? I've played them all, mostly by myself but with some summons to help out, but never as a straight up co-op game. He has watched me play, so he kind of gets the basics, but never really played them by himself. I figured he should probably play as a Pyromancer or another class with range attack since it would be easier for me to do the melee and keep him safer as host so he doesn't die.
Also, does your soul level not matter anymore? From what I've read it seems like as long as our passwords match, we can play together. I would prefer to bring my current character in. I don't remember my soul level but I'm at the swamp part of the Road of Sacrifices, so I'm a little ways in, even though I haven't been able to play as much as I would like. If I can bring that character in, will they either get nerfed or will the enemies get more difficult? Basically, would it be better to roll with a new character even though I know that means I'll have to run each area twice with my friend on co-op? Any other tips are welcomed as well.