Can't wait till the dark sword gets nerfed, this shit is ridic in pvp.
The range is so short I'm having trouble killing with it. People run away like crazy and heal.
Well, just got another Shackle from the host getting killed somewhere, lol
Can't wait till the dark sword gets nerfed, this shit is ridic in pvp.
Man, I suck at PVP especially when it's just a gankfest. Might just farm offline again.
I'm gonna try playing PVP a bit smarter. Need to get the enemies to help me out. These gankfests are destroying me.
I just found a Sharp Gem, but The blacksmith will not give me the option to infuse it on my uchigatana (+3). I only have the option for raw, fire and refined.
Does the option unlock later? Or does it only infuse with certain weapons? (I have a rapier and Estoc, and it's not an option for those either...)
I just found a Sharp Gem, but The blacksmith will not give me the option to infuse it on my uchigatana (+3). I only have the option for raw, fire and refined.
Does the option unlock later? Or does it only infuse with certain weapons? (I have a rapier and Estoc, and it's not an option for those either...)
I'm surprised people are finding this boss so difficult. I actually found it one of the easier bosses, however I might've been overpowered considering I tackled that area last. Nonetheless I had way more trouble with. Died like 30 times.Abyss Watchers
Cure it. You messed it up.
What are the best items to get from Transposing Souls as a Strength character? I can't decide what to pick.
Is there a place where you can farm or buy refined gems?
You're missing the coal. I think its inFarron
The range is so short I'm having trouble killing with it. People run away like crazy and heal.
Well, just got another Shackle from the host getting killed somewhere, lol
There's really not any weapons in these games that are just flat out "better" than others. I personally beat the last few bosses with a +10 refined Longsword. Longsword is a fine weapon.
There's also Lothric Knight sword from the knights. It's a tiny bit longer I think and has 110 critical damage instead of 100. More thrusty moveset.
is found in lothric castle. It can't be infused but it has B/B scaling at +5 (twinkling titanite) and its weapon art is a really nice buff.Sunlight Straight sword
Just a couple options if you really are against the longsword.
Question on progression (location & boss spoilers):I've worked my way down through the lower area of Lothric and killed Oceiros(?). Beyond him leads to the Untended Graves and a boss fight. This isn't the final boss, right? I'm 99% sure it's not because it's so soon after the previous one and the lead up to it is a total cake walk, but since it's a dark version of the introduction I thought that might be of some significance, in a come full circle sort of way.
Basically I don't want to go and trigger the ending and leave stuff unexplored. A yes or no on whether I'm safe to proceed with that fight would be great.
I'm surprised people are finding this boss so difficult. I actually found it one of the easier bosses, however I might've been overpowered considering I tackled that area last.
I see. I havnt gotten to the last boss yet, but i guess that the Long Sword isnt too far away damage wise to the Dark Sword. I get 232 damage onI've never used the long sword. The only thing I can say is that the Dark Sword is significantly more powerful than the Battle Axe (starting weapon for the warrior). For me a basic attack on the last boss took 290 damage with the Dark Sword+10 with a heavy gem while only 190 with the Battle Axe+10 with a dark gem.
what's the deal with Smoldering Grounds ?
Giant ballista spaming me, can I stop it ?
Giant worm, not a boss, stopping me from going to this gate... Maybe a sort of mechanic I need an item to pass ?
The other side many fucking crabs... Death over there, but is there something else ?
what's the deal with Smoldering Grounds ?
Giant ballista spaming me, can I stop it ?
Giant worm, not a boss, stopping me from going to this gate... Maybe a sort of mechanic I need an item to pass ?
The other side many fucking crabs... Death over there, but is there something else ?
in my effort to not go over level 75 I have over 400K souls and nothing to spend them on, I've bought every set of armor and a bunch of every buffing item, just one more are to explore APrchdragonand then I'll go fight the last boss.eak
There should be a Souls Bank, lol.
Do boss souls transfer to NG+? Should I just spend them all now?
I see. I havnt gotten to the last boss yet, but i guess that the Long Sword isnt too far away damage wise to the Dark Sword. I get 232 damage onas a basic attack with Long Sword +10 (50 strength, 24 Dexterity. No infusing. If i infuse it heavy gem, i get 223 damage instead since i lose the Dexterity scaling).Prince Lothric
What is the downside to. Is it just a visual affect or are there more meaningful consequences?drawing out true strength
Weakness: plunge attack
Ok. This is it. Jumps, R1. Goes straight throught the creature's head doing zero damage and dying when i hit the bottom.
Now i just have to kill all those annoying BS enemies all over again because running past them isn't an option.
I hate these games sometimes.
Once you do it the first time it starts yourhollow timer
It's a shame because [Siegward's] actual quest, and the ending, is awesome, but the specifics and requirements are finnicky and pretty much impossible to get without using a guide.
Take his second location for example:he's in a well outside of the bonfire chapel, but he only appears there if you've opened up the huge doors of the cathedral, which means you're almost done with the area. If you don't go outside and use the shortcuts inside, chances are big you'll never know he's there. You have to really be looking for him.
As for his jail cell: the game is pretty dark so I never even noticed those windows you could jump in til I read their specific location. Cool secret, but again very tough to find on your own.
Ok but is that just a visual thing or does it kill my life bar more with each time I die like DS2
Nothing. I invade and it immediately says Duty Fulfilled. I'll take it. Just got killed in 4v1
So I just defeated. I'm only 17 hours in, please tell me it's not almost over?Aldrich, making 3 out of the 4 lords of Cinder down.
I just upgraded a Dark Sword to +10 now to check it out, it does 253 damage on the same boss i mentioned earlier. So its a bit stronger than the Long Sword, but not that much (253 vs 232), so now i know exactly the differenceThere isn't a thing in the game that the Longsword can't handle. Just love it. Yes, the Dark Sword does more damage, but I like the R2 (1h and 2h) better, with a nice thrust, or horizontal swipe. I play offline, so I have no clue what's better in pvp.
Where are you invading?
Grand Archives is great for invasions due to the way mobs and ghost hands are setup.
Allows you to make it a bit more fair even in a 1 v 2 or 1 v 3.
Sadly that doesn't help, but in understand what you're saying lol I guess I could have missed optional areas at some point?Depends on where you've been and what you've done.