Once you have thecovenant item is it safe to kill theMoundmakers?rotted greatwood
Once you have thecovenant item is it safe to kill theMoundmakers?rotted greatwood
Sadly that doesn't help, but in understand what you're saying lol I guess I could have missed optional areas at some point?
Sadly that doesn't help, but in understand what you're saying lol I guess I could have missed optional areas at some point?
for the life of me, I can't backstab static enemies who have their backs facing me.
I have 11.5 million souls burning a hole in my pocket, but have to stay at 100 =/
wow, (huge NPC spoiler)is ridiculous. xDHavel
The range is so short I'm having trouble killing with it. People run away like crazy and heal.
Well, just got another Shackle from the host getting killed somewhere, lol
lol never understood this... smh no you dont... i got close to level 300 in ds2 on pc and invading and pvp never stopped...
really dont understand why ppl limit their levels
guys i have a question does armor make a big difference? I was using a tanky knight shield and 1h class. It was going well until I needed to dodge more rather than blocking. I was using the cathedral knight armor set. Which some of you may know is very heavy and reduces movement and dodging distance. But then i switched to the fallen knight set good defense and much lighter. I can dodge farther now and move faster. I was having with abyss watchers until i made the armor switch got him down quick after that.
So my question is heavy armor mitigation worth it to sacrifice speed and movement?
Man, just spent 10 min looking to kill the host but can't find him. He hid well. I left lol
lol never understood this... smh no you dont... i got close to level 300 in ds2 on pc and invading and pvp never stopped...
really dont understand why ppl limit their levels
lol never understood this... smh no you dont... i got close to level 300 in ds2 on pc and invading and pvp never stopped...
really dont understand why ppl limit their levels
Any tips for A? It's non stop attacks are tough, feels like I need a second stamina bar.ldrich
Man, just spent 10 min looking to kill the host but can't find him. He hid well. I left lol
That sounds disappointing. Every other souls game took me like 40 hours or so to beat.There isn't much optional stuff anyways, so it's unlikely to add a sizeable playtime to your current run so far.
I dont think its possible to get matched up with someone and being super OP. If you get matched up with someone, their level should be about the same as yours. But yeah, its about the biggest available player pool (not sure if theres any statistics to this however).Biggest available player pool without PVPing at a super OP level lol
How does the long sword compare to the Astora straight sword?I just upgraded a Dark Sword to +10 now to check it out, it does 253 damage on the same boss i mentioned earlier. So its a bit stronger than the Long Sword, but not that much (253 vs 232), so now i know exactly the differenceYeah, i also like the stabbing attack with the Long Sword.
I havnt really tried out the Astora sword yet, so i cant tell, sorry.How does the long sword compare to the Astora straight sword?
I'm real stubborn, for some reason I'll happily waste time doing nothing if they're hiding. XD
I live by the you'll get bored before I do motto lolz.
In thekes there is an item behind a brick wall, any idea how I get it?Smouldering La
In thekes there is an item behind a brick wall, any idea how I get it?Smouldering La
Phase one use the pillars and zig zag to him get as much damage as possible, second phase when he called the arrows I ran a lap around the room then when I get to him beat his ass, stay really fucking close so his life scythe won't hit you.
In thekes there is an item behind a brick wall, any idea how I get it?Smouldering La
Is it me or is pvp diffrent in DS3? In previous games I never won a battle now I have been invaded for 22 times and only lost 2 times.
Go to 120 bro. You know you want to.I have 11.5 million souls burning a hole in my pocket, but have to stay at 100 =/
not different, probably just more balanced, assholes with dark sword aside.
Thoselook p dangerous to me...arrows the ballista shoots
I opened it by getting hit by the ballista while near it.
You need thegiant cross bow to shoot it.
Completed Bloodborne and Dark Souls 2, but I'm not really enjoying this early on. Should I plough through? Still very early on at the 2nd bonfire in the first world proper.
Only 2nd bonfire? Game didn't even start yet