Hmm, well I had a double KO on Alast night, got my souls back but didn't get the cutscene. Had to youtubeldrich![]()
what? there's a cutscene after him?
Hmm, well I had a double KO on Alast night, got my souls back but didn't get the cutscene. Had to youtubeldrich![]()
I'm finding this game pretty easy so far, and I quit Bloodborne because the bosses were too annoying. Halfway through the Road of Sacrifices at the moment.
What's the best infusion for the uchigatana? Sharp or refined?
No need to do all that I think, I dropped two in about ten minutes time, I have 10 points in luck.
Took me like 15 min of farming and a few rusted coins
what? there's a cutscene after him?
So that nobody gets their hopes up, I started farming the two guys who drop it while leaving my summon sign. I could kill them at least 2-3 times between summons. I had well over 100k souls by the time it dropped.
The parry is L2 with shields that can parry. It has to be done at the right timing before you get hit. There is slight delay due to the animation.Yep,I am playing a Knight and I tried a lot at the beginning but cant pull it off most of the time but it wasn't really needed until this place,I just block(L1)...the parry is L2 at the right time or bringing up the shield with L1 at at the right time...? or maybe I will use the shield bash Shield...
I got the dark sword within 10 mins on my PC character and I have 9 luck. It appears to be low however It's rng.Does anyone have the slightest idea what drop rates for Dark Sword are meant to be? I know I could respec to increase my luck etc but just wondering
I can't believe I can stunlock a (late game enemy?)with a straight-sword but trying same with my claymore gets me killed because enemy recovers and gets a hit in. I would imagine that a bigger weapon would cause a bigger stagger, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work like that.Lothric Castle Knight
so vit is the new pointless stat?
that is so lame. why even putin this game, you're just insulting him.havel the rock
I can't believe I can stunlock a (late game enemy?)with a straight-sword but trying same with my claymore gets me killed because enemy recovers and gets a hit in. I would imagine that a bigger weapon would cause a bigger stagger, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work like that.Lothric Castle Knight
Yup. Greatswords are trash now.
Took me like 15 min of farming and a few rusted coins
No need to do all that I think, I dropped two in about ten minutes time, I have 10 points in luck.
Keys will be used automatically when you have the correct key.
Counter R2 from greatswords eat LK's lunch. Follow it with an R1. If Claymore has stance, then tank a hit from him and R2 swing followed by a hard R2 for lots and lots of damage.
Dark Sword DPS is better, but if you love that GS crunch like I do, you'll make do.
I don't really agree. Other than Dark Sword, stance is insanely good PVE and PVP (unless hshield). Sure, you often tank a hit or two, but jesus the damage out of it is insane to the point it's often worth the trade off, especially PVP.avel
Dark Sword is a freak of nature atm. I wouldn't be shocked if it ends up nerfed soon. Stance + straight sword speed = insane damage all the time basically whenever you want. It might get left alone due to the reach being pretty poor, but in the realm of HShields + estoc rocking everyone I doubt that's going to make much of a difference at the moment.avel
Late game area invasion story.
Co OP with a friend, we get invaded at the dragon barracks in Lothric castle. Try to 1 on 1 the dude, but he heals and runs away, fucker runs straight to the ice dancer thing in the closed basement. We wait at the top at the stairs, pop a seed of a tree, bye bro.
I started thearea yesterday Having a hard time with theSwampand thoseGiant Crabthey break my guard easily and attack furiously fast .Freak with some kind of cross on their back with chains
This is something I am having issue with the game so far, enemies are pretty fast and you are slow, at least in Bloodborne you were also fast .
The bow is a must have weapon for some enemies/area.
Lol imagine his face. Can phantoms pop a seed of a tree or is it host only?
If you are going Dex then sharp as Uchi gets a B scaling
Maxed dancer's swords are no joke.
You can tell some of the Dark Souls 2 team worked on this game, because there are a few areas where they give out bonfires like candy. Some of them are even a room or two away with no real reason for existing (, for example).Demon Ruins
Depends on the order you doLoC.the middle two
Was that carpet always on fire...
Having trouble defeatingAlrich, Devourer of gods
Can i only summon one other player to help defeat him? After i summon one bro, all the other summon signs disappear. I also heard that i could summonfor this fight. Where is his summon sign?Orbeck of Vinheim
Some spells can only be obtained with boss souls. Those are the only trophies linked to them.Is there any trophy behind the boss souls or can I safely transpose the ones I don't want?
When I use claymore against enemies I mentioned, I:
Stance + R1 --> back off. If I hit their guard and they stagger, I follow up with normal R1.
Simply R2 has a chance that it will be blocked and then I'm screwed.
I manage, but that wasn't the point. What I meant was, the game feels several times easier when I just kill the enemy by spamming R1 on my straight-sword. Instead of a ~300 + ~300 from my claymore by perfectly timing my stance hit + follow-up, I can just spam R1 and get 1k+.
It feels wrong.
I've only tried two Greatswords (Zweihander and FUGS) and both were really slow compared to the damage they do. Especially when I can get faster weapons with almost the same damage.
What the hell's up with this wall?
No, it's not an illusory wall.
YepOh? the last one always cutscenes you?
Is there any way to avoid Kof the Sing'stormI simply can't avoid it no matter which direction I go breathing attack. I hit his head and he floats above for 2 or 3 seconds and then does this massive fire attack.
Yes, except maybe not if you triggerOh? the last one always cutscenes you?
I defeated one of the Crabs in the swamp area only once (I farmed ALOT in that area during my early stages), every time I revisited, I left them alone, not worth the hassle for me imo. The cross bearing guys are ok but you need to learn their swipe combos, you can always get a few hits in after they leap towards you, providing you dodged of course. I think someone likened Dark Souls to 'learning how to dance', every enemy is a different dance partner but once you get their routine down, it's easier.
Also Irithyll Straight Sword for lyfe, I love this weapon, I'm currently a level 87 pyro and still running with it, the reach and speed is too good.I tried the dark sword but personally didn't like the shorter reach.
Is the first Black Knight you encounter (in Road of Sacrifices) not farmable for the gear set? I got him to drop the gauntlets once, killed him 2-3 more times and got nothing.
If it helps, you only really need to fight the three of them that you encounter when you first get to that area. The other ones roam around the city and can be stealthed aroundI'm getting completely smashed to bits by those dancer knights in Iy. I just can't seem to deal with them, they just keep on hitting me until i either die or my guard breaks and i die. Hits take off such a big part of my frustrating!rithyll of the Boreal Valle
Keep your distance and only attack the head when the boss is recovering from attacks with his spear.Is there any way to avoid Kof the Sing'stormI simply can't avoid it no matter which direction I go breathing attack. I hit his head and he floats above for 2 or 3 seconds and then does this massive fire attack.
What the hell's up with this wall?
No, it's not an illusory wall.
Cool, thanks for the tips Il try that tonight . I'm still using my long sword (at + 3) But is the Irithyll sword faster than the long sword ?
I did try it and it's a cool looking sword with good move set and causing Frostbite but I did not notice it was being faster .
Oh and just noticed it need Twinkling Titanite to upgrade
Progressing through the levels makes this the toughest entry into the series for me, but the bosses so far are not quite as brutal and seem more par for the course. My character:
And on a side note, The Dis probably the most beautiful boss fight ever. Just an amazing enemy.ancer of the Boreal Valley