One thing I dont like in this game is the shortcut placement for bosses, especially late game. You still have to travel quite far to get to certain bosses when you die,
One thing I dont like in this game is the shortcut placement for bosses, especially late game. You still have to travel quite far to get to certain bosses when you die,
I can't get Sigwurd to appear at thenext to the bonfire. I see a ton of messages indicating he should be there?well
Was there something in between fighting theand the point I'm currently at? And here was me thinking I'd actually complete a Caterina quest this time round demon and him going to sleep
The blind lady has it for sale.
It's in the Grand Archives. I am fairly certain no NPC sells that spell at least until after you have already found it. Maybe NPC's sell it in NG+ or NG++
Wait nooo.Isells the Tears of Denial only after you given her Drina. It's not in her default inventory.ivine Tome
4 man gank squads suck
can anyone help?
4 man gank squads suck
Thanks for the answers on luck. I'll try it out. I had a messy build with which I finished the game. Now, before going into NG+ I'm trying other builds but nothing is really sticking or feeling fun. I want something that will be good in PvP and still be good in pve since I play on going through the game a few more times. Any recommendations?
I tried str/faith and found it underwhelming. Next I'm on Dex/int and same thing. Feel like the spells are mostly just a side thing so not really feeling it. Maybe a pure magic build would be fun but I'd save that for another character. Kinda feeling like sticking to something melee. I will probably try dex/luck next but I'm open to suggestions.
Hm I think I like my lv50 character too much to level her up. Mostly due to the fact that pvp is a damn blast at that level. I was going to take her to ng+ but I think it's time for a new character and taking that one to 100.
4 man gank squads suck
Pyro picks up mid game. You can totally melt bosses with Chaos fireballs and Chaos Bed vestiges.Spells that aren't Pyromancy seem to be pretty weak overall. Purely physical builds seem to be the way to go at the moment.
Yeah, I black crystal out of most 3v1s and 4v1s are just the worst.
But, 1v1s and 2v1s aren't so bad.
Luck adds to bleed/poison build rate, and to AR when a weapon is hollow-infused. The reason why you pair it with dex is because 1) bleed weapons are primarily DEX weapons and 2) you need the extra scaling for damage on stuff that is resistant to bleed.
I use Warden's Twinblades +10 on my luck build. They are extremely limited in PvE, so I also use a Darkdrift +5 and Uchi +10.
On stuff that you can bleed, like, it makes the fights easy.Champion Gundyr
I'm SL90Join Aldrich Faithful! SL 50-70. You invade with another person from the covenant which helps against gankers. Most fun I have had in PVP invasions so far.
Those mobs at Great Belfry in Archdragon Peak are BUUUULLSHIT fuck this
Did you meet trusty Patches?
Agree with this. Maybe make a weird sound upon spawning. I don't see why anyone would summon a purple over a white or gold.Purple signs shouldn't be purple. They should be the same color. Then if they want to turn and kill the host, they have to use some item and a message pops up that says x person went hostile.
Turns what was easy mode into something a little more interesting.
Easily.Is this better than Dark Souls 2?
No... I feel like I've missed so much of the NPC stuff this time round. Can't find Sigwurd, couldn't find Horace in the catacombs and now I was supposed to have met Patches...
Where is Patches supposed to be? And Horace if you don't mind. If either are spoilerish, let me know![]()
Is this better than Dark Souls 2?
Is this better than Dark Souls 2?
So I'm currently level 99, getting things done before going into NG+. Since I've amassed a few Titanite Slabs, I'm curious about respeccing some to try other builds. As of right now, I'm running a 30/40 STR/DEX build with my Refined Greatsword +10, but I'm interested in my other options. Faith? Luck? Any ideas?
Meet patchescan anyone help?
Head back to the cathedral of the deep. Up the elevator shortcut by the main boss and around that area you should find Patches. Sigward should be in the well by the Chapel bonfire. To find Horace, cut the rope bridge by High Lord Wolnir. and climb down it.
Purple signs shouldn't be purple. They should be the same color. Then if they want to turn and kill the host, they have to use some item and a message pops up that says x person went hostile.
Turns what was easy mode into something a little more interesting.
Agree with this. Maybe make a weird sound upon spawning. I don't see why anyone would summon a purple over a white or gold.
Is this better than Dark Souls 2?
What's up with not being able to enter a boss fight along with the host? I've numerous times now that I tried to help with the Dancer fight but I was never able to join them even though I could see they were already fighting the boss. Didn't have the issue at other bosses.
So apparently poise is disabled in the game's files?
This video is making the rounds at Reddit. It's possible to re-enable the effect at the risk of getting banned.
I'd set it a little lower than Dark Souls 2 right now, it's missing a lot of QOL of life improvements from that game and PVE and PVP are kinda limited thanks to it sadly.
I thought I was finished with Cathedral of the Deep. I saw that elevator after you cross that bridge at the top but didn't know how to get down there. Can I drop down?
You could climb down the rope bridge??? Shit. I just saw Anri at the bonfire in the church place in Boreal Valley... Am I fucked?
just wanna ask aftershould i go to farron keep or cathedral of the deep?crystal mage
x10000000 than DS2.
Better animations, combat, bosses, lore, all of the things from the better SoulsBorne games.
This is the real DS2.
4 man gank squads suck