I'm trying to fashion up my character. Sdr-uk gave me the black version earlier, but it doesn't look right with my armor.If I were home, I would help. I have literally 30 SK helms atm from farming. Lord knows how much I sold.
I'm trying to fashion up my character. Sdr-uk gave me the black version earlier, but it doesn't look right with my armor.If I were home, I would help. I have literally 30 SK helms atm from farming. Lord knows how much I sold.
I'll trade someone Black Knight UGS for a Silver Knight Helm. PS4 SL52. Pls halp
Ah that explains it. Will have to try harder and maybe get better clothes!Outside of Pontiff boss area seems to be the default pvp area. You can get some items but you have to be the invader I believe.
Where do I first encounter Patches? I've encountered Seigward in the well, killed the giants, defeated the area boss, raised the bridges, and opened the big doors to the cathedral. What am I missing?
How are you supposed to handle multiple people at once? The times I've tried invading I can't really do much when there's 3 people running at you all attacking at the same time.
Got it. Be there in a sec.You can have a silver knight helm. I have so many. Meet me at the Undead settlement bonfire. Set the password as ds3gaf and look for my red summon sign. Might take awhile since its on my high level character.
I thought DkS2 made it clear that Drangleic was Lordran several hundred years later. Didn't an NPC imply as much in the Bastion level?
How are you supposed to handle multiple people at once? The times I've tried invading I can't really do much when there's 3 people running at you all attacking at the same time.
i wasn't disagreeing with you about any of that. Just wanted to mention that DkS3 didn't completely ignore DkS2. The lore in DkS3 def tells us how important the first game was. And I think DkS2 was just one of those cycles so it wasn't that important overall in 3. I think it still works even if it's just item descriptions.
Good summary, btw. I lived and breathed DkS2 for a month straight so I know all the lore you mentioned. Heh
People acting like Dark Souls 3 lore is bad for connecting to Dark Souls 1 while only slightly mentioning Dark Souls 2? But Dark Souls 2 lore already ignored or made up nonsensical rewrites of Dark Souls 1 lore without providing any further insight or answers beyond cheapening both endings of the first game.
Got it. Be there in a sec.
Let's duel afterward.
don't you like elevators?
Haha, name is Tarkushaha sure. Its gonna be purple summon sign then![]()
Thank you and very good game!haha sure. Its gonna be purple summon sign then![]()
Thank you and very good game!
What level are you?No problem. And yep! Didnt know you could parry that L2.
Yes, of course, DS2 is still canon, and DS3 isn't trying to erase it.
It just that DS3 overuse DS1 lore for develop it's own story, yet it doesn't touch DS2 lore to do it so.
Also, SOTFS content was supposed to be key IMO for advancing the storywell, atleast until they decided to completely ignore the curse of the undead, a key element from both DS1 and 2, to a side quest that also has a mechanic that should be BIG lore wise but is totally ignored.
I don't think DS3 lore is bad because it uses more DS1 lore than 2. I think it's bad because the lore is an excuse to fanservice DS1 the most they could. Once you take out the fanservice aspects of DS3 lore you end up with a very hollow and underdeveloped lore. Probably waiting for DLC.
And DS2 lore didn't even try to rewrite DS1 lore, funny that you say that when.killing an optional boss in DS1 now its totally not canon
I don't think DS3 lore is bad because it uses more DS1 lore than 2. I think it's bad because the lore is an excuse to fanservice DS1 the most they could. Once you take out the fanservice aspects of DS3 lore you end up with a very hollow and underdeveloped lore. Probably waiting for DLC.
And DS2 lore didn't even try to rewrite DS1 lore, funny that you say that when.killing an optional boss in DS1 now its totally not canon
I thought DkS2 made it clear that Drangleic was Lordran several hundred years later. Didn't an NPC imply as much in the Bastion level? Going by that I assumed DkS3 was a direct sequel almost but I realized I was wrong once I sawcorpse. Then I was confused.the ladder guy's
People acting like Dark Souls 3 lore is bad for connecting to Dark Souls 1 while only slightly mentioning Dark Souls 2? But Dark Souls 2 lore already ignored or made up nonsensical rewrites of Dark Souls 1 lore without providing any further insight or answers beyond cheapening both endings of the first game.
The flow of time itself is convoluted, with heroes centuries old phasing in and out.
The very fabric wavers, and relations shift and obscure.
There's no telling how much longer your world and mine will remain in contact.
"The eyes show a world destitute of fire, a barren plane of endless darkness. A place born of betrayal. So I will'd myself Lord, to link the fire, to paint a new vision. What is thine intent?"
Damn, the game was quite manageable, but I'm hitting a roadblock at Irithyll all of a sudden. Those lanky, dancing swordsmen destroy me, and let's not talk about the fire-wielding knights.
Anyone that watched game of thrones yesterday immediately (GoT spoiler)got reminded of 2x1 invasions when Trystane is cowardly killed by the spear through his skull?
How do you know that? Dark Souls 3 is an actual sequel to Dark Souls, rather than a game that happens to take place in the same universe while constantly teasing connections that don't entirely make sense. If Dark Souls 2 didn't exist, then everyone would accept these as simple connections between a sequel and the game that came before. But because Dark Souls 2 exists, you can write it off as fanservice?
Dark Souls 2 changed how Undead worked, making them inexplicably drawn to Drangleic and losing their memories. 1. Undead came to Lordran becausenot because of some compulsion. 2. Losing their memories. Completely made up and had no bearing on anything.Fraampt and Gwyndolin manipulated them into doing so,
Also destroyed the Lordvessel for no reason other than MYSTERY
Dark Souls 2 acts as though the progenitors of the entire Dark Souls universe were just there, that they merely happened to be the first and the same thing has happened dozens of times, and that the entire world is continuously rewriting itself, rather than being centered around Lordran and the Undead "curse."
Not to trivialize lore stuff, but Solaire's line in DS1:
as well as Ludleth's dialogue:
Show that not only is there a good chance that there are multiple "lands" where this has happened, or one land in various states of time, but that there's different ways each land or time went about the events in the souls series.
Callbacks could be argued to be time / land shenanigans almost as much as fanservice. What's not to say Drang is what this land called the same place, or a similar place to DSII's Dranglaeic?
Relying on the time and space is convoluted dialogue from Solaire has always seemed like a crutch to me. It seems like that line is there mostly to hand wave the series' multiplayer mechanics and nothing else.
I've been stuck in the Irithyll Dungeon for awhile, this place is seriously pissing me off. Does anyone have any tips that will make this area alil easier to deal with? Does your level affect who can be summoned because I rarely see people to summon but I'm constantly getting invaded.
The reason it seems that way is because that's purely what that line is there for.
Thank God. It's probably not Bloodborne, Demons souls, Dark Souls good, but being better than Dark Souls 2 is good, it's just a chore to me.Definitely. Better level design, better variety of enemies, and just a better made game in general.
I can't consistently backstab for the life of me. What am I doing wrong?
I've gotten really close, press R1. Normal attack
I walk slowly (never stopping), and press R1. Normal attack, sometimes backstab.
If i get any closer, enemy turns around. I don't have my shield up. I don't understand.
It seems Miyazaki finds DS2 lacking, and chooses to largely ignore it. I agree with him.Yes, and that made sense as a sequel to DS1? Gwyn introduced order into an entropic world when he linked the first flame, and as a result there's a long battle to keep it going that is ultimately doomed to fail.
Maybe if DS2 didn't exist, DS3 wouldn't feel so creatively bankrupt. But DS3 came out in a post-DS2 world!
That's probably the toughest area in the whole game, even more so than late game areas.
Don't feel bad.
Wouldn't the lack of DS2 (especially SOTFS) references be caused by the fact that DS3 began development year before DS2 was released and two years before SOTFS was released? Like I am not that surprised there isn't match about that game considering the time between these games.
How do you know that? Dark Souls 3 is an actual sequel to Dark Souls, rather than a game that happens to take place in the same universe while constantly teasing connections that don't entirely make sense. If Dark Souls 2 didn't exist, then everyone would accept these as simple connections between a sequel and the game that came before. But because Dark Souls 2 exists, you can write it off as fanservice?
Dark Souls 2 changed how Undead worked, making them inexplicably drawn to Drangleic and losing their memories. 1. Undead came to Lordran becausenot because of some compulsion. 2. Losing their memories. Completely made up and had no bearing on anything.Fraampt and Gwyndolin manipulated them into doing so,
Also destroyed the Lordvessel for no reason other than MYSTERY. Dark Souls 2 acts as though the progenitors of the entire Dark Souls universe were just there, that they merely happened to be the first and the same thing has happened dozens of times, and that the entire world is continuously rewriting itself, rather than being centered around Lordran and the Undead "curse."
For a series that is largely defined by oblique references and hard-to-reconstruct lore, I prefer a sequel narrative that defines its own mythology and asks the player to think about what has come since the original. DS3 being such a direct sequel is worse IMO - we don't need to articulate more about the specific mythology that was already such a wonderful mix of known and unknown in DS1.
I've been stuck in the Irithyll Dungeon for awhile, this place is seriously pissing me off. Does anyone have any tips that will make this area alil easier to deal with? Does your level affect who can be summoned because I rarely see people to summon but I'm constantly getting invaded.
What level are you?
No, just wondering. What was that thrusting sword? It didn't look like an Estoc.I used my level 67. But from my understanding, the game scales me down to your level. Did you feel that it didnt or something?
must be rapierNo, just wondering. What was that thrusting sword? It didn't look like an Estoc.
In case anyone is interested, there is an upcoming patch that mentions performance fine tuning and bug fixes:
Translation from reddit:
App Ver 1.04
Regulation Ver 1.05
Patch release time still to be determined.
- Fixed a bug where you might not get items properly while accessing a covenant when a player joins your game.
- Some NPCs questline events have been made easier to trigger.
- Made the requirement for joining the Rosaria's Fingers less strict.
- Fixed a bug when teleporting to Untended Graves.
- Amended an issue where kicks were being parried.
- Fixed a bug where Crystal Sage would not re-appear after warping in.
- Fixed a bug where Dragonslayer Armour would die on its own before you fight.
- Fixed a bug where Knight Slayer Tsorig would continue to gesture.
- Fixed a bug where Siegward would fail to save Greirat even though the conditions have been met.
- Fixed a bug where, when wearing a ring that increases Max HP, the change would not be reflected in some menus.
- Fixed a bug where the voice chat icon would show (or not show) according to the settings.
- Fixed a bug where the voice chat icon would continue to display when HUD display is set to AUTO.
- (Xbox One) Fixed a bug where you can't access the functions Quit Game, access bonfire, or use online play items when failing to connect to an online session.
- (Xbox One) Fixed a bug where the game would crash to the title screen when you fail to connect to an online session.
- Fine tuned various other things, fine tune performance, and corrected various bugs.
Hopefully it includes a fix for the auto-save stutter.
Ah okay. I was gonna say it should have scaled me to your level. If it didn't Welp I feel I didn't winNo, just wondering. What was that thrusting sword? It didn't look like an Estoc.