Hey just saw your message. Do you need another helper still?Sure. password will be: DS3GAF
I'll wait a bit to see if your sign shows up.
These people need to play offline.
Speaking of pvp, would I be an asshole for fighting with disrespect? Most people stick with greeting and not healing, but most times I wish they didn't bother. In fact, I prefer the people who run right at me as soon as I land. I'm going to start grinding the covenant items soon and will likely ditch the etiquette for a while.
Shield stability is more important in this game, look for that stat in which shield you use.
Also, the enemies are faster, but there are still clear signs for when to attack. Look for those. Many enemies can be parried and riposted/backstabbed.
What's the hardest covenant to grind right now?
Darkmoon/Blue Sentinels follow by Watchdogs.
Why are people taking potions in a duel, this is so annoying. Half the duels I got since two days ago where with players taking potions.
It doesn't help them, I won 100% of those fights. If you take a potion and you are not way far from me, you're just gonna get combo'd and die. Don't they realize it's a very long animation that let you open to attacks?
Why are people taking potions in a duel, this is so annoying. Half the duels I got since two days ago where with players taking potions.
It doesn't help them, I won 100% of those fights. If you take a potion and you are not way far from me, you're just gonna get combo'd and die. Don't they realize it's a very long animation that let you open to attacks?
It clears up when you beat the boss!D
I watched this video after starting the game and helped me a ton:
More pvp-related, but it all applies to most mobs and even bosses.
Yo... It's actually really fast in this game.
Darkmoon/Blue Sentinels follow by Watchdogs.
Yo... It's actually really fast in this game.
Darkmoon/Blue Sentinels follow by Watchdogs.
Watchdogs should be pretty easy if you have Symbol of Avarice and at least the basic Covetous Gold Serpent Ring. With both, you can have 250 (more if you use the silver/gold coins) and use it on the Keep Ruins bonfire. I've casually be doing it, and got like 10 already.
I also say that outside of the sunbro cov, aldrich faithful is def the easiest to 100%
Yeah.. So, unless I'm right next to them, I usually can't stop them.
Faster than before maybe, still very long though, enough to take a hit from someone that even seems out of reach.
Of course, my experience is different. Darkmoon has by far been the easiest. Mound Makers has been the hardest for me, because the ganking ensures that it will be very difficult to kill the host.
I have ranked up the most Proof of Concords Kept, sometimes getting 2-3 per summon.
Honestly I find it impossible to punish estus, even when I see them try to take it unless I can start my attack animation before they start their heal animation I can't prevent the heal.
Honestly I find it impossible to punish estus, even when I see them try to take it unless I can start my attack animation before they start their heal animation I can't prevent the heal.
Mound Makers are easy. Just set up a red soapstone sign right outside the Pfight and get summoned endlessly.ontiff
How in the world are you even being summoned for Darkmoon though? I wore the thing for 2 days straight and only got summoned 3 times, twice it told me the person had been killed as I zoned in and sent me back without a reward? Did you stay really low level for it or something? I figure that is the way to go with it, but I'm long past that point.
Yeah I feel like watchdog would be the next hardest. If anything but the drop rates from PvE isn't that terrible overall.Watchdogs should be pretty easy if you have Symbol of Avarice and at least the basic Covetous Gold Serpent Ring. With both, you can have 250 (more if you use the silver/gold coins) and use it on the Keep Ruins bonfire. I've casually be doing it, and got like 10 already.
I also say that outside of the sunbro cov, aldrich faithful is def the easiest to 100%
Yeah.. So, unless I'm right next to them, I usually can't stop them.
never gotten summon by either darkmoon/blue sentinels or watchdogsOf course, my experience is different. Darkmoon has by far been the easiest. Mound Makers has been the hardest for me, because the ganking ensures that it will be very difficult to kill the host.
I have ranked up the most Proof of Concords Kept, sometimes getting 2-3 per summon.
Yeah, I would say actually that Aldritch faithful is the easiest, because at pretty much any level range you are guaranteed summons. Still, in the late game I have been getting plentiful Blademoon summons on PS4, as stated above.
Yeah I feel like watchdog would be the next hardest. If anything but the drop rates from PvE isn't that terrible overall.
never gotten summon by either darkmoon/blue sentinels or watchdogsbesides once or twice.
I don't like dueling so I never use the red soapstone. I use the Red Eye Orb. I guess that's just my unwillingness to duel.
About Darkmoon: I just get summoned. From level 70 till my current level (105) I get summoned pretty easily. Seems like at the lower level it wouldn't happen all the time but I would sometimes get pockets of back to back summons.
My last play session I was fooling around in Grand Archives trying to get the Titanite Slab and playing around with fighting the Gargoyles. I kept getting summoned actually, and it was annoying because their health would reset when I came back.
If you are on PS4 and you have cross-region play enabled, you should be able to get summoned in the late game. Not sure about other platforms. I wish more people could do it because some of these brawls that I've encountered have been amazing.
Pretty sure I've racked up over 70 Concords Kept by now.
Patch 1.04 just hit for PS4 for me.
What system are you using, and what country do you live in? Unless there is some weird issue where latency/distance from NB's servers will cause other people to get summoned before you, hence never allowing you to be summoned, if you meet the requirements I listed you should be able to get summoned. Instead of doing the shitty drop grind for Blademoon, it might be better if you put the badge on and go to some late game areas and fool around until you get summoned, making sure that your emblem is flashing.
From Weapon upgrade +8 to +10, and from level 70-105 I've been getting plentiful summons. I played around with different areas but I'm not sure how much it helps. Although, I got the most summons standing in Lothric Castle/Grand Archives.
Patch 1.04 just hit for PS4 for me.
Is this the real patch or the 1.03-1.04 patch?
If it's the real 1.04 then that's sweet, can't wait to go home and try it out.
Actual patch.
What system are you using, and what country do you live in? Unless there is some weird issue where latency/distance from NB's servers will cause other people to get summoned before you, hence never allowing you to be summoned, if you meet the requirements I listed you should be able to get summoned. Instead of doing the shitty drop grind for Blademoon, it might be better if you put the badge on and go to some late game areas and fool around until you get summoned, making sure that your emblem is flashing.
From Weapon upgrade +8 to +10, and from level 70-105 I've been getting plentiful summons. I played around with different areas but I'm not sure how much it helps. Although, I got the most summons standing in Lothric Castle/Grand Archives.
Sure I can get you to the Profaned Capital after the patch. Set the password as DS3GAFAnyone on PS4 can help with me with?Irithyll Dungeon
My PSN is Stat_09
I'm sitting in the grand archives and have been for 5 minutes unable to get a summon at level 70 with a +8 weapon on PC. I'm inclined to say something is prioritizing certain players over others.
I'm sitting in the grand archives and have been for 5 minutes unable to get a summon at level 70 with a +8 weapon on PC. I'm inclined to say something is prioritizing certain players over others.
I've read elsewhere that that might be the case. Some people report getting summoned back to back a bunch while others in the same range get nothing.
can't log into game servers, guess no dark souls 3 for me tonight, qq
Send them a message telling how much of a pussy they are.
Why are people taking potions in a duel, this is so annoying. Half the duels I got since two days ago where with players taking potions.
It doesn't help them, I won 100% of those fights. If you take a potion and you are not way far from me, you're just gonna get combo'd and die. Don't they realize it's a very long animation that let you open to attacks?