performance doesn't really feel any different to me post patch PS4 online....again though I never attempted to play it after downloading the patch offline when no one could log into the servers.
I feel like downloading the patch before the servers were on, the performance was downright terrible at times, then after logging on, there must have been some kind of patch finalization, because it feels normal now.
Before it seemed like there were really noticeable frame stutters, talking nearly an entire second pauses with hectic areas. They are gone now.
Anyone feel like Old King Doran is still the hardest boss in the franchise?
Has anyone been experiencing worse than usual FPS dips on PS4? It was never this bad on my first playthrough and now it's borderline unplayable in some places.
I'm Free!
OMG. What have they done to this game?!?!!! I am literally playing in slow motion right now. I recorded some vids. will upload them tomorrow morning. wow. i have never played anything like this.
Wait, Just Cause 3 can get like this during explosions.
The funny thing is that i thought DS3 ran better than bloodborne most of the time.
Nice!!I'm Free!
On the same boat but farming for covenant items...
took me freaking 2 hrs with 428 Item discovery to get 8 wolf blood sword grass... only 22 to go
idk why but farming isn't fun in dks3 but dks1 it was fun...
In other news, 20 minutes of running around Archives with no Darkmoon summon. I had hope and that is wrong. :c
I personally haven't noticed anything. Just as smooth since day one.
How'd you get all three endings in a day like like that? I thought you had to do NG+ & NG++ & couldn't backup saves to achieve the Platinum like in Bloodborne.
Nah, you still have shitheels like Manus, Fume Knight, Orphan of Kos(!!!), O&S etc. I feel like the bosses in Demon's Souls have been surpassed ten times over difficulty-wise. Aren't you also thinking of King Allant? Doran is just an NPC.
That's awesome. Can't wait to see more from you.Finally got around to making another one, should be more regular from now on
Finally got around to making another one, should be more regular from now on
Do I tell Anri of the smouldering lake if I'm going for path B?
Kill Horace first and tell her, or tell her first but make sure to kill Horace before Wolnir or it's over for that questline. I'm talking about the complex questline, not sure what you mean by path B.
Do I tell Anri of the smouldering lake if I'm going for path B?
Kill Horace first and tell her, or tell her first but make sure to kill Horace before Wolnir or it's over for that questline. I'm talking about the complex questline, not sure what you mean by path B.
Different strokes for different folks.Why did Pontiff give people so much trouble?
I just went in with 5 estus expecting to get wrecked and ended up beating him first try.
I don't think you want to tell her about it no matter the path.
Why did Pontiff give people so much trouble?
I just went in with 5 estus expecting to get wrecked and ended up beating him first try.
I don't think you want to tell her about it no matter the path.
I don't think you want to tell her about it no matter the path.
How close to the end of the game is?Anor Londo
I'm pretty close to giving up, the enemies in this area can kill me in two hits. I've used summons on the last two bosses after dying a ton of times. I really like the game, but I'm just not in the mood right now. When I was making steady progress I was loving it but I've played a ton of both Bloodborne and DS2 in the past year, and now that things are getting tougher I'm get tired of it really quick.
It's hard to tell how far I am, if there's like one more zone after this or something maybe I'll stick to it, but I'm really close to calling it quits and trying the game again later on when I'm not as burnt out on the series.
How close to the end of the game is?Anor Londo
I'm pretty close to giving up, the enemies in this area can kill me in two hits. I've used summons on the last two bosses after dying a ton of times. I really like the game, but I'm just not in the mood right now. When I was making steady progress I was loving it but I've played a ton of both Bloodborne and DS2 in the past year, and now that things are getting tougher I'm get tired of it really quick.
It's hard to tell how far I am, if there's like one more zone after this or something maybe I'll stick to it, but I'm really close to calling it quits and trying the game again later on when I'm not as burnt out on the series.
How close to the end of the game is?Anor Londo
I'm pretty close to giving up, the enemies in this area can kill me in two hits. I've used summons on the last two bosses after dying a ton of times. I really like the game, but I'm just not in the mood right now. When I was making steady progress I was loving it but I've played a ton of both Bloodborne and DS2 in the past year, and now that things are getting tougher I'm get tired of it really quick.
It's hard to tell how far I am, if there's like one more zone after this or something maybe I'll stick to it, but I'm really close to calling it quits and trying the game again later on when I'm not as burnt out on the series.
Finally got around to making another one, should be more regular from now on
The S.K.'s hit like trucks, but you can easily backstab them. In fact, I'd say they are among the easiest to backstab, as long as you find the right moments. Once you get that down you will sail through the area.
If you aren't a mage, and are getting smashed by the regular enemies, the boss is going to give you hell. Just summon some help and spam it as quickly as you can and the boss will go down. The more you wait, the harder it gets.
How close to the end of the game is?Anor Londo
I'm pretty close to giving up, the enemies in this area can kill me in two hits. I've used summons on the last two bosses after dying a ton of times. I really like the game, but I'm just not in the mood right now. When I was making steady progress I was loving it but I've played a ton of both Bloodborne and DS2 in the past year, and now that things are getting tougher I'm get tired of it really quick.
It's hard to tell how far I am, if there's like one more zone after this or something maybe I'll stick to it, but I'm really close to calling it quits and trying the game again later on when I'm not as burnt out on the series.
after really enjoying bloodborne this is my first souls game, but i´m kinda overwhelmed by the weapons/shields/levelling choices.
i started a warrior and i´m at lvl 28 with 23str/14dex and i´m switching between an irithyll sword/battleaxe + lothric shield and the claymore.
should i level vit to be able to equip a weapon in slot2 without going over the heavy threshold, or are those points better inversted somewhere else?
i´m at ronow and i´m just not sure what weapons to level how far (i have axe+1, shield+1 and only have about 10 shards atm). or just wait till i find something better?ad of sacrifices
Maybe I'm just not remembering right but I don't recall DS1 being this demanding. There's a LOT of enemies and bosses that can kill me in a hit or two. Maybe I fucked up my character, I have about 15 Vigor, or whatever the HP stat is. But it just gets really, really frustrating. I don't mind the game being challenging. DS1 is one of my favorite games. But let me learn. There's no reason so many enemies need to deal that much damage. I have two boss fights I can do right now, one can one-hit with one move and the other can leave with the slightest sliver of health. Being punished for letting a telegraphed move connect is fine, but when I only get one shot at it it really isn't fun.
So I'm getting summoned for help and killing the invader and not being given concords. Fantastic, it has happened about 5 times now.