Man this library sucks. The books are terrible and the librarians throw sticky white stuff at you.
The books aren't so bad if you get some sticky white stuff of your own. If you know what I mean
Man this library sucks. The books are terrible and the librarians throw sticky white stuff at you.
Answered my own question from earlier - the latest Nvidia drivers cause stuttering on PC. Rolled back to the last driver and I'm back to good stuff.
Few new newbie questions...
When do I start upgrading my weapon? I just fought some regular enemy that was basically like the tutorial boss (fuck him), and haven't changed my starting gear.
When do I start upgrading my weapon? I just fought some regular enemy that was basically like the tutorial boss (fuck him), and haven't changed my starting gear.
No one knows?
lol....the fucking walk to the Prince is more annoying than the fucking boss itself
fuck those knights seriously
I dunno. In a bizarre way, it reminds me of Four Kings. Just a silly DPS race, but easier.Yeah, I died tocurse on my first attempt as well. Didn't realize it came from a gas though. Next attempt I went in guns blazing and got an easy win. Maybe they intentionally designed the boss to catch the typical cautious Souls player off guard?
OrReminds me of...
Hope we get a dedicated PvP spot at some point. That would be awesome.
What's with the Dark Souls series and the easy last bosses.
There is one. The area after P.ontiff
it says to quit the game and sign in into xbl even tho I'm already signed in????
I figured greatsword must of been some easy way to kill him or something since I did the same and so many people complain about him.Just went after the birds head so much that I was able to do a visceral attack on it from it getting stunned and that killed it fast. Then in the second phase just dodge towards and through his attacks made it so I didn't get hit much. Also when he was doing some long ass charging move I was able to stun him as well.
I'm talking like Dark Souls 2's arena. Something like that.
Is the server down for anyone else?
I cannot for the life of me ever fight anything in any of these games that uses long poky stab weapons without getting hit by every single stab move ever.
Meh, I prefer the more organic and player created approach then the game telling me "okay this is that pvp duel area for pvp duels. One way feels very video gamey and the other feels more like souls.
But who knows what the DLC will bring.
I seriously struggled withlast night, didn't manage to kill them in about ~6 attempts, I don't think any other boss has taken me more than 3 so far. It feels good to be challenged but I've barely seen discussion about this boss, is he not considered hard or am I just bad? I realised his 3 hit combo is pretty easy to dodge so I've completely removed my greatshield for better rolling, but that second phase is really getting to me. My second last attempt I finally killedLorian & Lothricand then he got ressed to 3/4 HP and I died, so I presume you need to get them both low similar to the Throne Watcher/Defender fight. Any tips for this fight? For what it's worth I'm using the Butcher Blade +10, love this thing. Also I LOVE the concept/idea/lore behind it, really cool.Lorian
My last attemptat the start of phase 2 Lorian teleported to me & hit me and then Lothric hit me with his soul spear spell and I instantly died. That was me done for the night.
That would be nice. For now the area after Pontiff is pretty good for fight clubs.
Alright, made the leap of faith and just purchased this game. Downloading as we speak.
I've played DS1 and DS2 as a heavy armor Strength and shield class, but I'm considering going Pyro with a Dex weapon in DS3. Is that a viable build? Or should I stick with a heavy armor Strength build? I heard magic was kind of broken in this game.
Neither my Darkmoon/Sentinel nor my Way of the Blue ever worked, though I confess I haven't been embered much.
Is there some trick to it/was it recently fixed?
Neither my Darkmoon/Sentinel nor my Way of the Blue ever worked, though I confess I haven't been embered much.
Is there some trick to it/was it recently fixed?
Neither my Darkmoon/Sentinel nor my Way of the Blue ever worked, though I confess I haven't been embered much.
Is there some trick to it/was it recently fixed?
I'm talking like Dark Souls 2's arena. Something like that.
Server maintenance
its just your connection. happens to meI got invaded by some player who appeared to be gliding around the ground, his arms and legs motionless. If he even came close to me, my shield would be knocked in the air and then a series of attacks would occur. Is this cheating, or is this a legitimate move set/style? He killed me and a summon with little to no effort and the best I could muster was to get him down to 25% health.
If this is a legitimate move set/style, then PVP can fuck right off. It's nearly impossible to win because you cannot tell what is going on, be it healing or attacks.
Roll into them/behind them.
you could swap the rubbish icon with repair powder icon in this game and nobody would notice.
i just cant stand the "look" of mouse/touchpad aiming in games that dont need it. so choppy and quick in camera movements, i turn down cam. sensitivity for controller for that smooth look.
I've had a blast using pyromancy as a supplement to melee, eventually using it for most everything. I can't speak for dex specifically, because I kept my strength and dex stats as low as possible and did a raw weapon infusion on a longsword. But pyromancy itself is pretty good, and you get decent pyromancies and rings early enough so it doesn't feel like a big struggle.
Try hitting them from behind if you can so you can damage Lothric. Once Lothric goes down the fight ends, won't matter how much HP Lorian has left. Once you have Lorian's HP low try to get the last hit in with a nearly full stamina bar so you can wail on Lothric as soon as Lorian goes down.
Oh interesting, I didn't consider doing a raw infusion. What stats do you need to raise for Pyromancy? Is it both Int and Faith?
Combines Int and Faith for scaling.
I am having a really hard time with the. Any tips?Pontiff
Cool thanks. Maybe I'll raise Dex/Str to the point where I can wield the weapons I want then do a raw infusion and pump points into Int/Fth. Or maybe I'll try to pump up Dex concurrently. Bah, who knows! I'll figure it out as I go.
Well, logging in now with app ver. 1.06. Want to see if there is any difference with Darkmoon summons.
Also, has anyone noticed differences with spells and casting?
Oh interesting, I didn't consider doing a raw infusion. What stats do you need to raise for Pyromancy? Is it both Int and Faith?
Thought it was really hard this time around... way more than in the past games.What's with the Dark Souls series and the easy last bosses.