Yeah, those twenty seconds are what you are freed from. And if you need to take 20 seconds before jumping back in, that's fine, just sit your ass down and take your twenty seconds. You (who doesn't mind waiting) loses nothing, and everyone who doesn't like having their time wasted doesn't have their time wasted. Everyone wins.
If a trek is 30 seconds long, and I die 20 times to a boss, then the game gives me 5 minutes of pure nothing, and that's the idyllic situation where there are no pointless enemies between where you're are and where you want to go. It adds up, and there is no reason for it, so remove it.
Oh man, 5 minutes of nothing. Sounds like hell on earth.
You make it sound much worse than it actually is. It's been a design choice since the first game, it works (despite a vocal minority of players having an issue with it,) and it's better in this game than on any of the previous ones. Demon's Souls would be torture to you.