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Dark Souls III |OT2| Welcome to NG+, Unkindled One

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Yah that sure made Gwyn a satisfying fight.

Gascoigne and Gehrman were just short of perfection but they fucked it up and made really easily parryable moves.

I agree with you 100%, and lets toss Maria on the fire too.

Parries & viscerals lead to lame, broken, repetitive boss fights. I long for the day that the series tosses them in the dumpster. Maria and Gehrman should have been much more epic than they were.


I don't agree. When I respawn away from a boss fight, I don't ever learn to skill set I need to beat it. I learn the fastest route I need to sprint there, I learn the level desing to use the short cut, I learn how to avoid enemy (in the sense of running past them, not fighting them), and even if I fought enemies, since they're not the boss and not using the boss's moves, I don't learn how to avoid the bosses attacks, so it's something that would only help starting players at best, not late game ones who wouldn't be there if they hadn't learned to avoid enemy attacks.

And how is the latter any help at all? "Either go into the fight handicapped or redo the level, which basically is the same as dying and respawning so you might as well just go for it"

Only because people don't know how analogies work anymore.

Look, the argument being used to counter what I'm saying here is "DS3 is better because it has more generous bonfires." The principle of that argument is "More of (Bad thing) is worse than less of (bad thing)." To which I counter that it's better to not have (bad thing) at all.

You can substitute (bad thing) for literally any bad thing. Disease. Headaches. Cochroaches. The entire point of analogies is that things that are descriptively distinct are similar relationally. And that's word, relationally, is the key here, because no one here is saying, least of all me, that domestic violence is similar discriptively to a time wasting game, just that they are both in the extremely broad catergory of stuff no one really wants and for that reason function best when there is zero amount of them.

It's really simple, but SO many people fundamentally misunderstand how analogies work nowadays and I swear to god it didn't used to be this way. Now you say that an orange is like a potato in that you can peel them both with a knife, and people object "but oranges are fruit and potatoes are a vegatable! They're nothing similar!"

The bonfire runs are never going away. Your only choices are:

1) Accept them
2) Continue to get annoyed by them
3) Stop buying FROMsoft games

p.s. I agree - you learn nothing about fighting the boss from the run to the boss


soo guys about onion bro quest...

i bought all his armor and gave it to him in the well... but he is not at Irithyll in the kitchen anywhere... ive done killt the boss... whats the deal??

Did you go down to the I
? If so he's moved on to the next spot. I did the same and apparently it screws up the rewards for finishing his quest line, though you can still finish it.


Did you accidently go to Irithyll Dungeon before going to the kitchen? Because doing that will make him disappear from the kitchen.
Did you go down to the I
? If so he's moved on to the next spot. I did the same and apparently it screws up the rewards for finishing his quest line, though you can still finish it.

goddamn it........
how lame

onion broooooo


Maria and Gehrman should have been much more epic than they were.

While they are both probably my favorite fights in the series, overall (I consider Gehrman my favorite/best boss fight), they were so close to perfection that it hurts even more when they have Gwyn-syndrome.


Part of why Artorias, Flamelurker, and Allant are great is because they're not very easily exploitable. Yah they have moves that leave them open a few seconds but aren't completely ruined by a single crippling weakness. Parrying in itself is fine, but they have a habit of making too many moves that are too easily parryable.

Almost all of Artorias attacks can be evaded by simply rolling to the right tho. To this day he remains the only boss in the entire series I've beaten without getting hit.


That's cool and all, but most players don't exploit the shit out of parries. I hate having to "play dumb" to make fights more interesting for me.
I think that's why they continue to put them in boss fights, because most players can't (me) or choose not to (you) parry.

EDIT: All this Gwyn shade. Parrying Gwyn feels amazing.


Jesus christ these NPC questlines are convoluted. You can't do this and that before this but if you do it in this order you will fail this etc.


I like parrying/visceral attacks on bosses :( I wouldn't mind if they did less damage. Definitely doesn't seem as easy as riposting Gwynn to death, these days though. But man it's so cool parrying that first attack
Oh my god, really?

I'm in (huge area spoiler)


Holy fuck, just when you think it can't get better....
The whole lead up to that title card being shown is fantastic -
climbing the ramparts avoiding arrows, the Darkmoon tomb, the giant circular elevator, and then the view of Anor Londo castle, and just as you're overcome with realization about where you are - BAM - "Anor Londo" flashes on screen. Magical.


The bonfire runs are never going away. Your only choices are:

1) Accept them
2) Continue to get annoyed by them
3) Stop buying FROMsoft games

p.s. I agree - you learn nothing about fighting the boss from the run to the boss

I'll take B. I can't 'control' being annoyed at bullshit mechanics. If I could, I could literally enjoy any game, no matter how many terrible design decisions it made. And I'm not going to stop playing because there are other things that make them worth while. So B. If there isn't anything I can do but bitch, I'll bitch.


Almost all of Artorias attacks can be evaded by simply rolling to the right tho. To this day he remains the only boss in the entire series I've beaten without getting hit.

That's alright though. I'd prefer a active/proactive fight than one where I, for the most part, just need to stand there and bait a single attack.

I think the fast/fat rolling dichotomy is a whole separate issue. It's an important part but I feel it was better to heavily restrict access to faster rolling to less armor. Starting with the dark souls 2 system, there isn't much penalty for wearing heavier armors.

And this isn't even bringing up the fact that heavy armor (re: defenses) has been wonky and underpowered. What made heavy armor great in Dark Souls 1 is because of poise, not the damage reduction.


Jesus christ these NPC questlines are convoluted. You can't do this and that before this but if you do it in this order you will fail this etc.

I don't think they're meant to be straightforward. I think it's meant to encourage making different decisions on each gameplay. Laid out on paper, yeah, it's probably going to seem convoluted.
Part of why Artorias, Flamelurker, and Allant are great is because they're not very easily exploitable. Yah they have moves that leave them open a few seconds but aren't completely ruined by a single crippling weakness. Parrying in itself is fine, but they have a habit of making too many moves that are too easily parryable.

Wait are you serious? Artorias can be easily destroyed by rolling to the right. Like someone said above me, he is one of the few bosses in the Soulborne series I've beaten without getting hit, Painwheel notwithstanding. Flamelurker is absolutely fucked by magic and even rolling a SL1 Royalty build can destroy him. And Allant can be very easily stunlocked allowing for some cheap wins.

I don't exactly know what you're responding to but you're wrong. It would be more accurate to say someone like Ludwig or the Orphan of Kos is far more what you're talking about.


I like parrying/visceral attacks on bosses :( I wouldn't mind if they did less damage. Definitely doesn't seem as easy as riposting Gwynn to death, these days though. But man it's so cool parrying that first attack

Parrying as a defensive move sounds cool as fuck. That's just not what it actually is. Instead, the series treats it as a complete offensive blowout move.


Games do "perfect block" mechanics all the time. They're powerful enough without also doing 20% damage to the boss in the process.
I just opened
farron keep
and found a cool path
up to a bridge with big demon and dead dragon with a really cool view
. Game has finally started to click with me. The opening linearity I think was cramping my style. I think I heard the worst areas of the game are close to where I am so I hope the game doesn't destroy the good will that's building!!
I agree with you 100%, and lets toss Maria on the fire too.

Parries & viscerals lead to lame, broken, repetitive boss fights. I long for the day that the series tosses them in the dumpster. Maria and Gehrman should have been much more epic than they were.

Maria maybe, but the pain Gehrman brings if you fail a parry is quite big, specially in NG+.

And considering they can also parry you, I think is just fair they let you parry them as well.

Felt more epic that way, a fight between 2 hunters, with all their skills available.

Also, I give you that DS1 instant parries were OP, they changed them for DS2, so they require way more practice/skill, so I don't see why they shouldn't let you do that. And a perfect block is laughable on a game with 100% physical defensive shields...


Parrying as a defensive move sounds cool as fuck. That's just not what it actually is. Instead, the series treats it as a complete offensive blowout move.


Games do "perfect block" mechanics all the time. They're powerful enough without also doing 20% damage to the boss in the process.

Would be cool but parrying is too risky to not do something.
TW3 is one of my favorite games of all time, but combat is the thing with Souls games. TW3 outdoes it in every other department, but the core gameplay of Souls is what keeps me coming back 5 games in a row now. I've never found it's attempts at plot or characters even remotely decipherable, but there's an entire thread on that so I guess I've been missing something for... how long has it been since Demon's, 6 years now?

Dark Souls 3 also has better art direction, imo.


I don't think they're meant to be straightforward. I think it's meant to encourage making different decisions on each gameplay. Laid out on paper, yeah, it's probably going to seem convoluted.

Sure but they could be little bit more lenient. Feels like even a little mistake can make the questline fail and you need to start a new playthrough. This is especially frustrating when you are trying to get everything for a single character.


Oh man! As expected, I'm head over heals in love with the latest Souls game!
So well made, and such a love letter to the whole series and its sibling games!

I made some new designs dedicated to its greatness!
What do you guys think?
Cheers! :)



I just got to Ir
and god damn, this is the first time since my original Dark Souls playthrough that I'm having to rely on a shield. I like two-handing large strenght weapons, but the enemies hit so hard and are so aggressive that I get wrecked. It's made even worse by the poise system in this game. Really great enemy designs though, especially the fire guys.

when exiting the catacombs I noticed a large building up on a mountain, and one down in a forets. I hope those are real places. Please DS3! Finally, someone mentioned a large electric eel in the catacombs, which I never found and I thought I explored that place quite thoroughly (it's not that big). Is there more to that area than I discovered?
After beating
the dragon
, you should have continued on down that chamber and found the
dragon gesture.
If you think back, there was a noticeably strange place earlier on where people left messages like
"Try Gesture." You need to use that gesture there.

That place was in
Irithyll dungeon
, located right before the
entrance to the Profaned Capital.

I have found that
but didn't know where to use it. I can't remember the place that you are talking about though. I guess I have to go and look around that place a little.

Thanks for the help.
Anyone have tips for beating
Phase 1:
Learn his moveset and time your rolls. Everything can be dodged. Remember to never dodge roll away directly backward, towards the camera. That's how you get owned.

Phase 2:
Pontiff basically always repeats the same move as his phantom, so watch what the phantom does to plan for avoiding Pontiffs attacks. Again, remember to NEVER dodge roll away directly backward, towards the camera. That's how you get owned.

Also, the Phantom can be killed, but Pontiff can always re-summon him.


Damn. I reload to an early save thinking I got nothing and it might mess up something later. Have to fight him again. Shouldn't be hard now that I figure out what to do.

Edit: Wait. Are you talking about getting set at the end of the questline? This is guy isn't related to that.

Edit: Killed him again. Reload game, got put outside room,
cage guy hostile so can't use him to return
, only option was kill the boss and nothing there.

Isn't it the same guy you fight near the end of


Wait are you serious? Artorias can be easily destroyed by rolling to the right. Like someone said above me, he is one of the few bosses in the Soulborne series I've beaten without getting hit, Painwheel notwithstanding. Flamelurker is absolutely fucked by magic and even rolling a SL1 Royalty build can destroy him. And Allant can be very easily stunlocked allowing for some cheap wins.

I don't exactly know what you're responding to but you're wrong. It would be more accurate to say someone like Ludwig or the Orphan of Kos is far more what you're talking about.

Now that I think about it, saying "rolling to the right" breaks a boss is like saying getting to avoid damage breaks the boss. And like I said, I'd prefer more reactive/proactive play over standing and waiting. It's why I dislike most bosses that stand there and rotate in place. Part of why I think NK is kind of a boring fight. CG is my favorite fight in DS3 because of how mobile the fight plays. It's why I name Flamelurker. Bosses that actually play the spacing game are great. It's why I named Allant.

Orphan of Kos is fine second phase but I don't care much for the first half and don't think fondly of it because it left a sour taste in my mouth from that DLC. Just felt like a wet fart to end that DLC on. Ludwig is alright but I haaate bosses that just thrash and thrash and thrash.

When I say I dislike the exploitability, it mostly applies to parrying. Flamelurker being weak to magic is "okay" to me because I never roll magic. It's not a fun way to play the game.

edit: I think what I mean is that if I have to "play less skillfully" to make a boss more challenging, it is a bummer. Doing challenge runs, using different builds, bosses having elemental weaknesses is "fine" (to an extent).

Eh, it's a toss-up. The Witcher 3 has some gnarly creature art that wouldn't at all be out of place in the Souls universe.

I loooove the witches.


What do you guys think?
oh come on, you know those are all kinds of awesome and don't need to ask us ;)

, is it limited to 5 times per NG (i.e., will i get another 5 opportunities to do it in NG+), or is limited to 5 times period per character/save file?
I just beat him.

Hahaha I was stuck on this last night and was raging. My last time before snapping the controller in half everything worked out for me. Took me a solid ten plus tries though. I don't think the games built for sword and board this time around. Shits too fast and blocking saps too much stamina


This A
boss fight isn't as bad as I was expecting it to be, but the damage output on some of the attacks are crazy!
Does he have an intro cinematic or did my game bug?
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