Wait? What? That is stupid.... Is that an old Dark Souls 1 mechanic? I preferred the Dark Souls 2 way of you can still get invaded.
Yes! Thank Gwyn above!
No. You could be invaded while hollow as well!I thought it was like this in all souls games? Clearing the boss will remove your ability to summon co op and be invaded for the area. Isn't DS2 the same way?
I thought it was like this in all souls games? Clearing the boss will remove your ability to summon co op and be invaded for the area. Isn't DS2 the same way?
Yes! Thank Gwyn above!
No. You could be invaded while hollow as well!
I think Soul Memory really hamstrings the game.
I knew that part, just thought the defeat boss mechanic was still the same for being invaded for the area.
Interesting. I am going to continue my PS4 DS2 playthrough at some point, although at early game there were no invasions or even summon signs at all. I think Soul Memory really hamstrings the game.
IIRC, there are no invasions full stop in NG. NG+ is where the real fun happens.
In DS2, you can't summon for co-op anymore of course (except if there are any more bosses left obviously). But you can still be invaded just fine. What it does is make the area safe from invasions for 30 minutes. It's the same effect as burning a human effigy at a bonfire (can get rid of it at said bonfire too).
It saddens me to know I can't be invaded in areas I've cleared. :/
IIRC, there are no invasions full stop in NG. NG+ is where the real fun happens.
Nah, there are invasions in NG. I've received plenty and given plenty.
Being a sinner (kill 10 hosts or NPCs) also increase your chance to being invaded, which helps.
Alright, I've had enough, is there anyone here who can help me with NK? I would very much appreciate it
You should probably let us know which system you're playing on...
That's all wrong. I've invaded plenty of people with new builds in the forest and tower of flame.Pretty sure there are, but the way the game is designed, the invasions don't really start until later in the game.
And yeah, everyone at this point is probably in NG+. If what I remember is correct, doesn't NG+ remove the Soul Memory limitation? So you can be invaded by anyone in NG+ at that point who is already in NG+. Sounds like the 'real' PVP starts there.
Getting really bored of people disconnecting whenever they get invaded.
That's all wrong. I've invaded plenty of people with new builds in the forest and tower of flame.
Soul memory is always a factor unless you're in the arenas, then it's SL that dictates matchmaking.
really is the death of me in this game...I'm in my 2nd run as a DEX character and just like my 1st run with a STR character he's crazy difficult...his 1st phase is easy but his 2nd phase is crazy...I can parry him but his shoulder bumps throw me off and I always mistime it thinking it's a Halberd swing...the most I ever got him down to was around 40% health...he's way too aggressive and it's hard to even heal without him hitting me...I've never felt so hopeless against any boss in a Souls game like this...I'm thinking about finishing the game and getting all my main stats to 40 before trying him againChampion Gundyr
Stamina regen items stack regardless right? (ring + shield)
Try practicing parries. Apparently this boss you can parry quite a bit. Get a small round shield.
Honestly the more i'm playing with other builds the less i'm feeling it. Tried some fast dex/parry builds, heavy weapons build, etc. I just don't have as much fun replaying this game. It's not that other builds are unviable but for me they seem to have only drawbacks and no advantage to the usual sword and board. The absence of poise for heavy armor as well as the stupid amount of enemies with super armor on attacks so that you just get punished all the fucking time even with most heavy weapons. Add the linearity and this is my least favourite souls game to replay really, feels like a chore
I've been trying to invade and get invaded for the last 2 hours on PC... and have only gotten matched up once. Is this normal?
Edit: Just alt tabbed back into the game and their a god damn triple team waiting for me. This has happened 6 times in a row. It's not even fun anymore.
I think if we want to get back to the great level design of early DS1, we need to do away with instant fast travel from bonfires. The early game of DS1 was designed around having to actually walk to all the locations so they were all built to interconnect with relative ease. I would actually like it if From uses this system again, that they make fast travel a late-game feature and not from right at the start.
While the game is a bit more of a straight shot, I don't feel it is quite as 'linear' as people are saying.
For example, you can do Lothric Castle before the 2nd boss. You can interchange the order of Farron Keep and Cathedral of the Deep and in fact the Catacombs as well, once you beat Farron Keep's boss. Once you cross into Irithyl you can do Anor Londo and Irythil Dungeon>Profaned Capital in a different order. Once you get to Irithyl Dungeon you can do Dragon Peak at any time. Once you cross into the King's Garden you then have another optional area that you can do at any time.
I understand that it's not quite as 'interconnected' as Dark Souls, and DS2 feels more non-linear because of its 'spoke' nature. But really, DS1 locked you out of Anor Londo and the final part in the game in a similar manner. DS2 has a couple of clear paths that you progress linearly until their end without much interconnections, and the game lets you do these in a certain order but locks off the late game much like DS1 and DS3.
But anyway, that's just how I feel about the game in comparison to the others. There are a lot of small branching paths within each area despite the main focus of one area progressing to another.
I think if we want to get back to the great level design of early DS1, we need to do away with instant fast travel from bonfires. The early game of DS1 was designed around having to actually walk to all the locations so they were all built to interconnect with relative ease. I would actually like it if From uses this system again, that they make fast travel a late-game feature and not from right at the start.
I'm invading at 63. Hope I kick your lowly hide off of Lord Aldrich's Cathedral.Hmm. I guess being level 73 might be too high to be invaded by the Aldrich Faithful cov anymore.
I know about these but honestly the game also seem to punish quite a bit sometimes when it comes for instance to NPC questline. First time i played I endep up doing Farron first and go through Carthus and up to irythil entrance before realizing i had to go do cathedral. Problem is by that point I botched a shitload of NPC sidequests and looking them up, the game almost encourages you to go cathedral first if you want to complete certain stuff and get certain items. Lothric Castle is more recommended honestly once for NG+ as it's brutally hard in NG since it's like the penultimate zones before the last one, but yeah at least it's there. Truely tho I feel the only choice I get is when I can go to either Anor Londo or Profaned. Until Irythil I feel being funneled through, with yeah some side steps but ah...I guess i'm just grumpy now
I dunno if the lack of fast travel would change but yeah it'd probably impact a lot more decisions early game as to where to go. I dunno, I just needed to vent
After the latest patch still can't get Blue Sentinels or Darkmoon covenants to work on PC. Anyone on PC been using covenant successfully?
Yeah, i'm about halfway through NG+ and i'm level 102 or something, and honestly, i really doesnt feel that much harder than NG (maybe i change my mind about that when i get to the later bosses though).
1.06 isn't out yet so it's not worth testing now.