You can either use Bleed infusion for non-Luck based builds, or apply Hollowing infusion to weapons with innate bleed.what's the build that goes around bleed? luck?
Healing the Dark Sigil is permanent and also removes the Dark Sigils from your inventory. Requesting dissolution only puts your hollowing stat to 0
why is it so hard to find people for coop in Irithyll??
Lol I laughed atDeacons of the deep.......whoever made that boss fight should be fired. That was the most boring boss of any soul what the hell. How do you make a boss fight easier than any standard encounter. Also easier than all tutorial bosses combined. I am appalled at the design of that fight.
Like theI presume...?Purging Stone
why is it so hard to find people for coop in Irithyll??
You can either use Bleed infusion for non-Luck based builds, or apply Hollowing infusion to weapons with innate bleed.
Bleed is legitimately good this time around thanks to the ability to make a build around it.
I need those warden blades.
Would anyone say there's a particularthat's worth aiming for on a first (and likely only) playthrough?ending
So i cleared the game up to the last boss. Missed most of the npc questlines but got all the world secrets i think and a ton of different weapons.
Now, I guess I should just keep my char parked infront of the last boss and wait for dlc to drop, if i dont want do deal with insane Newgame+ difficulty ? How hard was From Softwares dlcs on NG+ in the past?
Its tight corridors,a little confusing and no one likes being no Boss per say if I remember right...
What the hell is the secret to parrying? I'm fighting Pontiff in NG+ and trying to parry him with a small shield and I can't time it for the life of me.
BTW, the Fume Ultra Greatsword +5 is ridiculous. Everything dies in 1-3 hits.
Lol I laughed atDeacons of the deep.......whoever made that boss fight should be fired. That was the most boring boss of any soul what the hell. How do you make a boss fight easier than any standard encounter. Also easier than all tutorial bosses combined. I am appalled at the design of that fight.
You need to be real close,like almost touching them to parry and maybe that Boss can't be parried...its kinda hard to pull if you dont practice.
Okay. But during what motion of the attack animation should I begin to parry? I read somewhere that says as soon as the enemy begins to attack you should parry, not when their strike is about to land.
Downed the. Encountered a ton of npcs so early on. Firelink shrine is already crowded.tree boss
Question:Will the npcs stationed in firelink have their quests progress as I move on in the main story or are they there to stay and act as merchants?
Parrying doesn't begin until you lose stamina (in some cases, FP), so there is a startup for all parries (just like attacks don't tend to go into their active frames until after the swing is already moving).Okay. But during what motion of the attack animation should I begin to parry? I read somewhere that says as soon as the enemy begins to attack you should parry, not when their strike is about to land.
Oh. That's actually a good point, if you can't buff the Bleed infusion, then there isn't really any point to it (since low level characters can use the bleed resin as well).I know it is and agree, but I believe the poster was talking about bleed infusion. I found going sharp infusion on a bleed inherit weapon and using carthus rogue was the best move. You can't buff a bleed infusioned weapon can you?
Yeah I figured. Thats how I typically play anyway so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.Quests are incredibly obtuse in this game. Best advice I have for someone wishing to go blind is always talk to everyone each time you go back to firelink. That and go back regularly. Don't mow down 3 bosses in a row without checking in at HQ.
Oh. That's actually a good point, if you can't buff the Bleed infusion, then there isn't really any point to it (since low level characters can use the bleed resin as well).
But yeah, Poison is butt (besides possible PvE cheese), Bleed is good.
Yeah, Cathedral of the Deep is loads of fun. The only part I didn't enjoy was the initial rooftop gauntlet, since it feels so long... But afterwards I've just had a blast exploring this gigantic area. So many surprises in every part of the level.Cathedral of The Deep is such a cool location. It's another one that's impressed me with it's scale and design. I love how you have to fight through the grounds first before reaching the actual Cathedral, which then has it's own kind of maze-like interior with shortcuts and secrets. There's a good mix of different enemy types and the boss fight was another one with it's own quirky surprise (after the Rotted Great-tree and Abyss Watchers).
A few areas cleared now and I think the quality has been consistently high after the low-key intro of the High Wall.
Wait what, upgrading your weapon locks you out of pvp?I just realized why I'm not getting any pvp or co-op in Farron Keep. I upgraded my weapon too high too early. Didn't realize that would lock out multiplayer =(
I just realized why I'm not getting any pvp or co-op in Farron Keep. I upgraded my weapon too high too early. Didn't realize that would lock out multiplayer =(
Any tips for? Maybe the location of a fire resistance or lightning resistance ring? There's really not much physical damage hurting me, but that fucking fire is brutal.Nameless King
I can't even log off because someone invaded me and decided to hide. Like, he's not even trying to ambush me. The invaded having to seek the invader.... sigh
Just suicide. Embers are plentiful and your souls will be nearby.
Was going to do it, honestly. But i just remembered i had a seed. That did the trick lol
I mean it's needed on a non bleed weapon, but tbh if you're going for a bleed build you really need to use a weapon with bleed already on it. Cuts down on your weapon viability but there's still a few and it is a really powerful PVE and PVP build.
The Carthus weapons are brilliant and they cover sword, great sword and shotel. Twin blades goes to the watcher ones as they are king.
Is it worth spending points in health? Ember gives you such a boost that I'm starting to think I shouldnt worry about it.
Is it worth spending points in health? Ember gives you such a boost that I'm starting to think I shouldnt worry about it.
Think thats what ill do then. Is luck worth it or are the returns not worth the investment?I didn't worry about it until late game, went up to 26 after I had 40 str/dex.
Is it worth spending points in health? Ember gives you such a boost that I'm starting to think I shouldnt worry about it.
Think thats what ill do then. Is luck worth it or are the returns not worth the investment?
Think thats what ill do then. Is luck worth it or are the returns not worth the investment?
Ah ok. Probably not so thats another stat ill ignore for this play through.Only if you plan on actually using Luck for damage scaling.