Wait what? People say summoning is "cheating" ?
Lolol I don't have all day to grind so I choose to get some co-op help...
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Wait what? People say summoning is "cheating" ?
Lolol I don't have all day to grind so I choose to get some co-op help...
attemping to help people with nameless king, level 100. Helped one dude out, but the rest have died like idiots. If you want help let me know.
Cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the two items under the bridge in theFirelink Shrine Tower
Cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the two items under the bridge in theFirelink Shrine Tower
Ignore anyone who says that.
I wouldn't call it cheating, but I've solo'd every boss in ds1, 2,3,and bb. Summoning just seems cheap to me.Wait what? People say summoning is "cheating" ?
Lolol I don't have all day to grind so I choose to get some co-op help...
Jump off. Seriously. You have to roll off the bridge in the right place and you'll land on a tiny outcropping. Then do the same with the next one. I managed to snag them both on the way down. You need to do it anyway if.Patches locks you in
Dude's a monster. More people died against him when I was helping than with any other boss.the way he quickly moves around has has a decent swing arc allows him to handle multiple players pretty well
The Eof the FyesKire... I'll take it thateepergiving it to the fire keeper will start the endgame, correct? Can I still do things after that or is it best to hold off until I'm ready?
The Eof the FyesKire... I'll take it thateepergiving it to the fire keeper will start the endgame, correct? Can I still do things after that or is it best to hold off until I'm ready?
You don't have to hand them over at all. They're only an option for one of the endings.
I believe placing all the lords of cinder on their respective thrones starts the endgame. The eyes offer another ending.
So what's another good pvp spot, now that the shitheel is getting people bannex at Suhlyvahn ?
Thanks. I found a checklist on reddit and I am indeed ready as most stuff I'm missing are behind failed quests or the rings in ng+(+). I don't think I need to upgrade any weapons, I have enough slabs etc for when that time comesI would say you're ready, unless you still want to upgrade some weapons before you cross over. Apparently NG+ is pretty easy, so you definitely don't need to level at all.
Thanks. I found a checklist on reddit and I am indeed ready as most stuff I'm missing are behind failed quests or the rings in ng+(+). I don't think I need to upgrade any weapons, I have enough slabs etc for when that time comesHere we go!
Consider backing up your NG save to revisit when the DLC becomes available. I personally thought the Bloodborne DLC was a little too taxing on NG+ so was glad to have a NG file to return to.
Is there a Blademoon PvP community event happening? I've been getting a decent amount of Blademoon summons today, specifically toPS4 level 111.Anor Londo.
Perhaps anyone who's needing those drops should put on the Blademoon badge at this time.
I spent this entire game hyping myself up for dark magic yet not wanting to ruin the shrin maidens quest I went in search for Karla. Who doesn't show up for quite some time.
35 hours in and I finally found her, open the gate and....a giant rat that was following me killed her in 1 attack.
So no dark magic for me.
I'm just gonna corrupt hte other chic now.
EDIT: I'm so furious, I really wanted to see Karla.
Everyone and their mums uses the one that makes you invisible when you roll, but it's not because it makes you invisible, it's because it gives you a boost of +3 to dex.
The i-frames one I've only used in very very few bosses, such as those that have a lot of long ranged speedy attacks and little breaks between them to attack. It's useful to be able to get in, hit once or twice and roll out of the way without getting hurt.
Did she drop ashes? You might be able to get something from her if so.
The mudmakers are common in undead settlement, around gate bonfire and bridge bonfire.
how do I respec?
So I just beat it, was my first Souls game and had fucking great time, shame that I came late to the series but maybe we will get another Bloodborne at least. Took me 40 hours in the end, but I must have fucked something up.
After II have no idea what happened.beat the last boss there was just one option to link the flame, I did that and my character just sat down and the credits rolled. I know these games are not huge on story but I expected a little more than that.
Oh shoot I forgot about that. Damn... Dunno if I should bother going NG+ on my character... Or maybe just do everything except that and leave it for a new character..Whose idea was it to force you to level up 5 times in order to get the secret ending? The game forced me out of my level 120 character just to fulfill the requirements.
Forcing you to level up is a really really dumb idea.
Oh well, I'm gonna make a new character and do that ending first and get all items associated with it, I spent hundreds of hours to get all weapons/armor...etc on my character and now it's all down the drain.
And they really need to patch the maiden's shop for her inventory to carry over to NG+, the more I play the more annoying it gets.
DS3 was my second favorite behind Demon's for a while, but it's gonna fall off a cliff very quickly if they don't patch this shit and the honeymoon period is over, those little things are getting annoying.
PvP is just so 👌👌👌
Getting summoned into Fight Clubs is great
PvP is just so 👌👌👌
Getting summoned into Fight Clubs is great
Welcome to Souls endings although that one was especially weak.
Does Dark Souls III have its own version of a missable zone with special conditions such as the Painted World or Cainhurst Castle?
I still have no idea where the best areas are forshit. Is itDarkmoon CovenantorIrityll Valley/Anor Londo?Farron's Keep
Yes, there are a few areas that are easily missable. You can start by going thru the consumed kings garden (which is right next to the dancer bonfire in Lothric). When you get to the end of this area and defeat the boss, there is another area hidden behind a fake wall in the area after the boss room. In this same room you get a gesture that has to be used in a specific place in the Ithryll Dungeon which will unlock another entire area.
Wait what? People say summoning is "cheating" ?
Lolol I don't have all day to grind so I choose to get some co-op help...