Playing on PC?I just got invaded by someone who was completely invisible.
Playing on PC?
Playing on PC?
Is there no weapon degradation in the game? None of my equipment is ever eligible for repair at the blacksmith. Or is this a pc bug?
Is there no weapon degradation in the game? None of my equipment is ever eligible for repair at the blacksmith. Or is this a pc bug?
Is there no weapon degradation in the game? None of my equipment is ever eligible for repair at the blacksmith. Or is this a pc bug?
What kind of damage (2nd to last boss)doing? I'm not having too much trouble with the fight, but something is sneaking past my shield and it starts to add up.are the Princes
I just checked on a different character right outside of Pontiff's bonfire and not a single summon sign.
FYI, I've had friends be invisible to me before. I have no idea if there's a cheat for being invisible but i know that there is a legitimate bug that makes people invisible
is there a fast swinging STR weapon in the game?...for bosses likeand a few others it seems like my preferred Greatsword types aren't really good enough...Champion Gundyr
I'm aware, but all the same I've also still seen people hacking that were invisible including that guy who was getting people soft banned earlier. Be careful witht hem is all I'm really trying to say.
On a Sidenote, what do you guys think about the Grave Warden Twinblades? I've seen so little discussion about them but I've found them to be incredibly good weapons in and out of PvP. They have a really good moveset and they have nice bleed and scaling. Surprised I've seen so little talk about them.
Any recommendations on my next build run? So far i've done an all out STR build, no magic, and then yesterday I finished a Sorcery build (60 int) with a dex weapon. I'd like to try a build that maybe accompanies Faith or Pyro.
Word. Thanks a ton.Keep Ruins bonfire.
Kill three, hit the bonfire. Rinse and repeat.
True that. I'm mostly luck and dex and excited to respecting once I set it to NG+.Yeah that is absurdly high. I'm level 29.
Interesting note: Every single summon so far the host was fighting Yellowfinger Heysel, and losing badly.
No weapons.
Dung Piles only.
Final Destination.
Nis seriously ruining my life this week. He's all I have left aside from Cameless Kingbefore I wrap up this playthrough and go to the last boss.hampion Gundyr
I've tried summoning all the time, but I'm always hit with "unable to summon phantom" as well as my bonfire not working or the quit game option. And I don't think its from an invasion.Never truly figured out a fix for that. Has anyone here?
Anyone down to help me on PS4 for nkamless??ing
Anyone down to help me on PS4 for nkamless??ing
depends on your level and region, plus if someone already offered go for it.
Let me know how it goes but I'm level 100 and in USA.
Sorry, guys. Forgot to put NA. Anyway, I somehow got lucky with a summon who knew what he was doing and it was a cake walk.
Thanks though!
Wait NA can't play with other regions?
Also, I don't know how much this will help, but I found these on Steam as to the ports you should forward to:
TCP : 27014~27050, 50050
UDP : 27000~27030, 3478, 4379, 4380, 50000~50003
I just set it up in hopes to help with blue sents/darkmoon stuffs, but eh we'll see....
What the fuck did From do to magic? Compared to all my other physical characters, my magic char still does shit damage even at 40 INT. Even my faith character did more damage...
Explore around LJust sunbro'd like 27 people through. Now I gotta find the sunbro leader.champion gundyr
I've had these ports forwarded since launch and I don't think it really helps with that stuff.
What the fuck did From do to magic? Compared to all my other physical characters, my magic char still does shit damage even at 40 INT. Even my faith character did more damage...
Hey guys, Dark Souls returning player starting a new game for the first time, wondering if anyone has any advice on stat distribution and weapons/armor, I'm kinda worried since I'm not that good rolling but likes to be well-protected with shield and armor so if I get hit it's not that big of a deal. Is that a viable way to play DSIII?
- All quests except both pathes of one can be done in one playthrough.
- All rings require 3 playthroughs
- Endings require 3 playthroughs (for the trophy), 4 to see all endings (or use PS+ exploit)
- All spells can be achieved in one playthrough
Also, thanks for the helm!
that.giant lightning shooting tape worm underneath smoldering lake