that.giant lightning shooting tape worm underneath smoldering lake
I just ran up to it, hit it a few times and ran out of its attack range. Rinse and repeat, easy cheese!
that.giant lightning shooting tape worm underneath smoldering lake
that.giant lightning shooting tape worm underneath smoldering lake
that.giant lightning shooting tape worm underneath smoldering lake
Cheese the fuck out of it with arrows man.There is a ledge right after the worm where you can just keep shooting it with arrows.
I just ran up to it, hit it a few times and ran out of its attack range. Rinse and repeat, easy cheese!
Does beating the last boss automatically start new game +? Or can you still farm and buy things.
Does beating the last boss automatically start new game +? Or can you still farm and buy things.
Yea it sucks. Also, the fact that Great Heavy Soul Arrow (14fp) does similar damage to Crystal Soul Spear (55FP!!!!!!!!!) is fucking stupid. From has some serious balancing issues to fix in DS3.
Not this time, it will ask if you want to start a new game. Do not if you want to buy stuff.
For PC players - in response to the hacking scare I made Dark Souls 3 program that will make back ups of your saves.
You can set an interval in minutes where your game save will be copied.
Also, dont forget to stop it and/or close out the program when you are done playing Dark Souls 3
Check it out here:
that.giant lightning shooting tape worm underneath smoldering lake
I don't get why I doesn't have any other attacks besides that one laser he shoots in the same direction every time. It's like they had the enemy ready to go but didn't have enough time to give it more attacks but decided to keep it in anyway. Wouldn't be surprised if that was meant to be the actual boss there instead of the demon king which is basically another stray demon anyway.I just ran up to it, hit it a few times and ran out of its attack range. Rinse and repeat, easy cheese!
Explore around LCothricastle
Shit. Wasted 20K souls on thatwhat a waste. The merchant trolled me as I was expecting a decent place to find useful loot and maybe some decent enemies to farm more souls. What a bitch for charging me that much. I want a refundTower Key
Well, I finally finished NG. Fantastic entry to the series. Easily beat my expectations and then some. So many cool moments and surprises. Bosses were some of the best in the series, level design was labyrinthine as ever and the art direction continues to be world class.
There were still a few technical issues From needs to iron out and I have some nitpicks on a few design decisions, but overall my gut impression is that this is the best Souls game yet.
At the moment - game of the year. Bar none. This is everything I wanted and more from a sequel to Dark Souls and it helps wipe away the bad taste in my mouth left by DS2 which is a game that just never clicked with me no matter how hard I tried with it.
Is a faith / lightning spear build viable?
So how do you summon 3 people? Ive only been able to do 2
That's basically my opinion as well. It's the perfect "medieval" Souls game with castles & dragons and shit. Lothric Castle beast Boletaria and that is quite the feat. I mean I cannot imagine anyone, not even FROM, doing a better fantasy Souls game than that. Even if they will it will be more of the same and people will be bored and nitpick the game to death.
Where do they go next? I need sci-fi Souls...
So much this. This game is everything I wanted out of a Dark Souls 1 sequel and then more. A fantastic Souls game AND a fantastic Dark Souls 1 "sequel".
DS2 can rot in hell now. What a mistep that game was.
Dancer can fuck right off
What the hell do I do for this boss as melee? This is worse than pontiff
I gank the gankers:
Cheese the fuck out of it with arrows man.There is a ledge right after the worm where you can just keep shooting it with arrows.
I just ran up to it, hit it a few times and ran out of its attack range. Rinse and repeat, easy cheese!
It seems scary as hell, but it really only has two attacks. Turn off the, stand behind it, and you can just see which of the two attacks its doing to then attack accordingly.ballista
It seems scary as hell, but it really only has two attacks. Turn off the, stand behind it, and you can just see which of the two attacks its doing to then attack accordingly.ballista
Dancer can fuck right off
What the hell do I do for this boss as melee? This is worse than pontiff
So people say you should only play offline for now on PC since all the hackers trying to soft ban everyone. Is this true? Wtf is going on?
A guy figured out how to hit someone with their weapon and ruin your character and softban it. He decided to share it with others as well.
So people say you should only play offline for now on PC since all the hackers trying to soft ban everyone. Is this true? Wtf is going on?
A guy figured out how to hit someone with their weapon and ruin your character and softban it. He decided to share it with others as well.
I think it's just not true. I've been playing PvP and coop nonstop since the game released and nothing has happened so far.
So people say you should only play offline for now on PC since all the hackers trying to soft ban everyone. Is this true? Wtf is going on?
If you're on PS4 I am down to help.
If you're trying to solo, she's not that quick and being very patient is super important. Don't get greedy. 1-2 hits back off. Use pillars for cover at times.
I was making my way through (early game) USndeadand I got invaded byettlement. Managed to kill him and then made my way to the CHoly Knight Hodrickand killed it. Afterwards I realized that I was at the Mound Makers altar, and when I looked up how to join the covenant it looks like I missed my chance?urse Ridden Greatwood
I don't particularly care since none of the covenant rewards seem interesting, but I'm interested if there is any other way to join it, or if I have to wait until NG+?
Also, screw that dude with the greatbow firing at me from a tower.