I finally killed Tsorig in NG+ and he dropped the Fume UGS.
I wish I could use the Fume during a normal NG run but since the STR requirements are so high it's really only viable in NG+ and beyond
I finally killed Tsorig in NG+ and he dropped the Fume UGS.
no idea...yes I have a backup save file...how long would it take for Bandai Namco to detect possible invalid data and for me to get that warning message?
133 hours logged...I think it's time for a break.
Tell the host to use Dried Fingers. I'm unsure of which area you are in but what is probably happening is slots are getting allocated to the Covenant summons as well as random invasions and thus you have to use a Dried Finger for another phantom slot. Be aware that this means more invasions though.
If you're in the crucifixion woods, you need to use the dried finger to summon more than one person. Good luck though, it also opens you up for invasions a lot more. I had two mad phantoms and a Farron Watchdog invade me. Then had a darkmoon and a blue sentinel come in through concord. I also used a giant tree seed. It was glorious pandemonium.
shit like this is why I'm glad I don't go out of my way to do trophies if it's something I wouldn't do for fun
For a pure intelligence build, would I be better off getting the crystal sage rapier or the crystal hail spell using the soul of a crystal sage?
yes I have a backup save file...how long would it take for Bandai Namco to detect possible invalid data and for me to get that warning message?
Question for those who've finished it: just beatthe Twin Princes and got the last cinder. Is now the time to look up a guide to clean up things I missed before going into the end or is there still a fair bit to go?
I know there is ainTitanite Slab. Is it before or after the boss?Lothric Castle
The game doesn't end immediately after the final boss. You can finish the game, then find the things you missed if you want.
I know there is ainTitanite Slab. Is it before or after the boss?Lothric Castle
I know there is ainTitanite Slab. Is it before or after the boss?Lothric Castle
GAH fuck it, I am done grinding for god damn covenant items... freaking 1 hour for 5 Proof of a Concord Kept items...
Screw the achievements I am just going to get the rings and just do Dark Souls fight club.
Finally beatafter so many freaking tries (30 plus). The trick is to mix dodging and blocking in the second phase. Thankfully he wont be as difficult on NG+. Very proud of mysekf for having beaten every boss thus far solo and with no buffs. That said, you gotta do what you gotta do at times so not knocking anyone.champion gyndur
Finally beatafter so many freaking tries (30 plus). The trick is to mix dodging and blocking in the second phase. Thankfully he wont be as difficult on NG+. Very proud of mysekf for having beaten every boss thus far solo and with no buffs. That said, you gotta do what you gotta do at times so not knocking anyone.champion gyndur
Awesome, awesome game. Definitely downloading DKSII:SoTFS next.
Finally beatafter so many freaking tries (30 plus). The trick is to mix dodging and blocking in the second phase. Thankfully he wont be as difficult on NG+. Very proud of mysekf for having beaten every boss thus far solo and with no buffs. That said, you gotta do what you gotta do at times so not knocking anyone.champion gyndur
Awesome, awesome game. Definitely downloading DKSII:SoTFS next.
Now do it naked, only fists, and parrying.
For those who have beaten the game, or just want to here some commentary about Souls and the Souls community from someone who's been around since the beginning, check out Epicnamebro's podcast Souls is Dead:
Skip to 11:30 if you want to just get into the Souls talk. He talks about localization and some other games before then.
lol,is that some kind of nursery/fable/fairy tale story...? I had never heard that before.
Finally beatat level 1 earlier after a few hours of attempts!The Nameless Kinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMBUKyzQbdw
It's in Dark Souls 3.
Apparently it's a nod, or at least was derived from an old poem:
After DAragonslayer, in the GrmourArandrchives.
Actually,there are two of them.
Fuck! I'm missing something.There are two actually.And two bosses as well.
Int/Fth at 20, Str at 12, Dex was around 18 at dancer but I've bumped it to 31 after 2 more bosses.What's your dex, str, int and faith?
Damnit, this fucking gameWithout spoiling it's just before the boss.
Nice job!Finally beatat level 1 earlier after a few hours of attempts!The Nameless Kinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMBUKyzQbdw
I'm a fucking idiot.
I bought the Haven's Ring instead of the Boulder Heave spell, on my Pyromancer.
Now i can't beat the Old Demon King
Ridiculous, man. Grats!
Nice job!
Why didn't you two-hand you weapon by the way? You didn't seem to really do anything pyromancy-wise aside from buffing your weapon at the start.
To make your choice even worse- heavy armor is trash in this game![]()
I'm a fucking idiot.
I bought the Haven's Ring instead of the Boulder Heave spell, on my Pyromancer.
Now i can't beat the Old Demon King
why does a spell have to do with beating that? Just bait the attacks
I tried 2 handing but didn't get very much more damage per swing but each swing took quite a bit more stamina, so I just stick to 1 handing for the most part. (at least that's how it works for the raw broadsword - maybe it's different for raw astora's sword)
Spoiler for locations:Fuck! I'm missing something.
I've never understood why people had such throbbing boners for achievements.
First phase, stay under the dragon and don't lock on. If you see him fly straight up, run like hell in the direction he's facing.Fuck Nameless King.