You mean this?
Same thing... I went embered for a quest and realized the kind of drops I missed out by not having NPC invasions, it's pretty lame. I wish it was like DS2, they'd invade you hollowed or not.I spent most of my game unembered, so I went back to fight all the NPC invasions I missed but none will spawn anymore. Is this because I beat the bosses in the areas? Do I have to redo them in NG+?
I'd say no just for the 10 durability alone.Is theworth upgrading? Seems like a pretty light great sword (which is great for me)Storm Ruler
You mean this?
You mean this?
I haven't done a lot of pvp in this game, so sorry if this is a dumb question, but how come none of those 4 are phantoms? How come they all have the normal look?
I'd say no just for the 10 durability alone.
Oh man I had no idea they affected multiplayer like this!They're using theRing. It removes your phantom glow and makes you appear to be the host, complete with "Host of Embers" title.Untrue Dark
It's particularly fun for MM covenant shenanigans, along with other rings like theRing (you're almost invisible past 25 or so feet) and theObscuringRing (you appear as a white phantom).Untrue White
Fume ultra greatsword should scale to S once fully upgradedare there any weapons that scale to S in STR or DEX or is A the highest?
That gif is hilarious, reminded me of this one:
You mean this?
They're using theRing. It removes your phantom glow and makes you appear to be the host, complete with "Host of Embers" title.Untrue Dark
It's particularly fun for MM covenant shenanigans, along with other rings like theRing (you're almost invisible past 25 or so feet) and theObscuringRing (you appear as a white phantom).Untrue White
Fume ultra greatsword should scale to S once fully upgraded
Str that is.
Yoooo! why is there a portrait ofingwynevere?Irithyll
Felt like a game on its own, it has lots of secrets and the shortcuts are rather brilliant, thus eliminating the need of bonfires everywhere. This is closest to classic souls.
You got that right. Whats everyone doing with the Hollowing? I have ignored it and think maybe I should go for the 5 free levels
are there any weapons that scale to S in STR or DEX or is A the highest?
Any explanation on why there's a huge difficult spike in?Central Irithyll
You've passed the 50 % mark of the game.
Hey, SoulsGAF. Looking for a little bit of advice. I'm running a dex character and have been using the standard rapier since I picked it up in the beginning. I'm currently on my way to fight the Dand I'm wondering what weapons are out there that would be good to try? Dex weapons obviously, I like fast weapons, too. But I'm just not familiar with all of the weapons in DS3 so far. What do you all suggest I try to pick up and use? What's looking strong?eacons
What level are you supposed to be for? Cause i Just found this area as a level 45 and while i did not have Any problems withsmouldering lake, this place Just seems to be deathwish.catacombs
For that fight, I recommend using the Great Scythe. One handed R2 is very useful.
I fucking love Dark Souls gifs.
very late end spoilerswent to the dark Firelink Shrine and got a pair of Firekeeper eyes.
I gave them to the firekeeper, music changed and now she gives me a choice... Did fucked any ending?
Cool, I'll definitely give it a try. Any suggestion for a full time replacement to the rapier? I just feel like its not a weapon that will carry me all the way through. (I guess any weapon could, but you get it)
No, you've just unlocked the ability to get a second ending.if you answer her question it puts you on the extinguish the flame quest path,
Oh man! As expected, I'm head over heals in love with the latest Souls game!
So well made, and such a love letter to the whole series and its sibling games!
I made some new designs dedicated to its greatness!
What do you guys think?