I spent hours trying to beat Aldrich, finally did it only to be warped into a fight with some dancing asshole who one shots me and I lose my souls. OK, ember and get some friends and back in, only to find no one can enter through the fucking soul gate. I can be summoned and enter fine. Fuck this game. I seriously have no interest in these boss fights they just piss me off
Looks great with the Cathedral UGS (currently rocking a stone parma with it as well, 69% equip rate lol).
Sometimes RNG is just like fuck it, take it all. Cathedral UGS dropped for me on 2 kill of farming along with chest piece and a shard. Not sure if strike damage is still as insane as it was in DS2, but this UGS hits like a tank anyway (it does strike damage).
I spent hours trying to beat Aldrich, finally did it only to be warped into a fight with some dancing asshole who one shots me and I lose my souls. OK, ember and get some friends and back in, only to find no one can enter through the fucking soul gate. I can be summoned and enter fine. Fuck this game. I seriously have no interest in these boss fights they just piss me off
That fight doesn't start automatically, but if you didn't already know ahead of time that you were about to trigger a boss fight, I totally get why it would be frustrating. Same thing happened to me, although I fortunately beat the boss.
No idea what's going on with people not being able to join the fight with you though, unless it's just a latency issue, which would have caused them to disconnect at some point anyway.
Sometimes RNG is just like fuck it, take it all. Cathedral UGS dropped for me on 2 kill of farming along with chest piece and a shard. Not sure if strike damage is still as insane as it was in DS2, but this UGS hits like a tank anyway (it does strike damage).
Are you talking about the Cathedral Knight Greatsword (the one with lightning damage)? If so, that weapon is monstrous. The only thing Fume has going for it that's better I believe is the stamina drain it causes on a block, and potentially the stagger. Speed and damage wise though, not so much.
It's the only boss I've ever had trouble with and I can easily be summoned into it. Is there a way to cheese because it's hard as shit and I'm losing patience
I really dig pyromaner build. Raw straight astora sword is really a huge raw dmg output and the Pyro spells can really put some distance and thus safety on many tricky situation and straight up duck up some fore weak mobs.
That fight doesn't start automatically, but if you didn't already know ahead of time that you were about to trigger a boss fight, I totally get why it would be frustrating. Same thing happened to me, although I fortunately beat the boss.
No idea what's going on with people not being able to join the fight with you though, unless it's just a latency issue, which would have caused them to disconnect at some point anyway.
Are you talking about the Cathedral Knight Greatsword (the one with lightning damage)? If so, that weapon is monstrous. The only thing Fume has going for it that's better I believe is the stamina drain it causes on a block, and potentially the stagger. Speed and damage wise though, not so much.
I spent hours trying to beat Aldrich, finally did it only to be warped into a fight with some dancing asshole who one shots me and I lose my souls. OK, ember and get some friends and back in, only to find no one can enter through the fucking soul gate. I can be summoned and enter fine. Fuck this game. I seriously have no interest in these boss fights they just piss me off
Or you people can stop caring so damn much about a meaningless virtual pat on the back and move on with your lives.
I actually love it when developers have grindy cheevo lists because I know there's going to be that subset of gamers who just think they have to do it, and will end up doing it even though they hate the time they're putting in on the virtual treadmill to do it. The schadenfreude is real my friends. Like watching a real life Skinner box experiment where everyone knows it's a trick but do it anyway.
As for this game though, the ring cheevo is not that bad. Ng+ in this game is a joke anyways, especially if you don't stop leveling. Anyone with a non total shit weapon will blow through the game without much trouble.
I really dont see the need to criticize people for liking to complete stuff. Its also not just about trophies, but also about getting the items. Those items are apparently not available anywhere else. So if you're a completionist or simply want to check out the unique items, you must complete those tasks, regardless if they were tied to trophies or not.
If the covenant auto summoning happened more frequently regardless if you were soul level 1 or 150, i dont think people would have said much about it. Problem is that grinding is kinda mandatory because the summoning happends so rarely. And personally, i dont really mind controlled grinding that much, like having to beat the game three times or so. At least there you know aproximately how long it will take. Random drop grinding however, thats worse.
I really dont see the need to criticize people for liking to complete stuff. Its also not just about trophies, but also about getting the items. Those items are apparently not available anywhere else. So if you're a completionist or simply want to check out the unique items, you must complete those tasks, regardless if they were tied to trophies or not.
If the covenant auto summoning happened more frequently regardless if you were soul level 1 or 150, i dont think people would have said much about it. Problem is that grinding is kinda mandatory because the summoning happends so rarely. And personally, i dont really mind controlled grinding that much, like having to beat the game three times or so. At least there you know aproximately how long it will take. Random drop grinding however, thats worse.
PvP in this game right now is a complete joke because of the armor and poise issues. Straight swords and Estocs dominate right now due to how easily you can stagger someone. Parrying isn't the answer either, because that only works against people that just mindlessly mash R1 relentlessly (sometimes, if there's no lag). Even Demon's Souls had better PvP despite not having poise. Even discounting PvP, the way you get staggered in this game is fucking stupid, especially in heavier armors. The rat example was spot on. The game is just broken in that regard, and they forgot this wasn't Bloodborne 2.0, while also forgetting to give the player a quick dodge too along with the regain mechanic.
I'm playing an assassin. Along the way I switched to Mirrah Vest and I traded my Estoc to that deep axe from the first mimic.
I'm level 28 with most of my stats in vigor. I don't stagger that much and even after a stagger and a critical blow I usually recover faster than my opponent and unleash a 5 hit combo with huge hit box on them. That works at least 50% of the time. I just have to finesse more with havel armor heavies.
Hyperarmor is your new poise, be smart with charges attacks, jump attacks, roll into charge attack or R1 and the ability to aim manually your attacks. And obviously weapon arts.
Being a heavy weapon/armor user requires more from the player than shitstoc users, but that was always the case in Dark Souls. The same lame stoc/lance R1 shanenigans was present in past DS, at least now you have more options.
Hyperarmor is your new poise, be smart with charges attacks, jump attacks, roll into charge attack or R1 and the ability to aim manually your attacks. And obviously weapon arts.
Being a heavy weapon/armor user requires more from the player than shitstoc users, but that was always the case in Dark Souls. The same lame stoc/lance R1 shanenigans was present in past DS, at least now you have more options.
Are we sure the displayed poise in the menus don't have any effect on hyper armor?
I'm glad there are no auto poise but it seems weird to me that the stat is still there.
I really dont see the need to criticize people for liking to complete stuff. Its also not just about trophies, but also about getting the items. Those items are apparently not available anywhere else. So if you're a completionist or simply want to check out the unique items, you must complete those tasks, regardless if they were tied to trophies or not.
If the covenant auto summoning happened more frequently regardless if you were soul level 1 or 150, i dont think people would have said much about it. Problem is that grinding is kinda mandatory because the summoning happends so rarely. And personally, i dont really mind controlled grinding that much, like having to beat the game three times or so. At least there you know aproximately how long it will take. Random drop grinding however, thats worse.
Last night I got 18 proofs and 8 shackles in the undead settlement.
Sentinels of the Blue is an early game covenant because not many players will have Way of the Blue equipped once they find something else. Obviously, the areas with Aldreth Faitfuls is probably a good spot as well and pays double, but it's not the game's fault if nobody is in the Way of the Blue.
It's not like those games that have trophies that requires players to get together and stage things. I just skip those.
Are we sure the displayed poise in the menus don't have any effect on hyper armor?
I'm glad there are no auto poise but it seems weird to me that the stat is still there.
I spent hours trying to beat Aldrich, finally did it only to be warped into a fight with some dancing asshole who one shots me and I lose my souls. OK, ember and get some friends and back in, only to find no one can enter through the fucking soul gate. I can be summoned and enter fine. Fuck this game. I seriously have no interest in these boss fights they just piss me off
Last night I got 18 proofs and 8 shackles in the undead settlement.
Sentinels of the Blue is an early game covenant because not many players will have Way of the Blue equipped once they find something else. Obviously, the areas with Aldreth Faitfuls is probably a good spot as well and pays double, but it's not the game's fault if nobody is in the Way of the Blue.
It's not like those games that have trophies that requires players to get together and stage things. I just skip those.
Problem is that i never get auto summoned anywhere regardless of which covenant there is :\ I've been summoned one time as Aldrich Faithful, and thats it. Otherwise i've never been auto summoned. I can sit in
Anor Londo
for about 30 minutes right now, and i'm willing to bet that i wont be summoned one time.
Getting shackles is at least possible to manual summoning, so i'm done with that. I'm also done with getting 30 pale tounges because those are also got through manual summoning.
Hyperarmor is your new poise, be smart with charges attacks, jump attacks, roll into charge attack or R1 and the ability to aim manually your attacks. And obviously weapon arts.
Not it's not, because it only exists on a select few weapons. It also existed in Demon's Souls, and the staggering in that game was nothing like it is here.
I'm playing an assassin. Along the way I switched to Mirrah Vest and I traded my Estoc to that deep axe from the first mimic.
I'm level 28 with most of my stats in vigor. I don't stagger that much and even after a stagger and a critical blow I usually recover faster than my opponent and unleash a 5 hit combo with huge hit box on them. That works at least 50% of the time. I just have to finesse more with havel armor heavies.
I honestly don't know what you're talking about, or what game you're playing. Or, why you would trade in the Estoc (arguably the best PvP weapon in the game right now) for a split damage weapon that does less overall for both PvP and PvE. You also aren't doing any five hit combo on anyone, unless they don't know that you can dodge after the first two hits from a player. Unless you're just constantly playing in a super laggy environment, where whoever hits first wins thanks to lagstabbing.
I used it from as soon as I found it up to the end of NG+. Has awesome stagger and reach but it's such a stamina drain, and it was starting to struggle with damage later on. Sort of disappointed with it when you compare it to the DS2 counterpart.
Welp NG is wrapped up! Just running around and farming and buying and item hunting for now before NG plus. Having a grand old time.
Now for a question; Rolling a str character and interested in checking out the luck and dex builds out there. I'm well aware I can mess around through covenants, but I started thinking, can I back up my save, and then place it in another save spot? Essentially have two characters instead of one? Or am I gonna get the ban hammer real quick hahaha.
Not it's not, because it only exists on a select few weapons. It also existed in Demon's Souls, and the staggering in that game was nothing like it is here.
Hyperarmor is a couple of frames when you can take damage but you cannot be staggered/interrupted/etc. Typically some frames during an attack with a heavy weapon.
It's not actual armor/defense, just that you cannot be interupted (or in some cases just cannot be interrupted by most attacks).
Or you people can stop caring so damn much about a meaningless virtual pat on the back and move on with your lives.
I actually love it when developers have grindy cheevo lists because I know there's going to be that subset of gamers who just think they have to do it, and will end up doing it even though they hate the time they're putting in on the virtual treadmill to do it. The schadenfreude is real my friends. Like watching a real life Skinner box experiment where everyone knows it's a trick but do it anyway.
As for this game though, the ring cheevo is not that bad. Ng+ in this game is a joke anyways, especially if you don't stop leveling. Anyone with a non total shit weapon will blow through the game without much trouble.
Or maybe from should fix their game so that it works as intented? Going through NG+ and NG++ is fine but having to farm for dozens of hours because the game doesn't work properly is all on developers.
Last night I got 18 proofs and 8 shackles in the undead settlement.
Sentinels of the Blue is an early game covenant because not many players will have Way of the Blue equipped once they find something else. Obviously, the areas with Aldreth Faitfuls is probably a good spot as well and pays double, but it's not the game's fault if nobody is in the Way of the Blue.
It's not like those games that have trophies that requires players to get together and stage things. I just skip those.
But it is the games fault when it is designed badly and doesn't even work properly. I rushed to get the Blue Sent covenant and equipped it at lvl20 and never got a summon even though Way of the Blue is pretty much the only covenant before that. Couple that with the fact that you only get summoned for people who wear WotB emblem and Blue Sents/Darkmoon don't get those it is just bad design. If you are going to lock spells/weapons/rings behind covenant ranks make sure they work properly.
You need to read the comments. Not only was that video not informative at all, and under 20s, his testing methodology is completely flawed due to not having the same swing timings for both the player and enemy.
All you're doing is making it even more confusing for people that don't know what hyper armor actually is.
It's completely seperate from poise, and it has existed since Demon's Souls.
Poise is a relatively simple stat to understand: its the measure of how much damage a player can take before being staggered. It can be found on each piece of armor, and your total Poise is the sum of each of your armor pieces. In general, wearing heavier pieces of armor will increase poise, while wearing nothing at all will leave you at zero.
However, this shouldn't be confused with Hyper Armor, which refers to the window during an attack where you can't be staggered at all. Unlike poise, hyper armor is a hidden stat, and in general, heavier weapons like an ultra greatsword will grant more frames of hyper armor than lighter weapons like a simple dagger.
Both of these mechanics, though separate, work in tandem with one another, with the ultimate goal being to allow players to move about and swing their weapons with minimal interference. Or at least that was the case until Poise mysteriously disappeared - and no, Poise has nothing to do with hyper armor on rolls; equipment load affects that.
Hyperarmor is a couple of frames when you can take damage but you cannot be staggered/interrupted/etc. Typically some frames during an attack with a heavy weapon.
It's not actual armor/defense, just that you cannot be interupted (or in some cases just cannot be interrupted by most attacks).
You need to read the comments. Not only was that video not informative at all, and under 20s, his testing methodology is completely flawed due to not having the same swing timings for both the player and enemy.
All you're doing is making it even more confusing for people that don't know what hyper armor actually is.
It's completely seperate from poise, and it has existed since Demon's Souls.
When you are hit with an attack while you are within hyper armor frames, all poise damage is halved and attacks that normally always stagger are now poisable.
Finishing the game with those hours sure. Gbraga how ever just finished Cathedral of the Deep with those hours and that area is fourth(?) area in the game.
I'm not really doing anything special, I think. I take longer than most people even in very linear and straightforward games, for whatever reason.
Then you add that to reading every item description (some of them multiple times), farming sets and weapons from every area, farming covenant stuff (at least the first reward), talking to every NPC every time I go to Firelink Shrine, revisiting old areas to talk to NPCs there as well every time some event happens in the story...
Bloodborne didn't have equip farming or covenant levels, so it only took me ~70 hours on my first playthrough, but that's still above average. I'm pretty sure my The Old Hunters first playthrough took longer than a lot of people's first Dark Souls III playthrough >_>
But it's fun, so I don't really mind taking that long.
I'm changing my Fashion Souls and weapon for each area I visit. Using Drang Hammers now, really fun weapon. Along with Aldrich's Sapphire and Farron Ring, I'm using a lot more weapon skills than ever before. Also useful for farming heavy shield dudes with a Straight Sword.
I want to like and use great swords more in this game as they look cool. But other than for mob control in certain areas, I always end up using something shorter and quicker in most PvE situations.
I want to like and use great swords more in this game as they look cool. But other than for mob control in certain areas, I always end up using something shorter and quicker in most PvE situations.
I want to like and use great swords more in this game as they look cool. But other than for mob control in certain areas, I always end up using something shorter and quicker in most PvE situations.
Shorter swords can be better for PVP, but UGS's in PVE are awesome. Good stagger and damage. Having one with thrust is great when you pull off a well timed thrust attack for an enemy charging you. You just need a solid stamina investment.
My opinion of this game is dropping fast like a rock in the water. I've reached the boss in Lothric Castle and honestly haven't enjoyed anything since I beat Aldritch. That was a definite high point for me and it's just been downhill ever since.
Irithyll Dungeons were terrible. That area has one redeeming quality...it's quite short. Then Profaned Capital was the smallest, most pointless area in the game. Seriously, 2 buildings, one of which
loops back to the start of the Dungeons, god only knows why because who would want to go back there?
. Then after clearing that area and beating the boss, I was
forced into a cutscenes then another boss fight
, which seems like a bit of a dick move. Whatever, I got through it and pushed on. Next I discovered the Consumed King's Garden, which felt as short and pointless as Profaned Capital had been. Then I found
The Untended Graves
and pulled up hard against the bastard that is Champion Gundyr, aka the worst boss in the game so far by a long shot. Despised fighting him but got it over with and explored
the other Firelink Shrine
hoping for some kind of reward. All I got was
Firekeeper's Eyes
...woo hoo...
To end my rant, I've now made it through the pretty boring, generic Boletarian Pala..sorry, Lothric Castle, and reached the boss...who's another pain in the backside to deal with...great. I honestly can't quite believe how hard the drop in quality has been. Maybe I'm just burnt out. Dunno, it's just very disappointing.
I want to like and use great swords more in this game as they look cool. But other than for mob control in certain areas, I always end up using something shorter and quicker in most PvE situations.
My opinion of this game is dropping fast like a rock in the water. I've reached the boss in Lothric Castle and honestly haven't enjoyed anything since I beat Aldritch. That was a definite high point for me and it's just been downhill ever since.
Irithyll Dungeons were terrible. That area has one redeeming quality...it's quite short. Then Profaned Capital was the smallest, most pointless area in the game. Seriously, 2 buildings, one of which
loops back to the start of the Dungeons, god only knows why because who would want to go back there?
. Then after clearing that area and beating the boss, I was
forced into a cutscenes then another boss fight
, which seems like a bit of a dick move. Whatever, I got through it and pushed on. Next I discovered the Consumed King's Garden, which felt as short and pointless as Profaned Capital had been. Then I found
The Untended Graves
and pulled up hard against the bastard that is Champion
, aka the worst boss in the game so far by a long shot. Despised fighting him but got it over with and explored
the other Firelink Shrine
hoping for some kind of reward. All I got was
Firekeeper's Eyes
...woo hoo...
To end my rant, I've now made it through the pretty boring, generic Boletarian Pala..sorry, Lothric Castle, and reached the boss...who's another pain in the backside to deal with...great. I honestly can't quite believe how hard the drop in quality has been. Maybe I'm just burnt out. Dunno, it's just very disappointing.
That one ring you can get that allows women to do men things and men to do women things. What does that mean? What can men do on this game that women can't, and vice versa?
Looks great with the Cathedral UGS (currently rocking a stone parma with it as well, 69% equip rate lol).
Sometimes RNG is just like fuck it, take it all. Cathedral UGS dropped for me on 2 kill of farming along with chest piece and a shard. Not sure if strike damage is still as insane as it was in DS2, but this UGS hits like a tank anyway (it does strike damage).
I hear a lot of people praising the Cathedral UGS, however I have no idea how you go about finding one. Based on your description, it seems like you have to farm for materials? If you could walk me through the steps it would be a big help. Currently bashing my head against a wall on
The Nameless King
and have seen people take him on with UGS with little issues. My axe which I had equipped throughout pretty much the whole game is no longer cutting it with this bastard.
My opinion of this game is dropping fast like a rock in the water. I've reached the boss in Lothric Castle and honestly haven't enjoyed anything since I beat Aldritch. That was a definite high point for me and it's just been downhill ever since.
Irithyll Dungeons were terrible. That area has one redeeming quality...it's quite short. Then Profaned Capital was the smallest, most pointless area in the game. Seriously, 2 buildings, one of which
loops back to the start of the Dungeons, god only knows why because who would want to go back there?
. Then after clearing that area and beating the boss, I was
forced into a cutscenes then another boss fight
, which seems like a bit of a dick move. Whatever, I got through it and pushed on. Next I discovered the Consumed King's Garden, which felt as short and pointless as Profaned Capital had been. Then I found
The Untended Graves
and pulled up hard against the bastard that is Champion Gundyr, aka the worst boss in the game so far by a long shot. Despised fighting him but got it over with and explored
the other Firelink Shrine
hoping for some kind of reward. All I got was
Firekeeper's Eyes
...woo hoo...
To end my rant, I've now made it through the pretty boring, generic Boletarian Pala..sorry, Lothric Castle, and reached the boss...who's another pain in the backside to deal with...great. I honestly can't quite believe how hard the drop in quality has been. Maybe I'm just burnt out. Dunno, it's just very disappointing.
Irithyll Dungeon is one of my favorite areas in any Souls game. It absolutely oozes atmosphere, I adore it. The level design is also spot on and it has some very interesting enemies to fight.
I do wish Profaned Capital was longer but it was a really neat area for what it was.
I think you might be burnt out, to be honest. The quality level feels very consistent to me throughout the game, I'd say it's one of DS3's biggest strengths.
My opinion of this game is dropping fast like a rock in the water. I've reached the boss in Lothric Castle and honestly haven't enjoyed anything since I beat Aldritch. That was a definite high point for me and it's just been downhill ever since.
Irithyll Dungeons were terrible. That area has one redeeming quality...it's quite short. Then Profaned Capital was the smallest, most pointless area in the game. Seriously, 2 buildings, one of which
loops back to the start of the Dungeons, god only knows why because who would want to go back there?
. Then after clearing that area and beating the boss, I was
forced into a cutscenes then another boss fight
, which seems like a bit of a dick move. Whatever, I got through it and pushed on. Next I discovered the Consumed King's Garden, which felt as short and pointless as Profaned Capital had been. Then I found
The Untended Graves
and pulled up hard against the bastard that is Champion Gundyr, aka the worst boss in the game so far by a long shot. Despised fighting him but got it over with and explored
the other Firelink Shrine
hoping for some kind of reward. All I got was
Firekeeper's Eyes
...woo hoo...
To end my rant, I've now made it through the pretty boring, generic Boletarian Pala..sorry, Lothric Castle, and reached the boss...who's another pain in the backside to deal with...great. I honestly can't quite believe how hard the drop in quality has been. Maybe I'm just burnt out. Dunno, it's just very disappointing.
I really liked the first few zones, barring the goddamn Swamp of Unoriginality(tm), and then the game just went..blah. Like, a bunch of short pointless areas that I've already forgotten. The bosses started getting more and more annoying, dodge-fests that practically scream 'I hope you're playing this game like Bloodborne!'. That was also about the time I every npc started disappearing because I hadn't consulted a fucking wiki to maintain their quests.
I tried using Hidden Body and Rapport to just get to the goddamn end, but I lost the will and drive. I've got like, 300 hours in DS and just under that for DS2. DS3? I'm not sure I'm going to bother to finish a single playthrough.
It's a shame, because the goddamn game is so pretty and I've loved the series so far.
That one ring you can get that allows women to do men things and men to do women things. What does that mean? What can men do on this game that women can't, and vice versa?