I'm so making a Demon Fist character. FIRE PUNCHES FOR EVERYONE
I'm so making a Demon Fist character. FIRE PUNCHES FOR EVERYONE
Does it stop the chug they're currently doing?
Yeah but it's not to hard to avoid IMO unless you're caugh offguard wiith something (another dude/mob).
The Red Hilted Halberd served me well from the Undead Settlement to the final boss fight. I would describe it as a swiss army knife of DS3 weapons, the moveset is versatile and punishing in pvp and pve. It mixes good thrusting and slashing attacks with a longer reach weapon. I also found that most players in pvp don't know how to counter it, especially when using Perseverance as kind of free parry to setup counter-attacks or backstabs.
- The R1 attack is a long reaching, fast thrust, like a spear. It's great for moving and poking on bosses, and for punishing aggressive players in pvp. Stamina consumption is low.
- The 1H R2 is a wide horizontal swing which hits multiple enemies in pve, and can punish rollers in pvp.
- The 2H R2 is a spin move that can hit multiple times if something is inside the wide hit area.
- And if all of that isn't enough, the L2 weapon art is Perseverance. Use it like you would time a parry in pve and pvp, and the enemy attack will go right through you for significantly reduced damage, and then punish them with R2 or a backstab. This weapon art seems to really confuse people in pvp.
The weapon's scaling is versatile too. It has a C/C scaling (Refined) for a balanced/quality build (with 400+ AR at +10), it has B strength scaling (Heavy), and it also has A and B scaling for Int and Faith builds. It's a great option for most builds.
The Red-Hilted Halberd is complimented well by a close range brawler type of weapon. I used the Drang Hammers and the Dark Sword. Any blunt weapon is a good compliment and will make the Ca much better experience.atacombs
That concludes my love letter to the Red Hilted Halberd.
I invaded this Estus chugging, Estoc spammer last night with the Aldrich Faithful covenant, and caught him with a charged R1 with the Lothric Knight GS and pancaked his ass. Disconnected after I almost one-shot him. Loser.
Last night was just a bad night for invasions with the AF covenant; nevermind that it was mostly 3v1, but it's 3 on 1 - we're all trading hits, yet they're chugging and running lmao. Have you no honor?!
I invaded this Estus chugging, Estoc spammer last night with the Aldrich Faithful covenant, and caught him with a charged R1 with the Lothric Knight GS and pancaked his ass. Disconnected after I almost one-shot him. Loser.
Last night was just a bad night for invasions with the AF covenant; nevermind that it was mostly 3v1, but it's 3 on 1 - we're all trading hits, yet they're chugging and running lmao. Have you no honor?!
Something else that it lacked was any impressive dramatic moment for the plot; Demon had the Maiden and the mutated king allant at the end, Dark 1 had the reveal info dumps by the serpents and Solaire, Dark 2 had finding Vendrick hollowed, Bloodborne had killing Rom and the dreams, and getting 40 insight, but I struggle to think of anything in the plot of DS3 that made an impression on me. The closest arebut they feel empty and purposeless to me. Next to that isthe hollow wedding and Anor Londo. The plot is fun and all but it lacked a certain emotional punch to it.the big eclipse and the angels, but those are nearly empty symbols; obviously the eclipse is a big dark mark...but so what. And the angels...well they are flying around. There's no much for the player there, even if you want to argue that the player should figure it out by himself...what is there to figure out?
The level design is some of the best in the series, only second to Dark 1, topologically speaking; most of the areas had hella shortcuts, intricate layouts, traps, falls, etc. But the motivation for going there was...lacking. You explore a zombie town, then a cathedral, then a poison lake -probably the laziest obligatory area in the game- then some catacombs. Irithyll is refreshing and I actually really like the Profaned Capital....and then you are back in the quintessential castle.
Where do I pick up that one shield everybody and their mothers seems to be using? (The folded rectangle looking one that I think Jim Sterling was using in his most recent video)? I'm still using the Stone Parmesan or whatever and I'm bored and want something new.
Can you do all the endings with a save game backup/restore trick (via GameSaveManager for example)?
That's the one, cheers.
Can you do all the endings with a save game backup/restore trick (via GameSaveManager for example)?
You need to go to fight him inarchdragon peak
Any class recommendations for someone who will start with the game for the first time? For my DSII playthrough i went with a sorcerer that i eventually completely changed into a hybrid of two handed (Zweihander) with bow and pyromancy.
To be fair, they didn't particularly ask for some random murderhobo to crash their game and try to kill them. Unless they were a gank-party, in which case your frustration is mirrored by mine.
AF is fair in that respect, however, since you get allies to fight bigger parties quite regularly. Or gank solo players, whatever floats your boat.
If you are invading they can chug as much as they want, you have no business complaining there.
You can do the two normal endings that way, not sure about the other ending.
Same. 12 more to go!The only thing standing between me and a Platinum trophy is several hours of farming Silver Knights.
I think Dark Souls 3 is caught in a difficult spot where it doesn't have the dense, interlocking world design of DkS, the improved multiplayer and build diversity of DkS2 (this may come with time), or any sort of novelty factor going for it. To take a simple example, the ruined castles and cathedrals in DkS3 are perfectly nice levels, but at this point they feel obligatory rather than inspired.
Hey, they can chug all they want. I just think it's funny when it happens and it's 3 on 1. Disconnects are funny too, like man - take the loss! You can always get your souls back. =p
Darkmoon is definitely busted for me, played for about 3 hours today, not a single summon. They definitely dropped the ball on the covenants this time, the balance between getting covenant items is absurd, you'll get sunlight medals for Co oping and invading, but for darkmoon you'll have to get lucky you'll get summoned, utter bullshit. Why in the world did they get rid of the blue orb?
Do I have to meetSiegward in Irithyll before I send Greirat to there?
What's a good PVP weapon in 2v1 or 3v1 scenarios? Don't think my Lothric Knight GS will suffice.
I agree with this. The previous games tended to build toward some, "now we're really getting somewhere" moment. Demon's Souls had the long progression up Boletaria Palace. Dark Souls had Anor Londo and the fascinating descent from the Depths to Blighttown to Quelaag's Domain and on down to Ash Lake. Dark Souls 2 was very effective in building anticipation from Drangleic Castle and the Shrine of Amana until you finally found Vendrick. And Bloodborne obviously had Bergenweth (sp?) and Rom.
Dark Souls 3 seems to treatas a similarly impressive moment, but I can't say I gave the matter any thought untilPrince Lothric. The discovery ofEmma mentioned it late in the gamewas more exciting to me. Reachingthe untended gravesAnor Londo is cool, of course, but because the location is not significant at this point, it's more fun than dramatic.
He is like a Tekken character.Speaking of souls, I had about 150k souls on me when I started exploring the. Then I metUntended Graves. Then I suddenly had 0 souls.Champion Gundyr
Damn fun fight, but quite horrifying when done solo.
so i beat the abyss watchers and I'm currently exploring the chapel, cathedral thing... how much left in the game?
What's a good PVP weapon in 2v1 or 3v1 scenarios? Don't think my Lothric Knight GS will suffice.
so i beat the abyss watchers and I'm currently exploring the chapel, cathedral thing... how much left in the game?
You're probably about half way or slightly under that.
so i beat the abyss watchers and I'm currently exploring the chapel, cathedral thing... how much left in the game?
Quite a bit later.thanks.
without spoiling too much, at the current place I'm at... Can I offer Sunlight medals? I've yet to see an altar for that, or is that later in the game?
What's a good PVP weapon in 2v1 or 3v1 scenarios? Don't think my Lothric Knight GS will suffice.
Those Greirat-looking motherfuckers are the hardest enemies in the game. The final boss should have just been 100 of them. Stupid fucking pieces of shit.
Those Greirat-looking motherfuckers are the hardest enemies in the game. The final boss should have just been 100 of them. Stupid fucking pieces of shit.
Those Greirat-looking motherfuckers are the hardest enemies in the game. The final boss should have just been 100 of them. Stupid fucking pieces of shit.
I also maxed out the Warriors of Sunlight, Rosaria's Fingers, Mound-Makers, Aldrich Faithful covenants last night too. After I beat the game, I turned those in to get my items. Still need to do the Watchdogs of Farron too, but I'm half way through that, as it's an easy farm. Blades of the Darkmoon will be a bitch and a half to do. I luckily got 2 extra Proofs last few days for helping people. I'm going to wait till NG+ before I even try farming again.
Question for those at end game/NG+ and beyond and are no longer leveling up. What level are you? Since I'm a pyro build, thinking of going to at least 120, maybe 125 to help max out Int/Faith to 40/40 and increase Attument a little bit more for more FP.
I should note that I really don't care about dueling. But I do want to keep invade/get invaded. So want to make sure i'm in same kind of range of everyone else.