There is something that seemed odd about the story/lore makeup of the game. Like there are a few very major things that aren't/don't seem connected. The entire decent into Irithyll and seeing all the things that revolve around, but then where the game started and ended being up top in Lothric and the king's refusal and all the stuff surrounding that extended family. Like there could have been a whole game revolving around either thing.Pontiff
Also Irithyll itself was beautiful but it really didn't have the same "this feels like it could be a real city and not just a guided tour through a video game level" feel that even other areas in the game had, let alone what Yharnam had.
The benefit of the design in Yharnam is that the entire game felt like you were visiting areas within it. They decided to go the route of 'many different, smaller locales' for Dark Souls 3, instead of having one main location that only gets changed up a few times (Nightmare Frontier and Cainhurst Castle in Bloodborne). Sometimes I wish they would have gone the Bloodborne route for Dark Souls 3, but instead they wanted to fit a larger variety of places. In some ways it's refreshing, but sometimes you feel that the best areas should have been focused on, like Irithyl and perhaps Profained Capital as well. There was a lot more room for depth in those areas, in my opinion.