I'm almost at the end of NG+. I did it all offline so I could experience as many of the NPCs and summons as possible without interruption, so I've seen most of them now. Although I traded away Loretta's bone so despite doing P and S o never got to see Greirat's full thing play out. NG+ is always where I enjoy the game more, because I'm so much more comfortable with everything. From the moment I beat AW I went full
, no Shield (well, Shield of Want on back for souls). I'll have to upload some of the Shadowplay clips I've saved, the weapon has always been the most fun for me.
I beat NK last night, and I took thr advice of various posters and kept a respectable distance from the pigeon, and that does go a lot more smoothly. You're still getting attacked from above when he swings but it's a lot better. Second part is just calmly dodging his attacks by not rolling too soon. I stoped using the Steam controller's grip button to dodge and used the b button, because it's that much quicker and easier to do a button tap. I know I have high stats and a maxed out weapon, but the actual key to NK is minimising hits, as obvious as it sounds. He's normal sized, has 1 weapon, and rarely uses spells. He's gone from me considering not beating him to a fun optional that I barely die on and enjoy fighting.
I'm pretty high levelled now, with 40 in Vig, End, Str, and Dex. Started working on Lck but might transition that into at least 20 Int and Fth.
I think I'm going to go into NG++ and do that whole thing as a
with a BKGA, then leave that save for DLC and start a new character, mess with Pyro, and get involved online. Do a bit of Mound Making now I know how to join the obscure son of a bitch covenant, that sounds fun. I always enjoy the raw + enchantment route with stats pumped into end/vig, it was what I defaulted to in DS1 (as did many, I imagine).