Oh, we're at page 198.
Has anyone suggested any title ideas for OT3 so far?
you're just like the rest of these dudes safe poise as dudes
prolly too long tho
Oh, we're at page 198.
Has anyone suggested any title ideas for OT3 so far?
Oh, we're at page 197.
Has anyone suggested any title ideas for OT3 so far?
you're just like the rest of these dudes safe poise as dudes
prolly too long tho![]()
Dark Souls III [OT++] Why can't we poise the game?
I'm going through the game as a new character with the Spiked Mace, (my first heavy weapon build in a Souls game) and I'm wondering what infusion would be best for it?
I started as a Deprived, and I'm currently at 40 strength, 15 luck, 12 int/fth, and 10 for everything else; I'm hollowed as well. I want to take advantage of bleed, but I'm not sure what to choose between standard, heavy, bleed, or hollow to infuse it with. I'm probably gonna be using Carthus Rouge to apply bleed to it to more than likely.
Anyone with ps4 version can confirm me how its the framerate, by comparison i had almost no problems with bloodborn.
I am thinking about buying it but if framerate is super bad i wait and buy something else.
Oh, we're at page 198.
Has anyone suggested any title ideas for OT3 so far?
Dark Souls III [OT++] Why can't we poise the game?
Dark Souls III [OT++] Why can't we poise the game?
Dark Souls III [OT++] Why can't we poise the game?
like I said. The stat does affect something. I never said it was implemented well. No one has tested for how it affects different weapons at different levels of poise, but that would be a daunting task and something From should just tell the community.
Their unwillingness to elaborate tells me its implementation is most likely undercooked or was made binary because balancing it would take a lot of work.
So technically no, poise isnt broken because it isnt useless.
Man watching this ENB first walk through is painful it's like he never played a souls game so many amateur mistakes it baffling. Maybe him working on guide is how he got good.
Dark Souls III |OT3| Poise is Working as Intended
SOn the brightside the lack of poise does encourage to partake in Fashion Souls, if there's no point in wearing full havels, might as well look fabulous.
Lobos Jr. as well, who does a lot of challenge runs that require a lot of consistency in dodging boss attacks.Check out distortion2 if you want to see someone good at the game. Dude holds the any % and all bosses speedrun records right now.
If only From could stop with their dumbass obscure bullshit for just once and explain why and how a stat that has been in all the games works differently in 3.
if only
An official explanation wouldn't hurt, for sure.
I don't think it's supposed to be some obscure thing that they wanted people to figure out... It was just supposed to be a part of the underlying mechanics. You're probably right about it being a little undercooked.
As far as I understand it, Poise isn't permenantly "disabled" like a lot of people have come to think. But it's also not a passive thing like it was in Dark 1. It activates when you perform certain actions that have hyper armour (some heavy/charged attacks, weapon skills, etc.). The actual Poise stat in the player status screen governs how much damage you take during hyper armour. The higher your Poise, the less damage you take while tanking.
But yes, it's apparent that implementation wasn't perfect, and balancing that extra damage reduction (absorption?) isn't a simple task. It likely feels broken because they didn't want to overdo it. Considering all the other percentages and formulas going on that take weapons/attacks/armour/status/buffs into account, adjustments will have to be very slight, because otherwise you'll quickly have a flipping Havel or Giant Dad situation on your hands.
Actually, he is. He gets a paycheck for his videos.Give him a break, he's not a pro or anything. He just enjoys the games, same as everyone else. I find he's got pretty good instincts considering he's playing blind. He's missed a lot of stuff, but that's to be expected, as he's trying not to hang around areas too long and bore the viewers. I don't watch ENB for his skills at the game anyway- I watch for his perspective on the lore, and relationships to the previous games.
Check out distortion2 if you want to see someone good at the game. Dude holds the any % and all bosses speedrun records right now.
If you are talking about N.K., honestly you are better off figuring it out and soloing it. Most people you summon will know the fight, but won't be much help when the boss has unpredictable patterns due to the co-op element.
Actually, he is. He gets a paycheck for his videos.
I'm at the boss in the last hidden area. Holy crap. I can't even summon people and beat him. Been going through embers and my summons usually die in 1 or 2 hits. I am also doing hardly any damage to him. What is he weak against? I am dex and have a chaos blade +5 or Dark Blade +10 or Old Wolf Sword +5.
He's co-authored a total of 3 guides for the series. He's definitely a pro.He's a pro entertainer then, not a pro Dark Souls player. He gets paid because he brings lots of people into his channel because of his personality, not his skills at the game.
That's every. single. item. cleared out ofI can't wait to never ever visit it ever again.Smouldering Lake.
lol yeah more than any other ds game i dislike more areas in this game than any other... the keep, boreal, and peak are really the only good ones. but i feel the same way.. once im done with most areas i just never come back...
I'm at the boss in the last hidden area. Holy crap. I can't even summon people and beat him. Been going through embers and my summons usually die in 1 or 2 hits. I am also doing hardly any damage to him. What is he weak against? I am dex and have a chaos blade +5 or Dark Blade +10 or Old Wolf Sword +5.
Is 80 high enough level?
That's every. single. item. cleared out ofI can't wait to never ever visit it ever again.Smouldering Lake.
also you guys should check out pvpskillz channel he does amazing weapon pvp videos.. not a very popular channel...
Oh wow I just saw this. Yeah I'd be really happy to get all the rings from you. I'm on PS4.
PSN DekuBleep
I don't know how to do it though, so I'd need an explanation.
Is sacred oath way better than deep protection? I'm pondering if it's worth the switch but wondering if it's worth the two attunement slots. I think sacred oath doesn't last as long too right?
"Poise is working as intended, only that is more situational."
Then explain what kind of situation where it works, you annoying arses, arrghhh. There's a limit of being so "obscure" before you turn into legitimately annoying, FROM.
That area didn't bother me too much, you know what areas piss me off?Farrons keep, it's like blighttown just this time no glorious iron ring!
I am struggling right now against these greatswords in PvP. When guys are repeatedly parrying it's hard for me to time attacks, and while part of it is probably me needing to do better I think lag makes it a little more difficult. Anybody got advice for this? I am getting ONE SHOTTED from full health by a damn counter. How in the hell are those so powerful?
Edit: I'm using a Dark Sword. Perhaps I should start parrying as well? I'm honestly horrible at it, even against regular mobs.
Is the ring trophy glitched? I have every ring but no trophy. Do you have to get the +1, +2 variations as well?
Just launched the game and got summoned. I feel so bad for those who never do. Also two against three. Invaders had a fair chance but sucked.
Uh, what.Poise has worked differently in each game.
DeS had hyper armor just like Ds3
No but some weapons did have hyper armour to them. 2h greataxe for example.Uh, what.
Demon's Souls doesn't have poise.
And that hyper armor is dependent on the weapon move set and not affected at all by another stat. It's not really what people are talking about when they're describing poise.No but some weapons did have hyper armour to them. 2h greataxe for example.
I don't mind being staggered.I think whether poise is working in some way or not is beside the point because as it is right now it's implemented terribly.
Listen, I'm all for reducing poise from previous levels so people can't just tank shit. That would be dumb and I actually like the idea of it being weaker. But for heavens sake, right now it's a joke. Practically anything will stagger or interrupt you. It's infuriating.
Weapon level?
NG? NG+?
location when summoned?
Sure, but the person you were replying to didn't seem to say it was poise like in DkS1 in DeS. Just clarifying.And that hyper armor is dependent on the weapon move set and not affected at all by another stat. It's not really what people are talking about when they're describing poise.
Or to wield heavy weapons/greatshields...I don't mind being staggered.
I do mind how vitality is basically a pointless stat right now because heavy armor barely provides more protection and the extra poise means nothing. You basically only put points into vitality for fashion.