I keep seeing messages on the bridge to the frigid valley that say, "item required". Not sure if its a troll or not. Any hints? (-;
You need
the doll you obtain for clearing Cathedral of the Deep.
I keep seeing messages on the bridge to the frigid valley that say, "item required". Not sure if its a troll or not. Any hints? (-;
I made really good progress yesterday I now have a Long Sword + 4 and 8 estus flask charges and found thering.Chloranthy
Almost cleared the swamp area (including the boss) I still need to face thatthough lol .Dark Knight
So I have been wondering which area should be tackled first ,orFaron keep?Cathedral of the deep
In order of difficulty please![]()
That's god damn BS!At 400 Item Discovery it took me 300-400 tries to get 30 of them. Pretty much Pure Bladestone all over again.
I made really good progress yesterday I now have a Long Sword + 4 and 8 estus flask charges and found thering.Chloranthy
Almost cleared the swamp area (including the boss) I still need to face thatthough lol .Dark Knight
So I have been wondering which area should be tackled first ,orFaron keep?Cathedral of the deep
In order of difficulty please![]()
Knowing the Souls pattern definitely makes sprinting through the game easier but I knew the pattern in Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne and both still took me 40+ hours.
I reached the end of this in the low 20's.
Have to admit that knowing the formula makes the game easier to get through. Not to mention they consolidated the merchants/ blacksmiths into one area unlike previous Dark games where you had to visit them in their own areas which was a pain in the ass. Everything is made more accessible and Souls vets can get through this game quickly. I'm actually holding off from finishing the game and trying to do as much side content as possible.
Knowing the Souls pattern definitely makes sprinting through the game easier but I knew the pattern in Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne and both still took me 40+ hours.
I reached the end of this in the low 20's.
So I have been wondering which area should be tackled first ,orFaron keep?Cathedral of the deep
In order of difficulty please![]()
Why is it so important to get a virtual trophy for doing something you hate? If you don't want to grind for shit then don't. You make it sound like they're forcing you to do it when in fact it's a completely optional and arbitrary task.
So I have been wondering which area should be tackled first ,orFaron keep?Cathedral of the deep
In order of difficulty please![]()
OK. I never summon or look at guides for my first play through of Souls, but I am perplexed at what I should be doing now.
I've just beatenand I'm now running around in circles trying to find something else to do. I just can't see where I'm supposed to go next.Aldrich, Devourer of Gods
Any tips, please?
I did Faron Keep first just because that's what I stumbled across. I also found it to be the easier of the two
Can Slabs be farmed?
Because I like "completing" shit and I won't feel that I have until I've collected all these stupid spells and rings. I have every right to bitch about this horribly designed part of the game too. It's bad and made worse by the fact that the Darkmoon/Blue Sent PVP stuff basically doesn't work.
Yes, you need item. I learned that the hard way. Did you fully explore C?ruxificition Woods
I've been exploringand I think it's an awesome area. Just stick to the edges of the area and go around so should be able to acquire everything there that way. Also, protip for the area: get a dagger with the dash ability - you'll thank me later because no fat rolls. =pFarron Keep
Knowing the Souls pattern definitely makes sprinting through the game easier but I knew the pattern in Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne and both still took me 40+ hours.
I reached the end of this in the low 20's.
Is it worth infusing the Dark Sword to Heavy?
Just curious if increasing the strength scaling would actually be more beneficial than having a lower scaling of both STR + DEX if I'm planning on an equal STR/DEX build.
I just beat DI figured I'd break away from my progress and check out the Sancer of the Boreal Valley.mouldering Lake.
I killed a boss there that was pretty easy called OThen I found this path right outside the boss room leading up to this temple area. This place is huge and kinda confusing.ld Flame King.
Oh... I must have because I am past theat this point. I had thought I missed something.Pontiff
Oh and I am wondering about where is the? Isn't it back at the high wall or by the watch dog area?Dancer
How do I even get to theCathedral of the Deep?
So, you guys recommend to just have equal stats for Dex and Str if its a melee type? Im doing a Pyro and have put 18 on int and 13 on Faith already, Im using my Pyromancy as a ranged secondary option, while upgrading my uchigatana and Astora blade.
Got Havels ring last night, Just wonderful!
Question I have been leaving a summon sign in front of the door of the Vordt of Boreal,, what am I doing wrong?but I only keep getting summoned for a Boss I havent even reached yet in my own play-trough
Don't worry about the boss you're looking for. You'll fight it by progressing the game.
So, you guys recommend to just have equal stats for Dex and Str if its a melee type? Im doing a Pyro and have put 18 on int and 13 on Faith already, Im using my Pyromancy as a ranged secondary option, while upgrading my uchigatana and Astora blade.
Got Havels ring last night, Just wonderful!
Question I have been leaving a summon sign in front of the door of the Vordt of Boreal,, what am I doing wrong?but I only keep getting summoned for a Boss I havent even reached yet in my own play-trough
I think so. One of those angel winged creatures on the rooftops just before the gauntlet to *late boss spoilers*Pdropped one for me; the place where you find the final estus shard.rinces
Go refined if you're doing quality. It scales B/B which is pretty nuts. C/C used to be the shit in DS1
Thanks Styles, not gonna quote for fear of spoilers. Good to hear enemies drop it.
At 400 Item Discovery it took me 300-400 tries to get 30 of them. Pretty much Pure Bladestone all over again.
I only did it once so I can't say for sure, but I THINK that is a one-time "auto-drop." Usually when you automatically get an item rather than see it lying on the ground, it means it is a one time thing.
They may drop them anyway.
If you're looking for slabs there is another below the elevator shaft in.Lothric Castle, to the right of the where you fight the Dragonslayer Armor. It's the shortcut you take to fight Lorian. There are two lifts, so step on the one that goes up, roll off, and then wait for the next one
There's another in the, and a few more throughout the world from what I hear.Archives
Much less rare this time.
That's actually a one time drop for beating the enemies, but there isn't much to worry about, as you can find aboutof them in the game according to the wiki. I must have missed a couple of them myself.8
Most of the covenant stuff in this game is completely broken. I was summoned only once as a member of the Blades of the Darkmoon. I guess i will have to farm those ears..
sweet, guess I'll check a guide for that as well before NG+That's actually a one time drop for beating the enemies, but there isn't much to worry about, as you can find aboutof them in the game according to the wiki. I must have missed a couple of them myself.8
Nothing. I's just that people try to kill it earlier than they should, and summon people for Vorltd with the false hope they'll be able to kill it.
For your first question, it depends if you want to use a STR and DEX scaling weapon then sure level both. If your weapon only scales good with DEX, for example, leveling STR won't do much.
Alright...Cwas by far the hardest fight for me in the game. Dude was like a Marvel v Capcom fighter with his moveset. And it came right after the easiest boss in the game,hampion Gundyrusing a nice physical block shield he doesn't do damage on any attacks, I didn't even have to use an estus. Not a brag, that's a great strategy for anybody that is set to face him. He straight up sucks.the dragon guy that was all about Ocelot.
Is there a way to walk on lava like the previous games?