I finished the game yesterday and this is sort of my review (or impressions if you will) after having slept on the game a bit.
Note: I play the Soul's game like single-player RPGs. PvP really isn't my thing. And thats really what I judge them by as well. My ranking for the series overall is: BB > DeS > DS1 > DS3 >>> DS2
DS3 was a bit of a disappointment coming off the high of BB. I expected more given that Miyazaki was involved. One of my bigger complaints in this game as I started playing it was the lack of an oppressive atmosphere. And really, the atmosphere in general was a bit lacking throughout with the exception of a few notable late game areas. It reminded me a lot of Dark Souls 2 in that regard (my least favorite entry) and I just wasn't impressed with many of the locales due to this.
Level design was pretty good throughout but a few of the areas were of much higher quality than others. There wasnt a lot of consistency I felt like and the areas that impressed me, really did so and the rest kind of fell flat. I disliked how linear the world felt. It was a bit too point A to point B for my tastes and didnt really give that feeling of being organically connected like the other Souls titles.
I really enjoyed most of the boss fights. A few early on were disappointing but a few stinkers are pretty much a Souls tradition at this point. And like the levels themselves, I felt that the game improved tremendously with the boss fights as it went on. Some of the later boss fights were really quite fun to fight. I didnt really have much of an issue with difficulty but I chalk that up to being an experienced Souls player. And I also dont really mark a boss down for being easy. A couple of my favorite fights later on in the game were also ones that I struggled the least with.
Gameplay-wise, its a lot of the tried and true Souls experience that I dont really need to go into detail about. However, two things severely impacted my enjoyment of the game. The rolling system was probably the biggest. I absolutely am not fan of it in this post-Bloodborne speedy Dark Souls enemy and boss infested world. It was just simply too slow for the pace of the combat that some enemies and bosses engaged in. It worked in DS1/2 but some of the enemies in this game and certainly some bosses, are on a whole another level for it to work effectively. Similarly, I wish they had brought back the percentage equip roll system back from DS1 and perhaps fashioned it so under 25% gave you a much faster dash/roll. On the back of the rolling system, I dislike that equip-load is now tied to another stat. Im sure it was done for balancing reasons (for PvP if I had to wager) but it feels simply far too restrictive in the armor I can wear effectively throughout the course of the game.
Lastly, I wasnt a fan of the lore being connected back to DS1 so much. I much prefer the entries to be stand-alone with some cool nods rather than the direct sequels in terms of lore. I hope, if DS4 ever exists, that this world is put on the backburner. Its tired and boring.
Overall, its a pretty solid entry into the DS series. I certainly liked it much, much more than DS2. It doesnt quite hit the highs of DS1 because the areas dont feel unique enough and the atmosphere just isnt there but its certainly the more consistent game. If I had to give it a rating, Id probably give it an 8.5/10. Or about there.