Alright real talk, I'm near the end of the game and just wanted to share my feelings on the soundtrack so far which I'm going to be honest, has been a little disappointing. It was one of the aspects of the game I was looking forward to the most and while I did have high expectations, I had reason to believe they could easily succeed them. The latest set of tracks accompanying a Souls game, the Bloodborne Old Hunters DLC, were the composers pulling all the stops and hitting all the right, cliche-in-the-best-way notes, a real triumph and series-high. The consensus on Dark Souls 3's soundtrack from people who had their hands on it first was that it was all the way from great to Old Hunter-tier and the latter was pretty much the magic descriptor to get me on board. The second track we heard from this game many months ago, what is now the menu theme, was how I envisioned the rest of the game to be like. Even at under 3 minutes it's one of my favourite pieces and sadly, none of the tracks so far have matched it which may sound a little hyperbolic but I genuinely didn't get the same feelings or same emotions evoked listening to the boss themes compared to that track. In general, I'm still holding out for a track to absolutely blow my face off like Suzuki's Living Failures with its deliciously ham vocal interlude which I feel would fit right in. Mind you a fair amount of the music in the Souls games takes a while for me to fully appreciate and some of the tracks that have stuck to me the most were the ones I fell in love with last so I'm not writing off the music or anything, Kitamura and the team have something to be proud of. It's just that so far, I'm not loving it as much as I had hoped. There's no doubt I'll come to enjoy it a lot more after re-listening to them, especially with the full length versions popping up on Youtube, but even so, it's not likely to have the particular emotions I wanted to have evoked.