Yes, you get one waypoint at a time. It brings you back to the same room you left, or close to it. If you have a waypoint in another dungeon, it's erased as the new one is created. You can fast travel freely when you're not in a dungeon without losing that waypoint, of course.
I'm absolutely blown away by how much people care about detailed combat specs.
Not saying it's a bad thing, but personally I just mash up some combos and enjoy the ride. I'm more into the characters, lore and atmosphere of the game. Combat is just a fun bonus for me.
Who wants a possessed double scythes lvl24 (no stats)? I have one lvl30, received from clearing the last wave of the Crucible.
I'm on Steam![]()
Anyone have any issues sending items to people? At least when I tried to send data to Q and Crooked Rain (PC version), it says they have no save data.
yep, exactly the same here.
What exactly does the Blade Master Talisman do?
Lets you preform all the moves in the game without having bought them.
So I can't figure this out and I haven't been able to find information on the internet about it. What are the two abilities I'm missing from here?
Is it the Amazon Dust speed increase and the ability to see the Gamestop quest enemies?
It's odd because both of them sent me items fine. And it's annoying how I have to scroll through allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll my friends (including ones without the game) to find them.
Why can I not use the Dpad to navigate menus? What kind of cruel joke is that?
Can someone tell me what are these green lanterns that Death keeps saying "Impossible!" to?
oh btw I managed to unstuck the blue orb after 700 different tries with the "bombs".![]()
Need help in the second zone:Dead Tree
So pretty much the first quest in the area sends me into the Breach, which is a small section with lots of pressure pads that drop gates. One drops a series of gates that leads to a locked door, which I don't even have a key for. I'm assuming I'll need some sort of time manipulation device to get me through these, but I have no such thing. I also spent an hour killing the Deposed King thinking he would give it to me, but it turns out he was way before my time, since all he gave me was a hammer I won't be able to use for 6 more levels. I really have no idea where to go or what to do at this point.
There's a trail off to the west that leads to some Guilded zone, but that just seems like a dead end - with a door I couldn't interact with.
Uhh when I hear green lanterns Im thinking the things used for laser beam puzzles
edit: oh lol nm those are health potions haha.I guess I just never use them.
What are those arrowheads for btw? The one I have 26 of.
.What are those arrowheads for btw? The one I have 26 of.
What are those arrowheads for btw? The one I have 26 of.
What the hell is the point of the Raven freeze rank 3 point when the damn skill freezes already -.-
Freeze better!
So I can't figure this out and I haven't been able to find information on the internet about it. What are the two abilities I'm missing from here?
Is it the Amazon Dust speed increase and the ability to see the Gamestop quest enemies?
It's only 2% for a whole point :lol worst shit ever
And god damn pure necro build reaper form damage is OP as shit :lol I just killed a boss in fucking seconds xD
Uh.... Resistance is super fucking important wrath and -% wrath are a little redundant with wrath on hit though.Is it just me or are stats like health, thorns, resistance, wrath, and -% wrath completely useless?
Considering respeccing and going necro build now, haha.
I don't know, I really like the game, but it is difficult to argue they skimped on a lot of things that should have been obvious. If the reason is either incompetence or that the game had to be rushed, I will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume the latter.
Just because the game is well designed does not mean we should (or even encourage people to) overlook the scuff marks.
Normal too easy?
Normal too easy?
i have the dust speed increase dlc and my menu looks the same, so nope. thoug i cant figure out if the speed bust is active or not?!
Seem so from what I'm reading. Come Tuesday when Euro release and I'm starting on Apocalyptic, despite never playing Darksiders on Apocalyptic. Seems the loot mechanics makes the game easier.
So what exactly did I get with Gamestop's Death Rides DLC? I entered and downloaded it before popping in the game for the first time, so I'm not sure what exactly it contains.
I'd like to know that myself.
All I have found is..
Players who pre-order the game from GAMESTOP will receive the 'Death Rides' pack. Featuring multiple exclusive side-quests, this pack allows the most fearless adventurers to explore more of the Maker's Realm and Dead Plains and earn additional experience and loot. Aid an ancient Construct, battle The Bloodless and retrieve Karn's lost treasure in around two hours of unique game play content.
I did the Karn's treasure quests, I think, but the others I have no what they are.
The construct is probably Oran![]()
You're probably right. I forgot about that dude.
Edit: Also, those of you who are asking about the horse speed boost... normally you get 5 speed boosts you can use with R1, do you guys with the DLC get more than that? I bet that's what it is.
Yes. The only challenge I've had so far is fighting a side quest enemy that was apparently meant for level 10 people, at least that's what his gear was for (I was level 4 when I beat him).
If you have access to any preorder items or darksiders 1 items I recommend not using them. Let's just say they don't make the game any harder.