Wait, the stones you get by shooting at them are supposed to make a sound when you're close to them?
What kind of sound?
Like a humming sound. You should be able to know when you are close to one.
Wait, the stones you get by shooting at them are supposed to make a sound when you're close to them?
What kind of sound?
I have one of each pre-order DLC (Steam) to give away. Just quote me and say which one you want. Only 1 per person.
1x Deadly Despair (Your horse has +1 stamina bar) TAKEN
1x Death Rides (A handful of additional (fetch-) quests) TAKEN
1x Angel of Death (Set of lv 5 armor + scythes with crazy health regeneration. Pretty broken. I think this is the one that gives your crow a purple instead of a green glow as well)
tl:dr : Is it essential if you loved DS I?
No. Not at all.
I liked DS1 a lot too but I felt like I wasted ~25 hours of my life this past week.
My mind is set on Sleeping Dawgs ATM but I loved the original Darksiders. I don't have a lot of time because of my job and a very busy social life (a.k.a. boozing it up with my bro's), should I make time for DS II once I've finished Sleeping Dogs?
tl:dr : Is it essential if you loved DS I?
My mind is set on Sleeping Dawgs ATM but I loved the original Darksiders. I don't have a lot of time because of my job and a very busy social life (a.k.a. boozing it up with my bro's), should I make time for DS II once I've finished Sleeping Dogs?
tl:dr : Is it essential if you loved DS I?
Not sure if serious....
A second opnion perhaps?
KevinCow said:If you liked Darksiders and you want that but more and better, then yes.
Also Derrick is negative and bitter about everything ever, don't take him too seriously.
Of course you should get DS2 eventually when you have the free time and what not. I don't know why select opinions should shy you away from trying the game, there is a lot to get into with the game and aspects that you may like that others didn't. IMO its at least as good as DS1 in a lot of ways.My mind is set on Sleeping Dawgs ATM but I loved the original Darksiders. I don't have a lot of time because of my job and a very busy social life (a.k.a. boozing it up with my bro's), should I make time for DS II once I've finished Sleeping Dogs?
tl:dr : Is it essential if you loved DS I?
It also depends upon what type of game you like. If you are in the Batman AC > Batman AA crowd then you will like this way more than DS1.
This goes out to all who have beaten the game...
1. How many hours did it take you to complete?
2. What level were you at when you finished the game?
3. Did you have the(if they even exist)?Legendary Items
Too bad I depleted all the HP from the training dummies so I can't try anything else until I reload.
And so does DS2 improve on DS1 in almost every way.Bad comparison, I like AC more than AA but it actually improved on the first game in almost every way. And the story wasn't close to non existent and at best a lateral progression from the first game's.
Eventually they stop having active hit boxes. Some of the training dummies are your level and some are LVL1 where they take like 3 hits and their life bar disappears. The higher level ones also deplete after a while. I have to re-enter the room for them to regain their health.You can destroy the training dummies? I just wail on them and their health bar never depletes. Another PC version difference?
I don't know what you mean by this. There are white, green, blue, purple, unique purple and possessed weapons (in that order that's the hierarchy of weapons). What the game actually refers to as Legendary items are the unique purples in that they have fixed stats they give you and can be found in the world through some conditions (either just lying around somewhere or through defeating side quests/bosses). Basically unique purples = Legendary, so something like the Black Demise is a Legendary weapon. Some people call Possessed weapons Legendary weapons too but they are not fixed in stats. Possessed weapons can be purchased through Vulgrim by the Legacy (orange) box if you are on the PC version.3. Did you have the Legendary Items (if they even exist)?
Story is the only thing I would say DS1 trumps DS2 over, which is sad, if it wasn't for the fact that I am enjoying everything else 10 times more. Better combat, better and bigger world, tons of side quests, AWESOME MUSIC and the pretty deep loot system.
The loot system is shallower than in Diablo 3. Only a few stats that are really worth having.
Loot system is perfectly fine for an action game and a lot of the stats are worth having depending upon your own build type.The loot system is shallower than in Diablo 3. Only a few stats that are really worth having.
Loot system is perfectly fine for an action game and a lot of the stats are worth having depending upon your own build type.
The only fault in the RPG stats stuff is that health steal and wrath steal is completely OP but the rest of the stuff is fine. Much better than I expected it would turn out.
And so does DS2 improve on DS1 in almost every way.
Way better combat and much faster, way more side dungeons/quests, much deeper RPG customization, a Crucible mode, better soundtrack, more collectibles to find, bigger worlds to explore, fast travel option and more/better platforming.
Right now the only 2 things that DS1 has over DS2 is a more focused and better paced campaign and a better story. And less bugs but even DS1 was a buggy game despite being a much smaller game.
Of course you should get DS2 eventually when you have the free time and what not. I don't know why select opinions should shy you away from trying the game, there is a lot to get into with the game and aspects that you may like that others didn't. IMO its at least as good as DS1 in a lot of ways.
It also depends upon what type of game you like. If you are in the Batman AC > Batman AA crowd then you will like this way more than DS1.
1. Almost exactly 24 hours. Then I put in a couple more hours of sidequesting before starting New Game +.
2. About 20 or 21.
3. I'm not really sure what you mean by this. There are possessed weapons that you get randomly which you can upgrade by feeding them other weapons, and there are a handful of special weapons with special properties that you get for doing certain things such as beating certain bosses. I have some of both.
So much wrong in this post.Most of that stuff is poorly implemented. Way more dungeons yet the few in DS1 were not only more memorable but tougher in the puzzle area. Quests? How dare you mention quests in this game in a positive tone when it's all pointless fetch shit. More collectibles just means more chore work for achievements, fast travel was in DS1 I remember using it specifically for DS1's late game triforce collectathon. Deeper RPG customization like the garbage loot system where you find 1 possessed weapon that renders everything useless? RPG stuff like merchants that just sell more useless loot you don't need?
No fight them as early as you can. When you fight them early their weapon will be instant boost to you once you are able to equip them.I'm afraid to overlevel the side bosses, should I wait until NG+ to fight them?
By the way, my game was shipped to the wrong address, great.
So much wrong in this post.
By quests I was talking about the side quests mostly. Shattered Forge, the 4 elite boss hunt from Thane, Scar, Soul Arbiters maze etc are way better than even most of the main quests in DS1. The elite bosses also provided way more of a challenge than anything in DS1. Personally I didn't find any of the puzzles in DS1 to be all that challenging except for some of the ones in the Black Throne quest, which I personally didn't mind much.
The collectibles are not just for achievements, the stones boost your stats and the pages you collect allow you to go to a room with some impressive loot and a legendary talisman, one of which gives you a possessed weapon per common item found. All of the collectibles in the game improve your character and that's what good collectibles should be about.
Fast travel in DS1 only ported you to Vulgrim locations, there was a lot of pointless running around on the horse in DS1. Couldn't fast travel out of dungeons either without back tracking all the way to a Vulgrim location.
One possessed weapon renders everything useless? Maybe at end game LVL30 but for most of my game the Legendary/Unique items you find for beating side quests have outclassed everything including the ones that give you fire DoT, the Lich Spines, the Achidna Claws and the Black Demise. Only way possessed weapons outclass these types of weapon is very late in the game when you have accumulated various different types of stats to feed into a possessed weapon.
I have found numerous upgrades from the merchants especially for armor pieces. I have also found numerous great stat items from merchants that I purchased instantly that I plan to feed into my end game possessed weapon. I have also found numerous good loot that I have saved up. In addition, I have also found many useful items from doing side quests and some of them I am currently using right now. I know experience varies when it comes to loot and especially when playing different difficulties but you should really look more into the system before making baseless assumptions.
That also ties in to what the next poster asked. Do the side bosses as early as you can because fighting a level 20 guy at level 13 is the only challenge you get in the game.
This shit is so false
This shit is so false
Man that took forever...what awful controls and camera angles for the final Boss of Act 1,rage inducing stuff right there lol...anyway,finally got it...
One thing I am wondering is about the Shattered Forge sidequest to find the Hammer...there is still one point that I can't progress in there because of those yellow rocks...I thought with the purple thing on my hand now I could go on in there but it defaults to the Pistol once inside the dungeon...guessing I still need to come back here later once I found something to destroy those rocks without a Construct?
I don't remember that particular puzzle, but yellow stones can also be destroyed with those regrowing flower bombs. And if you're at the end of World 1 you definitely have all the tools you need to get to the hammer.
Post your guys stat screens. There are at least 15 or so points in the game that are combat intense as fuck and that's on the main story path. Not saying you died but if you had to chug pots and abuse life/wrath regen shit and call the game piss easy after :lol
I only had 1 life regen gear and it was a really small amount. Like it would have taken 10+ minutes of standing there to let it refill my health all of the way, not enough to make any kind of difference for the point of the game I was in.
I played on normal but it was yet another modern game where normal is really the easy mode. I had a much tougher time with DS1 on normal.
Game is buggy. Sometimes sounds will stop playing. I had it freeze a couple time onI do really enjoy it. The art/music/combat is really awesome. Technical side of things its a bit messy.Earth
24 hours and I think I'm nearing the end. Just got theportal gun
I said it once, I like this way more than Darksiders 1. The story could've used some work though, almost feels absent.
Stopped reading right there. Neither DS1 nor DS2 offers any real challenge in Normal mode so why even comment on it?Most of what you said is negated by the game being piss easy. Those weapons you listed by name were not as good as my possessed weapons except maybe the special abilities they had. But no one in the game offers a challenge on normal difficulty so those are pointless.