Okay guys. I've been doing some research about Darksiders II. I really want this game, but I don't want the myriad of glitches it seems to come with. Forum talk has revealed a lot of horrible things to me, including falling through the floors, screen tearing, no textures, slowdown, freezes, and some gamebreaking happenings.
The last thing would kill me. I can't stand having to go all the way back and redo something just because the game wasn't properly tested.
I'm okay with a few problems, but if they are up to the extent described above I'm gonna have a heart attack.
Edit:On the PS3 versions. So, something that won't get fan-patched.
I played through the entire game on Xbox 360. There was some minor screen tearing and ocassional frame rate drops, but nothing major that impacted the gameplay. Never had an issue knowing where I was or what I was doing (save for the few times when I got over eager and would hit the jump button too early on a wall run).
I did hit one bug that required a quit and reset, but was unable to duplicate. And it was the kind of thing that I've seen in games all the way back to the 8-bit NES. During one boss fight I was in Reaper form and tried to switch back just as I happened to get hit by a massive blast which devestated my health. Net result was that the game had me stuck in Reaper form with navigation that appeared to be based around the standard Death model. I was unable to die and unable to use the quick inventory (tho accessing through the menu still worked).
Given that I should have died anyway, I wasn't too worried. Bugs like this happen when there's an odd race condition in the code and the player death fails to register. You can actually make something similar happen on the original SMB if you are small and hit a power up and an enemy at the same time. The game registers both, but not in the correct order.
I get a Solu Reaver vibe from those screens which is great. Can you play DSII without having played DSI?
Very much so. You'll pick up on smaller details if you've played DSI, but won't be locked out of any major points if you just jump in to DSII.
Is it possible to upgrade your potion carrying capacity? I just broke a dozen ceramic jars and there are a few potions lying around that I'd rather save for later than leave to expire.
Get items with health regen. Or power up the Murder skill. Murder means large mobs are basically health farms.
How the hell do you use that counter?
I hold the button and i get whacked
Also, what skills is everyone using? I think we should start talking about builds.
Im using max teleport slash and max shield, with a few skills that help both.
I'm partial to Necro.
Zombies -> To distract large enemies while I bash on them.
Crows (Murder) -> To farm health/reaper energy.
Gun -> To quickly refill wrath energy.
Oh something I noticed with the gun. It's really fucking good in combat as the wrath regen on shots with it is crazy
If you can land your shots, no need for wrath potions.
Can anyone give me more info on 360 version frame-rate.
The Giantbombcast said there are some pretty significant problems.
Got me kind of worried.
Small drops from time to time. Nothing that impacted gameplay. Was pretty minor overall, IMHO.
Ugh this
fight is horrible.
Learn to dodge. Wait, dodge, counter, repeat.
I have decided to cancel my uk xbox preorder until I hear a definte opinion on the framerate problems.
Framerate issues in an action game is a massive problem for me.
See my comments above.