Finished up with the Forge Lands. This game is up there with Dragons Dogma and Mass Effect 3 as my GOTY picks.
Onward to the Dead Plains!
Finished up with the Forge Lands. This game is up there with Dragons Dogma and Mass Effect 3 as my GOTY picks.
Is it just me, or is the hitbox on the Deposed King's mace completely fucking broken? Like he swings it down in front of him, I'm standing next to him, and it still manages to hit me. It's complete bullshit, and it's really pissing me off.
All you are basically talking about is the story. Instead of them saying you need to recover three objects to meet this guy there could have been no NPCs and simply a door needing three keys. There is no difference at all, its just a story crutch. Now if your issue with the story then fine but as a game mechanic it is what all action/adventure games do.[/
So what you're trying to say is how dare I voice a complaint about something that you think all adventure games do? Simple; if I feel something is repetitive, then it doesn't really matter what someone else thinks, since I'm the one playing the game. You may not agree, and that's okay. My point still stands.
So I just started this game and I'm wondering a couple of things:
1. How do I get my Darksiders I items?
2. Is the Deadly Despair DLC in effect from the beginning of the game? Or do I need to do something? How do I know it's working? The horse feels really slow to me.
After much trial and error, I have found a way to completely remove all the stuttering and vsync issues with the game.
(560ti, windows 7 64 bit, 305.53 Nvidia Drivers, D3D Overider)
So from experimenting here's what I found.
V-sync from game ( does not work )
V-sync from control panel ( massive stuttering)
V-sync from D3D ( less stuttering )
V-sync from D3D and Control Panel ( about the same )
V-sync from D3D in windowed mode = Perfect.
Here's the magic combination.
Set Vsync In the in Nvidia control panel to "Use 3D applications setting"
Set Triple Buffering to "on"
(you can freely set anistropic filtering to what ever value you want, and FX Antialiasing works just fine)
In D3D overider Set Vsync to "on" and Triple Buffering to "Off"
Now in the game make sure V-sync is not checked, and run the game in a window.
You should now have the game running in a window perfectly v-synced with zero stutter.
At this point, I used This Program to make the window go into border-less full screen mode.
The border-less window program did require an self update to work on the game, but its a simple procedure.
So there you have it.. a few hoops to jump through, but you will get a super smooth v-sync with zero stutter. ( this same principle applied to AOE online, running that game with forced v-sync in a border-less window removed similar stutter)
Also, when running in border-less window mode the in game gamma is ineffective. The game will just use whatever you native desktop gamma settings are. You can remedy this by using nvidia's built in Gamma and contrast correction from withing the control panel. I had to do this, as the game was a bit too dark.
Hope this helps anyone with stutter issues. As always with the vast array of different hardware and drivers out there, your mileage may vary.
If you need help just ask.
Wow, you're a genius! Runs perfectly now...I knew this rig shoulda been able to run this game without a problem.
Anyone know of a way to unlodge a stuck a construct or am I screwed?
How exactly do you get to the crucible?
Is it just me, or is the hitbox on the Deposed King's mace completely fucking broken? Like he swings it down in front of him, I'm standing next to him, and it still manages to hit me. It's complete bullshit, and it's really pissing me off.
Plays fine especially if you were used to DS1. I would just move dodge to a more accessible button (I have it on Space Bar and Jump on F, Toggle Lock on Alt) and use the Toggle Lock on button for locking on how does this play with mouse and keyboard?
I played Darksiders 1 with mouse and keyboard and that was OK so I don't need perfect controls
Also, does anyone know which files I need to remove so that I can skip the intro logos and stuff on PC?
But really, this game is bugged like crazy. What was the delay for, guys?
I may have just completely fucked myself. I changed to windowed mode and restarted the game. Not I'm getting a critical error that says the Graphics Subsystem cant initialize because 1920x1080 isnt supported for fullscreen? WTF?
Gonna rage super beast mode if I can't get this back up and running.![]()
Are you on Normal or Apoc? I'm debating whether to try it now on Apoc or wait until NG+ on Normal.Man, life on hit makes the Crucible look like shit. Blew through those 25 waves, I don't think I ever got below half health.
Does anyone know where the armor/weapon that you get for having a save file? I'm not seeing them anywhere.
How does Strength impact damage? I have a weapon that does 191-225 and gives 10 strength vs. one that is just 211-237 while dropping me down 10 str.
Man, life on hit makes the Crucible look like shit. Blew through those 25 waves, I don't think I ever got below half health.
what kind of card, drivers, do you have?
Stream for Darksiders II is back up again! Resuming! !
Come join me for some fun!
Where you at? I don't want to be spoiled.
I have an angel of death pack, crucible download and argues tomb for trade on the 360 if anybody wants to trade some other preorder stuff on the 360.
The Achidna fist you get at one point in the game are absurdly good for that reason. They have both life on hit and wrath on hit. I have secondary weapons that do 500+ more DPS and still use those because of how good they are.