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Darksiders II |OT| What starts with War, ends with Death.

Early game spoiler

I can't beat the
corrupted Guardian
I dodge his giant axe no problem, and shoot the explosives on his arm, they blow up and nothing happens. Looking at videos, simply shooting one of them is supposed to cause a chain reaction. This is not happening on my game.
Has anyone got to the
The Wailing Host
and beat him. I'm on PC and every time he gets low he just regains his health back. Maybe I am missing something but I don't think so.
Need some help at Lostlight
I just got to the crystal spire, I need to use a bomb to break the crystal outside the elevator but my duplicates cant go that far, any help please?

Nevermind, I got it.


Question about fist weapon moves. I'm noticing after a Meteor Strike, occasionally, I'll do a one, two combo with the second one being an uppercut. It's not listed under moves and it's very inconsistent when it happens. I've tried to repeat it, sometimes it works, sometimes it's a normal one, two combo. Is this some hidden move? Seems inconsistent if so.

The only uppercut I am aware of is pressing the A button after an attack (I think X+A works also)

What does the uppercut look like?

GhostRidah said:
Need some help at Lostlight
I just got to the crystal spire, I need to use a bomb to break the crystal outside the elevator but my duplicates cant go that far, any help please?

position your statue better. They can make it.


I really like this game a lot, but I have to say that one thing that really gets to me is doing a really drawn-out neat puzzle and the reward is some crappy random loot that's nowhere near as good as what I already have. (._. )
I really like this game a lot, but I have to say that one thing that really gets to me is doing a really drawn-out neat puzzle and the reward is some crappy random loot that's nowhere near as good as what I already have. (._. )

Yeah, you ride already out there, flip a bunch of statues around, climb shit annnnnnnnd it's some shitty armband. Great :/


That actually isnt risky at all, especially is you dodge away from him after. if you keep backing away he will just slowly walk toward you.
Doesn't he do the jump up and then slam down attack with a wide area effect? A lot of times I got killed using Teleport Slash plus if you rely on it too much you run out of it.
I really like this game a lot, but I have to say that one thing that really gets to me is doing a really drawn-out neat puzzle and the reward is some crappy random loot that's nowhere near as good as what I already have. (._. )

I agree, that's one reason I really don't like "loot" in games, randomized rubbish is pointless and unrewarding. It really takes away from the satisfaction of cracking open chests when the contents are random and highly likely to be crap. At least this game isn't as bad as Amalur or Borderlands that bury you in a landfill of detritus after every battle.


Early game spoiler

I can't beat the
corrupted Guardian
I dodge his giant axe no problem, and shoot the explosives on his arm, they blow up and nothing happens. Looking at videos, simply shooting one of them is supposed to cause a chain reaction. This is not happening on my game.

yes i had the same bug twice.
Dying and trying again seems to be to be only option here.
Looking forward to doing this in nightmare T_T
When he bangs both hands on the floor if you dont break them up and hit his face he wont regen.

That is exactly what I'm doing but no matter what when he falls over he gets back up with his health back. I just knocked him over 6 times but still couldn't get him to die. Yet I can get him to stage two easy so not sure whats up.
Early game spoiler

I can't beat the
corrupted Guardian
I dodge his giant axe no problem, and shoot the explosives on his arm, they blow up and nothing happens. Looking at videos, simply shooting one of them is supposed to cause a chain reaction. This is not happening on my game.

wait for the bomb to roll around, then shoot it. It will hover off the ground for a few seconds then come at you, use the hovering time to position yourself where the bomb will hit the guardian instead of you.

Carm said:
Question about fist weapon moves. I'm noticing after a Meteor Strike, occasionally, I'll do a one, two combo with the second one being an uppercut. It's not listed under moves and it's very inconsistent when it happens. I've tried to repeat it, sometimes it works, sometimes it's a normal one, two combo. Is this some hidden move? Seems inconsistent if so.
Ive come across this too. I think its a just frame but I don't know the timing.


Initially incredibly impressed with the combat (great job, tragic!); there's a lot there, but seeing that the jump was made into the launcher really made me smile. The art work of everything is just incredible; great art comes out of JoeMad like bullshit comes out of my dumb face. It might seem like a small or even a bad thing to some, but I very much appreciate that Vigil decided to not try and lay textures all over the place, instead using plain colors and long slabs to bring a cartoony and vibrant art style to the world. Most of all though, it's the characters, not just in design, but also in writing, and especially in voice work that has me real impressed. Whoever is hiring the voice talent for both these games is clearly the best in the business. I'm not even slightly kidding.

A bit bothered by the general performance. I can't quite tell what it is, but moving the camera around is not smooth, and it seems to "snag" ever-so briefly when moving. It might be a framerate thing, I dunno. It's not a big issue, as I only notice it when trying to admire the grand vistas of the game, not while fighting. I'm not sure why there isn't an install on the PS3, as I would think a few gigs would help make the entire game smooth as butter (I say this knowing nothing about programming; hamsters on wheels, right?). The menus are also a bit unresponsive, but Vigil is smart in not making you go into them very often (so far). Oh, and I wish I could re-listen to the Makers' dialogue.

Needing sleep, I decided to turn the game off when I felt I finally reached the first dungeon. I was impressed how well-integrated it was into the world, but dungeons are my least favorite parts of these games, so I'll try and whip through it again tomorrow. Overall, I think we should change the name of the OT to Darksiders 2.5, as I really think Vigil deserves that nod. This game is just packed to the brim with amazing content.


This is what I'm talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGLhVhUK238

Only buttons being used, is jump, meteor strike, and fist attack. If it's a hidden move of some sort, it comes out very inconsistently. Either that or my 360 controller is starting to fail.
Dude that's a just frame attack on landing of the Meteor Strike. It's a property of the Meteor Strike. That's basically the charged move of the secondary weapon. You can do it with every secondary weapon, its particularly good with the hammer.

It's a hidden mechanic/property of the Meteor Strike, mastering it is very useful but it's not easy because the timing is very specific.
This is what I'm talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGLhVhUK238

Only buttons being used, is jump, meteor strike, and fist attack. If it's a hidden move of some sort, it comes out very inconsistently. Either that or my 360 controller is starting to fail.

Its the perfect timed version of the Buckler charge move. If you release the charge button at the exact right time it does that. Its different for all six of the heavy weapon categories.
There is a trick called a Just Frame that if you time pressing the Y/Triangle button at the moment right before you land during Meteor Strike you will preform the perfect timed version of a secondary weapon.

So I found all the Book of the Dead pages and the weapon you get from that is amazing. It does chain lightning on weapon hits.

Edit: Well I was late on the reply, but my point about the Glaive still stands.


wait for the bomb to roll around, then shoot it. It will hover off the ground for a few seconds then come at you, use the hovering time to position yourself where the bomb will hit the guardian instead of you.

He is talking about phase 1 and i had the same bug. The arm just won´t shatter.


If you exit the
Soul Arbiter's Maze
, can you enter where you left off, or do you have to start over again?


Thanks for the responses, I figured it was something like that. Hopefully it's not my controller making it inconsistent though.

I'm level 12 and I am doing a side quest with enemies level 17. Should I not do this quest yet? I do seem to be dying more than usual here.
I know exactly where you are. I personally would leave that area alone until you are at least level 17, 18. The boss fight at the end of that is tough as heck unless you're buffed up.
I've put in about 5 hours so far, fucking loving it. So far it is basically everything I had hoped it would be. Vigil have done an incredible job.
So is there no way to change the direction using the deathgrip/grappling hook? I could have sworn I was able to hang from them and change direction.

spam it while in mid air, if you're able to turn the camera around I've made it go in the opposite direction. Essential if you fire the gun or grapple in mid air, death kinda floats for a second, use that time to turn the camera and pray your grapple catches haha :)

There are numerous ways to beat him. I figured out at least 3. One of them is really broke and anyone who is even underleveled can beat him.

1) I am pretty sure the way that you are meant to fight him is that you are supposed to use the Deathgrip to get around. When he lights up the platform and you have no room to go you have three options A) Either hand on the side ledges, they are two spots where you can hang off of or B) Use the Deathgrip to get in his face and them some how come behind him (very risky) or C) Use the Deathgrip to go back to the platform you came from or D) Use the Teleport Slash to get behind him (also risky). Using the Deathgrip you can get in his face and do a ton of damage. Always be ready to dodge, his attacks do a lot of damage. You can get behind him and attack, just be ready to dodge the tail (least damaging of his attacks). Also be warned that if he is walking and you are hanging on a ledge, he can knock you off balance.

2) The other strategy is instead of using the Deathgrip you can use the Gun. Use the Gun to chip him from long distance and when he does the runway move hang off the ledge. When the fire has subsided, come back on the platform and chip him or try to attack him. Use the maximum range of the ledge and when you are corner try to get behind him and repeat the process.

3) This strategy I am 100% certain is broke. Basically this strategy is the "lame ass" strategy where you don't even get near him at all during the entire fight. You do what I said before (use gun to chip, hang on ledge then move back while shooting). When you run out of space to move back, you just jump into the lava. You will take minimal damage and reset the fight.... only he will have the same life as you left him. Keep doing this cheese method and you can easily beat him, you don't have to fight him up close at all.

Someone told me that it's possible to use the gun to knock him off the ledge, I don't know how that happens to be honest. Another person told me who was using a Necromancer build that ghouls + shield can be used to beat him rather easily as the ghouls distract while you turn on shield and attack him from behind. I use Harbringer spec and aside from the Teleport Slash my options are limited against him.

One last tip for him and the king, WEAR RESISTANCE Gear. Idk why but all the way up to lvl 15 I was only stack defense with lil to no resistance. Both fire attacks and ice attacks were destroying me but getting my resistance up to 300 helped quite a bit, (fire only did ticks of 12 and being iced didn't hurt as much). My biggest frustration right now is trying to find gear with both crit chance and resistance, that and getting a damn good pair of claws...
Doesn't he do the jump up and then slam down attack with a wide area effect? A lot of times I got killed using Teleport Slash plus if you rely on it too much you run out of it.
yes he does, that's why you dodge afterwards. he should never hit you with that move or his tail. Once you got some space between you, start shooting, it builds up wrath... at least it did for me. Now that i think about it, im not sure if that's something the gun does by default or if it was my build. But yeah, thats how i kept my wrath up, backing up while shooting then when he gets too close... teleport slash.
Haha, I got stuck inside a wall and had to reload.


I really like this game a lot, but I feel like maybe it was rushed a little bit so THQ could have a big title sooner.


Early game spoiler

I can't beat the
corrupted Guardian
I dodge his giant axe no problem, and shoot the explosives on his arm, they blow up and nothing happens. Looking at videos, simply shooting one of them is supposed to cause a chain reaction. This is not happening on my game.

You have to shoot the explosives on his arm while his arm is on the ground after he tries to crush you, don't shoot the explosives while he's doing nothing.
At least that's how it is in my game.


What's everyone else's approach to upgrading and equipment?

I've been taking my usual brute force tank approach. Get the biggest, most damaging hammer/axe/mace/other heavy weapon for my secondary weapon. Defense and offense are my primary concern, with Crit Damage and Crit Chance a secondary concern. I think I have something like an extra 80% in Crit Damage from my equipment. I pretty much want crits as much as possible, and I want them to do stupid amounts of damage when I get them.

Then on top of that, I respecced to pour all my points into fully upgrading Harvester and Unstoppable. On top of Harvester being a good area of effect attack, both of these even further increase Crit Chance and Crit Damage.

So I've gotten pretty good at just murdering most guys in just a few seconds.

Also, always have a Health Regen on something. Doesn't even have to be a great one, it's just good to regen in the slower exploring and puzzle solving parts between battles. Save a few health potions.


Just beat the main story with Death at lvl 21. Warning Completed side missions and collectables will not carry over to new game+. Kind of a bummer I have to collect all those dead pages again. All weapons and armor do carry over, which is great!

so there isnt a levelcap to 20 in your first playthrough?!

edit: member :D

edit2: please tell me you learn to double jump in darksiders 2. please!!!


Finished the first area Forge Lands. Again if you're deciding between Normal and Apocalypse difficulty (hard) go Apocalypse. I've had no troubles yet and if you are good at action games like this, you should be fine from what I've seen so far.
Can someone explain how upgrading equipment works? When the tutorial for it came up, it did not appear any of my stuff was upgradeable but maybe I just missed how.


Can someone explain how upgrading equipment works? When the tutorial for it came up, it did not appear any of my stuff was upgradeable but maybe I just missed how.

You can only upgrade possessed weapons. Click on one, click upgrade, and sacrifice an existing item in your inventory for that weapon to gain experience.
edit2: please tell me you learn to double jump in darksiders 2. please!!!

Maybe? I beat the game and don't have it, but I'm also missing two abilities that I can't find information on anywhere. One of them might be the preorder bonus to make Dust faster, but I don't know.

What level do you guys recommend I take on the first interval of the Crucible?

I want to see I beat it at lvl 15 on Apocalyptic. I'm not the greatest at these game, so its probably doable earlier. Health on Crit is vital though.

Can someone explain how upgrading equipment works? When the tutorial for it came up, it did not appear any of my stuff was upgradeable but maybe I just missed how.

There is of course the loot that drops, but on occasion you should come across Possessed Weapon that can be "fed" gear to imbue them with specific stats and upgrade any stats it already has.
Can someone explain how upgrading equipment works? When the tutorial for it came up, it did not appear any of my stuff was upgradeable but maybe I just missed how.

Here's a helpful guide on Possessed Weapons:


Here's that one track that plays in the intro, during a certain boss battle
The Guardian
and at the PS3 XMB:


Best track in the game.


^ fuck me, thanks so much for that song. I have been looking for it. Although, I would like the intro to be a bit longer. It feels like ti starts ~15 secs into the music which starts off the game. Still a god send though.
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