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DARKSIDERS |OT| More like Zelda than God of War


Running off of Custom Firmware
I think I just got to it. I used the horn I got from Vulgrim to open up a path to a new area. If this isn't the first dungeon, then I'm sure I'm rapidly approaching it. Arguably, I spent too much time last night dicking around and breaking cans, cars, poles, trees, desks, chairs, etc. for extra souls. :D

I'm playing on Apocalyptic because I'm going to try to go for the Platinum during my first pass through the game. I like games that allow you to get all Trophies/Achievements without replaying the game 3 or so times...


Mejilan said:
I think I just got to it. I used the horn I got from Vulgrim to open up a path to a new area. If this isn't the first dungeon, then I'm sure I'm rapidly approaching it. Arguably, I spent too much time last night dicking around and breaking cans, cars, poles, trees, desks, chairs, etc. for extra souls. :D

I'm playing on Apocalyptic because I'm going to try to go for the Platinum during my first pass through the game. I like games that allow you to get all Trophies/Achievements without replaying the game 3 or so times...

Yes you are on your way to the first dungeon, but first you willhave to see Samael.


I played just a bit farther than the Panzer Dragoon bit.

I'm loving the game. It's been a long time since I've played a LoK or Zelda game, and this makes me want to go back and run through them.

The battle system is fun. I was really worried about the move selection until I got to the first shop. Then I was like :D

thetrin said:
Wait, when has that ever been a BAD thing?

When you strip War's slow ass mount of a dash and different types of ammo. Just felt tacked on. Luckily it was easy, though I hope that's the only moment of its like in the game.

Dyno said:
As well I'm not yet understanding the internal logic behind most of the button placements. It doesn't feel natural yet. You have attacks and defensive maneuvers on both face and shoulder buttons. That said I'm playing on Normal (as a break from Demon's Souls) so it's not like a bit of button fumbling yet results in my death. Block seems unreliable but Dashing to the side is your all-around evade button.

I agree with this. Pressing R2 and L1 to go into the demon mode or whatever it's called just felt really strange.


I'm playing on Apocalyptic because I'm going to try to go for the Platinum during my first pass through the game. I like games that allow you to get all Trophies/Achievements without replaying the game 3 or so times...

I almost did it in Uncharted 2. But i quit. I couldnt play the game a third time on crushing. Not too mention you literally need a guide to collect all the treasures.

Well I got close in God of War Collection HD. But I dont want to replay that either.


Skilletor said:
I agree with this. Pressing R2 and L1 to go into the demon mode or whatever it's called just felt really strange.

Maybe they should have changed it witht he combination for the horse. That one is L1 + R1.


Seriously, all this talk of Bayonetta VS Darksiders needs to stop. That needs its own thread please.

As for Darksiders, I plopped it in and couldn't disengage myself. The game already so soon into it has me hooked with it's Metroidvania style layouts. Trying to mentally note all locations I need to come back to when I have the powers/abilities necessary.

The graphics are brilliant. They especially did well with facial movement but as well with the destruction in the walls and buildings. The beautiful rich colors of the game make it so appealing to venture thru.

The controls are a mixed bag during the learning curve of the game, but thankfully, like most games, things are becoming second nature and it is getting easier to block, dash away, dash back, chain combos from ground to air, use the sword to say the Harvester and what not, etc etc.

Voice acting is very enjoyable. I am pretty impressed recently with voice acting in games (getting to some back logs and playing Dead Space and Assassin's Creed 1 and those as well have really great voice acting) and Darksiders does not disappointment. I am liking WAR's voice and Mark Hamill well... he's just golden.

Lots of love for Darksiders. The tearing isn't so bad on my TV but I do hope they patch it.

Regardless, Darksiders delivers.


An blind dancing ho
Mejilan said:
Playing it on my PS3 via HDMI, and using it to break in my brand new Panasonic 42" Plasma (TC-42G10) which I just picked up on Sunday. I've noticed no framerate or tearing issues yet.

don't you need something without huds to break-in plasmas ?

from panasonic site said:
4. What is the "break-in" period and what should I do during the break-in period to minimize any risk of image retention?
When your plasma TV is initially installed, the first 100 hours of use is known as the "break-in period." During this time, to minimize any risk of image retention, you should:

1. Make sure the plasma TV is in a viewing mode (aspect ratio) that completely fills the screen. The panel is shipped in this condition, in what is called the "Just" mode.
2. Turn down the Picture setting (in the Picture menu) to +0.
3. Briefly engage the 4:3 mode and confirm the side bars are set to "Mid", or "Bright". This can be adjusted in the Set Up menu.
4. Always return the display mode that fills the screen (such as Just, Zoom, Full, or H-FILL).
5. Try not to view channels with stationary backgrounds or logos for extended periods of time.
6. Avoid extended display of static images (video games, computer images, DVD title screens, etc.).

I think you will do something very very wrong..
Well, I played about an hour and a half last night on PS3 (1st time I ever bought a multi platform game on PS3). I hate doing mee too comments in messageboards, but I have to confer with everyone in the thread so far. From the Zelda style Z-Targeting (which everyone else should have fucking copied YEARS ago) to the enemy design, I am loving this game so far.

My complaints however are the usual suspects. Button placement is all kinds of fucked up. Why can't you hit the trigger once and stay locked onto an enemy? Also the command for Chaos form does not seem natural to me.

If you are on the fence on getting this, don't be. This is a great game and It is kicking off 2010 in great style. Now to hurry up and get through it so I can get crackin on Bayonetta and continue Dragon Age


formerly nacire
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Why not? I hear normal is almost too easy. Apocalyptic is hard but very fair and is easly managable. It was harder at the begining then it is for me now.

I agree. In the beginning wrapping my head around the controls made the difficulty even worse, but as I'm buying new moves and getting the hang of the system, the combat feels balanced and fair. I'm glad I chose to play on Apocalyptic.:D
nacire said:
I agree. In the beginning wrapping my head around the controls made the difficulty even worse, but as I'm buying new moves and getting the hang of the system, the combat feels balanced and fair. I'm glad I chose to play on Apocalyptic.:D

Yeah I find myself usually getting through most battles no problem now. A couple I might have to try a second or third time. Then I'm usually golden. I even took out the second dungeon boss in two tries!

Also, I just got to an arena looking area in the Ashlands...can anyone tell me how far I am? I just hit the 7 hours and 30 minuntes on my save file (no Ruin yet either.)


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Yeah I find myself usually getting through most battles no problem now. A couple I might have to try a second or third time. Then I'm usually golden. I even took out the second dungeon boss in two tries!

Also, I just got to an arena looking area in the Ashlands...can anyone tell me how far I am? I just hit the 7 hours and 30 minuntes on my save file (no Ruin yet either.)

The death animation on the second boss is fucking awesome by the way.
MMaRsu said:
I can't stand this type of ignorance either. 1 review scores a 7 and there are mixed reviews? Lol. Also, a 7 is bad these days? Then there's the fact that this isn't even a "big budget game".

So everything below a 8.5 is mediocre i.e bad in your view?

Considering how most magazines and websites will not give shit games the 2 they deserve? We all know that most outlets do not use the full 10 points on their review scale so as a result, a lot of readers will only consider games that get an 8 or above where as if you look at shit objectively, a 6 or better to me at least seems respectable.


Str0ngStyle said:
Considering how most magazines and websites will not give shit games the 2 they deserve? We all know that most outlets do not use the full 10 points on their review scale so as a result, a lot of readers will only consider games that get an 8 or above where as if you look at shit objectively, a 6 or better to me at least seems respectable.

I know, but to me personally a 7 is not a bad game. Which is why I really like Edge's use of the review scale. At least they give shitty games bad scores. Ofcourse sometimes they can be wrong, but reviews are still opinions.


Oneself said:
Seriously, if you like Soul Reaver, Metroidvanias, Super Metroid, God of War (I'm not really a Zelda fan BTW) there's not a single reason why you wouldn't like this game.

A demo would probably show the combat system more than anything else and wouldn't be representative enough of the whole game since the marketing around this game, sadly, seems to push towards the action/fighting/blood/kills/gore shit.
MMaRsu said:
Dude you really need to pick up this game if you enjoy games. Lol.

I was playing last night and after the second dungeon, on the way to the third one I just felt so fucking badass! The art is awesome, and the places you go to are equally awesome. THIS GAME ROCKS.
Thanks guys. :)

Friend of mine rented it so I'll get the chance to sample it on Friday. Thread definitely made me curious!

And I meant mixed as in "decent, solid game" -> "OMG worthy successor to Soul Reaver!" which is enough of a quality gap for me to call impressions mixed. :lol
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Why not? I hear normal is almost too easy. Apocalyptic is hard but very fair and is easly managable. It was harder at the begining then it is for me now.

I went for apoocalyptic, I dont play alot of ninja gaiden type games, and I died twice before even getting to vulgrim, but once I learned I needed to dash out of combos it all clicked. Even when I died it wasnt frustrating because I come back with full health. Thats perfect for me
TrAcEr_x90 said:
I went for apoocalyptic, I dont play alot of ninja gaiden type games, and I died twice before even getting to vulgrim, but once I learned I needed to dash out of combos it all clicked. Even when I died it wasnt frustrating because I come back with full health. Thats perfect for me

Yeah thats what I appreciate too. Even if your having a issue with a boss, or a group of baddies. Dying at them just means you get all your heath back when you re-fight them. This is especially awesome if you started the fight with low health. So basically if you can just get past a group thats troubling you, most likely you won't have to ever fight them again because the way this game checkpoints is damn good. :D (Bayonetta did this too!)


Haunted said:
Thanks guys. :)

Friend of mine rented it so I'll get the chance to sample it on Friday. Thread definitely made me curious!

And I meant mixed as in "decent, solid game" -> "OMG worthy successor to Soul Reaver!" which is enough of a quality gap for me to call impressions mixed. :lol

BTW, I still think Raziel and the world of Soul Reaver (as well as the soundtrack) is better.

I could also add that, if you like Metroidvanias and want one in 3D; Darksiders is pretty much it... just replace the endboss with Dracula, add some skeletons, a whipping metrosexual and you got it.
One thing I noticed. The games music. I'm enjoying it but I found it far to quite. So I turned it up and turned down the sounds just a notch. Now I can hear it much better. :D

TheChillyAcademic said:
So how is the plot and narrative?

Its servicable. Its well voice acted. Its nothing super intricate as far as I can tell granted I've not completed the game yet. Game opens with a problem. Somethings not quite right. Things need to be fixed. Your the solution. :D


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
For anybody that's still on the fence, I'm constantly updating the reviews section of the OP. We've got a very comfortable list of reviews now, though we are missing some reviews from some of the bigger outlets (GameSpot, 1UP, Giant Bomb, GameTrailers).


ZealousD said:
For anybody that's still on the fence, I'm constantly updating the reviews section of the OP. We've got a very comfortable list of reviews now, though we are missing some reviews from some of the bigger outlets (GameSpot, 1UP, Giant Bomb, GameTrailers).

Yeah I think the reviews are embargo'd for some weird reason.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
MMaRsu said:
Yeah I think the reviews are embargo'd for some weird reason.

Well the embargo ended yesterday. Publishers can't hold embargoes for games after they've been released.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Its servicable. Its well voice acted. Its nothing super intricate as far as I can tell granted I've not completed the game yet. Game opens with a problem. Somethings not quite right. Things need to be fixed. Your the solution. :D

Servicable is right. Well at least it's comprehensible unlike the story from some other game that was mentioned before. ;) I also really like the Apocalyptic scenario. It's something that's not been done to death yet.
Xater said:
Servicable is right. Well at least it's comprehensible unlike the story from some other game that was mentioned before. ;) I also really like the Apocalyptic scenario. It's something that's not been done to death yet.

LOL yeah that other game plot is all over the place! lol

I really appreciate the fact that the apocalpyse comes and you get to see the start of it and then the 100 year aftermath! Brilliant! :D
ZealousD said:
Well the embargo ended yesterday. Publishers can't hold embargoes for games after they've been released.

Well they technically can't embargo anything to begin with, but review sites need access to continue their business, so they have to acquiesce.


MMaRsu said:
I really want to quit this BS discussion because I'm trading this game in for Bayonetta as soon as I've finished this game. This is a game you play through once and maybe pick it up again in a year to replay it or something.

You can say what you want to say about having played the bayonetta demo, and your cute little posts you make here are all fine.

But I'll say this - once you play Bayonetta you'll realize how fucking retarded you were by saying Darksiders is better than Bayonetta.

Darksiders is a good game from the little I've played thus far, but Bayonetta is rewriting the fucking book on action games.

Ever fucking review for Bayonetta (360) seemingly indicates it's the action game to copy here on out. Just go to gamerankings and read some reviews. They can't ALL be on the bayonetta = action gotg train can they?

Also the demo of Bayonetta is bullshit to the entire experience. What you see in the demo in terms of offense and defense of Bayo's arsenal in the demo is about 2% of the shit you'll be pulling off later on.


Hubba hubba


jabipun said:

Didn't I say drop the discussion? FUCK.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
For Christ's sake this isn't the "Bayonetta vs Darksiders Official Thread". Keep that shit out of here. They're different games, different sensibilities, different structures, different styles, etc etc etc.
jabipun said:
But I'll say this - once you play Bayonetta you'll realize how fucking retarded you were by saying Darksiders is better than Bayonetta.

Well well mister. I completed Bayonetta right before popping in Darksiders. Now not to start some trivial elementary school fight of which game is better, I can say that Darksiders definetly stands its own ground from Bayonetta. Both games are widely different in theme. While Bayonetta might be re-writing the book of actions games... Darksiders is a more of a adventure game. Sure there is plenty of action in Darksiders but still there is much more then just combat. Which Bayonetta is almost purely action the whole way through.

Both games exceed very well in their genres and I think it would be best if you just leave it at that.


I just met with Samael and so far this game is incredibly awesome. For some reason the combat is just clicking with me. It's brutal yet simple and I love it. I'm also totally digging the artstyle. I've never noticed screen tearing before though in all my 15 years as a gamer, but it's incredibly apparent here. Really hoping for a patch

Overall though I'm having a blast with it and I can tell this will not be a purchase I'll regret


Pro-Bayonetta dudes, get the fuck out of this thread. We're talking about Darksiders... I don't go in the Bayonetta thread to say that Darksiders is a better game (instead of saying that I THINK it's a better game) so keep those discussions where they belong.

And you know what? God of War 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, and Uncharted 2 as well.. should I go in every thread on GAF and say that those are better games so anyone playing something else is retarded??
AltogetherAndrews said:
Jesus fuck christ, Bayonetta fanboys are annoying.

And the game just released. Its only going to get worse!

So ummm yeah guys... when you get your horse... would you say thats the official halfway point of the game?


slasher_thrasher21 said:
And the game just released. Its only going to get worse!

So ummm yeah guys... when you get your horse... would you say thats the official halfway point of the game?

I would guess so because of the number of boss trophies left. I have not played much more yet though. Today was a Gundam vs. Gunda: Next Plus day for me ;)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Jirotrom said:
any chance this is scoming to pc?

Nothing confirmed yet, but there is a chance. Development started on PC, so they have the basic code.


This game is an amalgamation of nearly every good thing that action games have done over the past twenty years. I'm in love. I'm so sorry to the developers for calling the art style Gears + Warcraft; I just got out of the second dungeon and the decayed/sunny subway vibe was just plain gorgeous. Love the puzzles, love the combat, love the exploration, and this is the first day 1 buy that I haven't regretted.

You can call Darksiders derivative, and it is. There are tons of ideas that have been neatly lifted out of Runic's influences, from the armor chattering cheerily as you run, to the glaive carrying elemental power along its path. But rather than feeling cliche because of that, if feels inspired. I play games analytically, inspecting every little element and interaction of such while playing to see what works, what doesn't, and why that is. I'm guessing that the guys at Runic are just like me in that respect.


While I hardly doubt that Bayonetta is the superior action game,I have to congratulate Darksiders already. :D

I haven't played it yet,but it's a perfect example of what more western developer should aim for.Great art direction can go a long way toward improving the game(especially if your budget isn't big),even if it's flawed.There's so much potential since there's more than enough comic books artists who could improve and bring our games up to par with asian stylization. :p


jabipun said:
You can say what you want to say about having played the bayonetta demo, and your cute little posts you make here are all fine.

But I'll say this - once you play Bayonetta you'll realize how fucking retarded you were by saying Darksiders is better than Bayonetta.

Darksiders is a good game from the little I've played thus far, but Bayonetta is rewriting the fucking book on action games.

Ever fucking review for Bayonetta (360) seemingly indicates it's the action game to copy here on out. Just go to gamerankings and read some reviews. They can't ALL be on the bayonetta = action gotg train can they?

Also the demo of Bayonetta is bullshit to the entire experience. What you see in the demo in terms of offense and defense of Bayo's arsenal in the demo is about 2% of the shit you'll be pulling off later on.
Bayonetta and Darksiders are fairly different games, well they try to be. A more appropriate discussion would Darksiders vs. God of War.


george_us said:
Bayonetta and Darksiders are fairly different games, well they try to be. A more appropriate discussion would Darksiders vs. God of War.

I can't tell if this is a joke. Are you joking?



Once you're in Twilight Cathedral the game goes from pretty good to fucking awesome. Loving the amount of environment puzzles and combat pacing.
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