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DARKSIDERS |OT| More like Zelda than God of War

Sorry if old but Game Informer had an interesting Tidbits: Fun Facts about Darksiders sidebar in this months issue. Here are what I thought were the most interesting. One I thought was a little spoilery so I'll tag it.

Game Informer said:
*War was almost a kid with a robotic arm, affectionately referred to as "Robot arm kid."

*In an early version of the game, War could wall run and wall bounce.

*The original pitch was for all four Horsemen featuring multiplayer co-op for up to four players.

*Darksiders had several names throughout its early development, starting with Z.O.O.D. and later Doomrunners.

*Though none of the Horsemen are actually named in the Book of Revelation (besides Death), the names commonly given to the other Horsemen, Pestilence and Famine
were changed to Strife and "Fury to make them more "game friendly." The sex of each Horsemen is also unspecified in the Book of Revelation, referring to each of them as "Beasts," but in Darksiders, one of them -Fury, is female.

*The original scope of the game was so large that three dungeons and an entire underworld area were cut. Several key characters were cut from the story as well, including "The Hunter," a human who somehow managed to survive, becoming the last human being


Neuromancer said:
Sorry if old but Game Informer had an interesting Tidbits: Fun Facts about Darksiders sidebar in this months issue. Here are what I thought were the most interesting. One I thought was a little spoilery so I'll tag it.

*The original scope of the game was so large that three dungeons and an entire underworld area were cut. Several key characters were cut from the story as well, including "The Hunter," a human who somehow managed to survive, becoming the last human being

o_O They didn't want to make a 30 hour game ala Zelda? Or they just didn't have the time to develop all of it and polish it too?

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
i haven't had this much fun in a game in ages - really loving it. quite far into the twilight cathedral now. as others have said, some technical stuff, some tearing and slowdown but it doesn't pop up often. some more personality in the music would have been nice, but as it is it's a really solid, fun game. seemed to come out of nowhere for me.

the blocking's a bit of a pain in the ass as i always activate the dash instead, so i've kind of stopped using it at all :lol

so glad i picked this up.


MMaRsu said:
o_O They didn't want to make a 30 hour game ala Zelda? Or they just didn't have the time to develop all of it and polish it too?

Probably didn't have the time. Remember, they considered a newgame+ but decided they didn't have the time.

God, that would have been an amazing game. I hope they have the time for the sequel.

And I like the idea of the last human, although it's a little too late to go back to that considering even the Council believes all humanity is dead. Would be a little weird if that escaped them.


The original scope of the game was so large that three dungeons and an entire underworld area were cut.

I hope they already started the level designs for those so they can use them for the sequel. I don't want to wait a long time for the sequel

As far as the rest of the points, I'm glad they didn't implement them. Actually I don't care for the rest of the horsemen gameplay (maybe just the story line), since War already implement most their weapons (scythe and range attacks)

And Battle Arena! you hear us Vigil, we want Battle Arena.


Futurevoid said:
+ I can't wait for a sequel. The finale was fantastic and the final scene with
the other horseman arriving to fight alongside War
just oozed cool.

I so wished the ending lasted another 10 seconds :( They sure know how to tease.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I am giving away Darksiders shirts, 2 games and 2 signed posters by Joe Mad himself. PM if you are interested in finding out the details.


o_O They didn't want to make a 30 hour game ala Zelda? Or they just didn't have the time to develop all of it and polish it too?

Sounds like they already have a lot of material for the sequel. It wouldnt surprise me if you can switch between the four horsemen as you discover them throughout the game Kameo style.


Caspel said:
I am giving away Darksiders shirts, 2 games and 2 signed posters by Joe Mad himself. PM if you are interested in finding out the details.

PM'd you about a shirt! Let me know man.. I'd love to get something! I never win anythin:(


Caspel said:
I am giving away Darksiders shirts, 2 games and 2 signed posters by Joe Mad himself. PM if you are interested in finding out the details.
Very interested! PM-d :)

Evidently I am extremely weaksauce as Apocalyptic mode is still regularly kicking my ass. Half way through the desert area right now but the enemies are seemingly getting easier? At least I can bat them off the towers into the sand :lol


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
just so every knows... the person who wins the Darksiders poster is going to be super happy (provided the shipping company doesn't throw it through a shredder). It's gigantic and Joe Mad personally signed it. It's too bad that I am giving it away or else I would put it up the office of my publication and have it framed haha.
So I finished the game with everything collected on Apocalyptic, and went back to try and get the Achievement for the flying section - killing 160 enemies. About 20 goes later I have decided this is impossible for me. I end up between 130-150 EVERY FRICKING TIME - no more, no less. I just cannot break that barrier.

I usually don't care much for achievements - I have 1000/1000 only my fave titles - but I wanted to do this one. It looks like it is not going to happen though.

Replaying this over and over is just tarnishing my love for the game that I built over the past 20 hours playing it :(


Keyser Soze said:
So I finished the game with everything collected on Apocalyptic, and went back to try and get the Achievement for the flying section - killing 160 enemies. About 20 goes later I have decided this is impossible for me. I end up between 130-150 EVERY FRICKING TIME - no more, no less. I just cannot break that barrier.

I usually don't care much for achievements - I have 1000/1000 only my fave titles - but I wanted to do this one. It looks like it is not going to happen though.

Replaying this over and over is just tarnishing my love for the game that I built over the past 20 hours playing it :(
Don't worry I'm exactly the same, must've played that section about 15 times myself now (also Apocalyptic) and always get a similar score to you :lol Actually I halted my progress on the game for 2 days due to always trying that section when I played (also following some helpful gaffers tips in this thread). I've decided to leave it til I finish the story now but it does drive me nuts.


The Ruin criticism is pretty spot-on imo. It takes forever to get to him and you use him for maybe an hour. After that, you never have to use him ever again.


Running off of Custom Firmware
The Aerial Predator section is rather easy if you approach it correctly. I did it on Apocalyptic (for the platinum) a few nights ago. Some bullet points:
1) Non-charged shots are WAY stronger than charged shots. Keep this in mind for the dragon thing, the gold angels, etc. However, for the gold angels, you will need to mix things up and also employ charged shots as a defensive measure, to take out THEIR homing shots.

2) There are built-in checkpoints throughout the entire sequence that save your progress AND kill counts when said checkpoints are reached. Exploit this to replay each section until you get what you feel is a decent number of kills, before moving on to the next sequence.

3) Building on point #2 above, try to finish the early, outdoor area and enter the fiery caves with 40 kills already. This entails occasionally ignoring the small numbers of flying angel targets in order to focus on difficult-to-see ground units. Protip: If you see a big truck or oil tanker on the ground, take the time to blow it up. More likely than not, you'll wipe out a handful of almost unseen ground units in one fell swoop.

4) Once you get to the caves, it makes sense to focus on the swarms of harmless flying insectoid creatures, to the exclusion of everything else (including targets attacking you). Most of the attacking targets will wait, or at least have a much larger window before flying off. The swarms are key, their appearances and patterns are preset, memorize-able, and thus, exploitable.

5) When tackling said swarms, rapid sequences of charged shots are critical. Take no more than 2-3 seconds per charged shot, even if you don't have a lot of targets locked. It's better to unleash a steady stream of charged shots rather than hold on to them until you have more targets locked. More shots + splash damage = more kills, even if your aim isn't ideal.

40 kills before the caves leaves only 120 during the caves. VERY doable.


Neuromancer said:
Sorry if old but Game Informer had an interesting Tidbits: Fun Facts about Darksiders sidebar in this months issue. Here are what I thought were the most interesting. One I thought was a little spoilery so I'll tag it.
Darksiders 2 plz


Running off of Custom Firmware
If you're starting over the Angelic Mount sequence from the beginning each time, then you're doing it wrong. :)
Mejilan said:
If you're starting over the Angelic Mount sequence from the beginning each time, then you're doing it wrong. :)

Once I get a good score I will keep the auto save. I had low 20's last time :/ I am also memorising the placing of insects, as I missing a few (the start of the swarm) each time.
george_us said:
The Ruin criticism is pretty spot-on imo. It takes forever to get to him and you use him for maybe an hour. After that, you never have to use him ever again.
You never *have* to, but I used him all the time while traveling. If the option appeared for me to ride Ruin through the area, I didn't see a downside. It's a more effective way of clearing out enemies all around the game world since you're weapon damage gets a major buff when you're riding him. Plus, he just looks freaking cool.:D
Oh My! Got 161 in the flying section. Hooray! Thanks for the tips


It's all over now though... I miss you Darksiders :(

Thanks Vigil :)


On the weekend I got my Platinum Trophy. I first beat the game on Normal getting most of the collection Trophies in 25 hours. Then a second playthrough on Apocalyptic difficulty to get the few I missed in 10 hours.

I highly recommend this game to any action adventure fan. Stop focusing on what parts come from other games and how those compare and allow yourself to enjoy the work Vigil put together. You won't be dissappointed. The production values and attention to detail are awesome.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Caspel said:
just so every knows... the person who wins the Darksiders poster is going to be super happy (provided the shipping company doesn't throw it through a shredder). It's gigantic and Joe Mad personally signed it. It's too bad that I am giving it away or else I would put it up the office of my publication and have it framed haha.

Me want!! :D
Must say the end boss is fantastically unfair. Went in with full health, died, then they restart you with 1/2 health. That's really shitty.

Edit: It helps to make a separate save slot right before the end boss so this doesn't happen to you.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Neuromancer said:
Must say the end boss is fantastically unfair. Went in with full health, died, then they restart you with 1/2 health. That's really shitty.

That always happens when you die.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Neuromancer said:
Must say the end boss is fantastically unfair. Went in with full health, died, then they restart you with 1/2 health. That's really shitty.

I thought his patterns were amongst the simplest of all the bosses.
Soooo easy.


Yeah I beat him the first time I ever faced him
and his second form
on Apocalyptic, losing very little of my health bars.

It was extremely simplistic.
ZealousD said:
That always happens when you die.
Yeah I know but it seems especially out of place here, since you start all the way back with whatshisname and the story cutscene plays over again.

I'll give it another a shot tonight, hopefully it's as easy as everyone says.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
starting to enjoy the game a fair bit.

i still think the controls are horribly inadequate though. i have to click the stick, hold L2, press R2, then click the stick again to use my boomerang. everything about them are just far too clunky.

I can't believe they shipped the game with controls like this, to be honest.


Unlimited Capacity
You only click the stick to switch in and out of "shooter" mode. You automatically drop out if you attack. After you get used to it it's second nature, really. Everyone has a bit of trouble with it in the Cathedral.


Ok so I just got this game and I've played about 3 hours and I'm enjoying so far, although I feel it's not as amazing as some of the impressions in this thread made me believe, but I'm still having a great time with it and it probably gets better over time, plus the story is pretty interesting so far so at least I have that to keep me going if it gets dull.
ok so im at the black throne. im supposed to look for the item right away that will show me all treasures all over the world right? should i get the void walker first, then start backtracking??? i want to find everything and get the armor before i start beating the black throne.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
ok so im at the black throne. im supposed to look for the item right away that will show me all treasures all over the world right? should i get the void walker first, then start backtracking??? i want to find everything and get the armor before i start beating the black throne.

you'll need to beat black throne before you can get all the abyssal armor, iirc.

Plus, you need the voidwalker to get the item that reveals all the treasures and such.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
oh ok. so i need to beat black throne before i can even get the item to see all treasure chests?

no, you can get the item pretty shortly after you get the voidwalker tool. It's in the first third of the Black Throne dungeon, when you
step on a panel which creates a bridge over a chasm, you'll see a portal foundation up and to the left of you in a opening in the wall. Shoot a panel exit there, and go look for another place nearby to place your portal entrance.
Awesome. Beat the last boss on my first try tonight. Sometimes it helps to start fresh.

Hell of a game. Can't wait for the next one.

Question- is it possible to go back and get all the enhancements and armor I missed, if my only save is right before the end boss? Or do I need to do it in my next game? Thanks.


Beat it, it was a very enjoyable a ride. Its a shame you didn't get to see the other horseman at all.

All n All I hope the sequel is about 10 hours longer and a little bit harder boss fights. Game was far to easy IMO.


For those who want to see how the other three Horsemen look, they're all in the artbook + comic that people who pre-ordered got. EB Canada finally got it in a few days ago (after I finished the game) so I picked it up.


Son of Godzilla said:
How accurate was the 15 hour estimate?
I finished somewhere between 14.5 and 15.5 hours. Didn't do any item hunting although I did use the horse at every opportunity to get the kills on horseback achievement.


Heh...looks like you can find sub-bosses wandering around randomly.

I found the jailer walking around, minding its own business in the dry road, so I just kill it :lol

any other sub-boss that I can fight randomly somewhere?
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